[eBUS 2.0] Configuration support/contribution

Hi all,
How to get changes in ebus-XXX.json propagated PaperUI?

So far, it seems that:

  • To re-read the json configuration of ebus binding, the binding must be reloaded (enough to click on edit of Ebus binding and save without changes).
  • However, this does not update the existing Thing and its Channels. I have to delete the Thing and create it again - this generates a new id, which I have to change in my sitemap for the defined Items eventually.
  • When I simply tried to to re-type the id of the newly added Thing to the old id, it did not seem to show the changes from updated json file.
  • I also noticed that even that I deleted a Thing in PaperUI, the Items from sitemape continued to update.

I am a bit confused by the behaviour and looking for a way how to update the ebus binding configuration and verify in OH.

Is there a recommended workflow?

Hi @csowada and @mikulaos

back in November 2016 IĀ“ve started this topic here ([eBus]: Vaillant Colormatic 700 (VRC 700)) as I own a Vaillatint VRC 700. IĀ“m not too deep into all the stuff and after it seemed that there was no progress on that topic, IĀ“ve lost it a bit out of my mind. Now, after 2 years, I came back on the Vallaint topic and just read what you guys have done in the past months. :open_mouth:
Just wanna say a big thanks for all the time you spent and for the work youĀ“ve done! :+1::+1::+1: It helps people like me, who are not familiar with all that stuff, really a lot! THANKS!!!