Dynamic icons for weather

Unless I’m missing something, switch Debug, upon change, does run the rule. It then sets the transform to the correct url. Still no image.

It is telling us what is wrong

Your String Item state is being set to url="http://localhost... etc.
That’s not a valid URL.
URLs do not begin with url="xxx , they begin with http://localhost...

It’s doing what you told it in your map file

That’s just not what you want.



Gotcha. What makes this whole thing so confusing is the docs and how they say the definition is supposed to be…includes the url= part…what you are saying makes complete sense though. I’ll try it out sir!

No, the docs show an example of using the Image widget with a url= parameter.
The alternative way to use Image widget with an item= parameter is what you are doing, and described as

a String Item whose state is an URL that points to an image.

Don’t see any harm in adding examples though

I think the examples would be a plus. They skirt around this…

Thank you very much sir!!!

It is fully functional now. I think examples of use in rules would be really helpful, may have negated a lot of this for me.

latest stable openhabian release

Hi, everything is working fine, except the image-item (channel gives NULL) off the MeteoBlue binding. Can anyone confirm this?

(i have no problems with the openweather image channel - this gives data …)