May 12, 2019, 1:41pm
I use the last builded version.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ebusctl info
version: ebusd 3.3.v3.3
update check: revision v3.3-4-g212b22d available, broadcast.csv: different version available
signal: no signal
reconnects: 13
masters: 3
messages: 13
conditional: 0
poll: 0
update: 4
address 01: master #6, ebusd
address 03: master #11
address 06: slave #6, ebusd
address 08: slave #11
address 10: master #2
i installed now the latest version but with the same results
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ebusctl info
version: ebusd 3.3.v3.3-19-ga3f4999
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 41
max symbol rate: 50
min arbitration micros: 58
max arbitration micros: 97
reconnects: 0
masters: 3
messages: 13
conditional: 0
poll: 0
update: 4
address 01: master #6, ebusd
address 03: master #11
address 06: slave #6, ebusd
address 08: slave #11
address 10: master #2
the log file show me
2019-05-12 17:07:28.480 [main notice] ebusd 3.3.v3.3-19-ga3f4999 started with auto scan
2019-05-12 17:07:28.926 [bus notice] bus started with own address 01/06
2019-05-12 17:07:28.935 [bus notice] signal acquired
2019-05-12 17:07:30.238 [bus notice] new master 10, master count 2
2019-05-12 17:07:30.787 [bus notice] new master 03, master count 3
2019-05-12 17:07:31.577 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:07:32.342 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110102 / 05033c78465e
2019-05-12 17:07:36.438 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:07:39.008 [main error] scan config 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:07:40.530 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:07:41.097 [main error] scan config 15: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:07:42.573 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5040100 / 0a00213909ffffffff0080
2019-05-12 17:07:42.793 [update notice] received unknown BC cmd: 10feb505020400
2019-05-12 17:07:44.617 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:07:50.728 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:07:53.189 [main error] scan config 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:07:54.802 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:07:55.285 [main error] scan config 15: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:08:00.928 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:08:02.949 [update notice] received unknown BC cmd: 10feb516080037191712050719
2019-05-12 17:08:03.214 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b512020000 / 00
2019-05-12 17:08:04.999 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:08:06.707 [main error] scan config 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:08:08.790 [main error] scan config 15: ERR: read timeout
2019-05-12 17:08:11.126 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:08:11.414 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5040100 / 0a00513909ffffffff0080
2019-05-12 17:08:15.203 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:08:19.257 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:08:20.862 [main error] scan config 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:08:25.397 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:08:29.446 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:08:31.485 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110102 / 05033c78465e
2019-05-12 17:08:32.959 [main error] scan config 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:08:35.570 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:08:39.664 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:08:41.679 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5040100 / 0a00224009ffffffff0080
2019-05-12 17:08:41.901 [update notice] received unknown BC cmd: 10feb505020400
2019-05-12 17:08:43.751 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:08:45.031 [main error] scan config 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-05-12 17:08:49.827 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
2019-05-12 17:08:53.923 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5100900000078ffff05ff00 / 0101
2019-05-12 17:08:57.106 [main error] scan config 08: ERR: read timeout
2019-05-12 17:09:00.023 [update notice] received unknown MS cmd: 1008b5110101 / 0934340080ffff0000ff
May 13, 2019, 7:45am
You should switch to the ebusd topic and check my short manual. Yor ebusd log is okay, we just use the raw ebusd part. So telegram resolving is not relevant.
I’m starting an experimental version of the eBUS binding here. With this binding you can now use the great ebusd deamon directly over a network. So you can benefit from the good hardware support and let the ebusd deamon do the low level access to the bus.
If this experiment goes well, I will integrate it into the public eBUS binding. Until then I want to collect feedback from ebusd users.
This information is a preliminary information and I hope I can publish a complete release tomorrow.
Step …
May 13, 2019, 4:34pm
i installed link in your instruction.
i also change the file /etc/default/ebusd
**EBUSD_OPTS="-d -l /var/log/ebusd.log --enablehex --scanconfig --latency=20000 --address=01 -f -p 8888"**
i also installed your
[eBUS binding RC5 - ebusd-2]
And here are my ebbst settings.
i have the same problem as before.
May 13, 2019, 8:22pm
You should switch your config to ebusd network driver instead raw. And you can use the latest RC6, it includes the ebusd part.
