Docker - OH 3 - Homekit

Once I downgraded the Homekit binding back to 3.2.0 stable and restarted the OpenHAB docker container, all zwave and zigbee bridges and devices came back online and are working properly again.
The issue is most likely caused by something with the Homekit binding version 3.3.0 snapshot, because that’s the only thing I changed.

ok. i cannot explain it but software is complex things, who knows. maybe you need to upgrade everything to same version

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Could be. I’ll test again once 3.3.0 stable is out.
Thanks again for the help :pray:

Is anyone else having problems using the iOS Home app when away from the local Wi-Fi network?
I have an iPad that should serve as a local HomeKit hub, but when I’m away from home and try to use my iPhone’s Home app using the cellular data network, all my OpenHAB devices in the Home app are not reachable.