May 14, 2019, 6:22pm
I change it to the ebusd network driver and installed the latest RC6 but with the same result
May 15, 2019, 12:08pm
Do you use the the IP of the ebusd server on your pi or the IP of your esp board? Or is both connected via USB?
May 15, 2019, 8:28pm
The ebusd server run on my esp8266 and I use this ip as you can see in my picture
Via WiFi I try to connect my rpi (oprnhab 2.4) with my ebus adapter (esp8266).
May 15, 2019, 10:02pm
As far as I know the esp doesn’t run the real ebusd service. It is only a serial plus bridge for ebusd service on a computer. So you need to run an ebusd service in your network. But I not use ebusd, maybe I’m wrong.
May 16, 2019, 5:32am
I use this firmware for my esp.
Sorry yes the esp isn’t the server.
I thought the service run on my rpi. Isn’t it the same as I connect it directly via USB to my rpi?
May 22, 2019, 8:16pm
So, I’ve released a new version. It should fix primary some ebusd connector issues.
May 23, 2019, 7:30pm
after i update to RC7 i got “OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR”.
May 24, 2019, 3:39pm
But it runs with the last release? Do you use now the ebusd service?
May 26, 2019, 11:15am
A new release with some smaller fixes, nothing special.
(Thomas K.)
June 10, 2019, 6:31pm
Hi all,
[start of praise - may be skipped]
first kudos again to @csowada for this smoothly running binding. Recently upgraded to openHAB 2.4.0-1, upgraded my KNX binding and (just a couple of minutes ago) also moved to the newest eBUS binding 2.4.0-RC7b.
Having a Wolf system with BMW, SM1, CGB2 etc. almost everything runs super smooth. I do have about 0,1% (!) erronous telegrams and it runs for months without a hitch. I have even put some data like water (DHW) and outside temperatures on my KNX bus to visualize it in relevant rooms (using MDT Glastaster II).
[end of praise]
There is one mystery remaining: the solar return temperature. This value is not automatically updated like all the other ones. However, it gets a new value as soon as I check this parameter manually at the BM2 operating panel. Then the actual value is sent to openhab. You can see it in the attached picture. The magenta value “Rücklauftemperatur Solaranlage” only changes 2 times - each time I looked it up on the BM2 panel.
Any ideas? Could this be a bug or needs this value somehow to be actively polled? Any help appreciated.
Thanks, Thomas
P.S.: I was not (yet) able to change the heating program and - this would be really great - to force a manual warm water heating to get hot water e.g. for bathing. Still some experimenting needed…
June 17, 2019, 4:56am
Yes, you should poll the collector value. My Wolf BM2 unit queries the SM1 very often, but only at day. So I also use polling to get more values.
(Thomas K.)
June 20, 2019, 10:33am
Many thanks for the answer. Can I initiate the polling from within openHAB? If yes, how is this done? It does not really make sense to manually push buttons on the BM2…
June 20, 2019, 11:24am
You can set polling for most thing items in PaperUI. Check the edit icon on the right side.
(Thomas K.)
June 20, 2019, 12:09pm
Many thanks for the quick answer. Found the polling entry in Paper UI, set a value of 60 seconds.
Alas, I get the following log:
2019-06-20 13:57:01.995 [ERROR] [dev.ebus.core.EBusLowLevelController] - emergency break!!!!
2019-06-20 13:58:01.964 [ERROR] [dev.ebus.core.EBusLowLevelController] - emergency break!!!!
2019-06-20 13:59:02.050 [ERROR] [dev.ebus.core.EBusLowLevelController] - emergency break!!!!
And no new values for the return temp variable visible. So the forced poll does something, but nothing good…
July 7, 2019, 8:45pm
I’ve recently listed my openhab installation to a separate server. I’m running ebusd on a RPi and I’m connecting to that RPi with this binding. Everything works fine but sometimes I have some connectivity issues on the RPi which causes the binding to disconnect: OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR No route to host (Host unreachable)
It seems though that the binding never tries to reconnect. When I restart openhab everything works again. Is it possible to let the ebusd connector try to reconnect?
July 9, 2019, 6:13am
At the moment the ebusd part is still experimental, so I try to check this behaviour next days. Could you send me a log that contains the error and all relevant messages before and after.