Hi, Has any of you tried to set time/date via the binding on the VRC470? I asked for this very early in this thread, then new releases of binding appeared, currently I’m on 0.9.19.SNAPSHOT and I don’t see this being possible (unless doing something wrong). I’m not sure either whether it is possible via eBUS or from the controller only. This would be very practical feature as VRC470 doesn’t have any battery and each power outage resets the clock. With ability to set it via binding I could automatically set the clock by a rule.
hi, I’m a newbiw of this bridge. I use openhab 2.5 and I installed ebus2.0 binding from marketplace.
I added -Dgnu.io.rxtx.SerialPorts=/dev/ttyebus to EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS rebooted, but I can’t see any things to configure. can you help to configure first time?
ps my ebusd is installed in another raspberry
I updated manually to last version and now I see “configure ebus binding” page.
I configured network address, port and ebusd as network driver; nothing on serial connection.
I started a new search on bridge but nothing appears.
the ebus metrics are all 0.
Hello togeher,
now after a big break i want check again if it is possible to receive the information from my vallaint vws 82/3. Now i want start with a new openhab setup and with the newest release 7b.
For receive the data i have bought a esera ebus ethernet apdapter:
What is the best way to communicate with openhab UDP or TCP. I think TCP ? Then is the follow configutation the right one:
And then is this the right configuration in the openhab.cfg ??
# Serial port of eBus interface
# Valid values are e.g. COM1 for Windows and /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyUSB0 for Linux
# ebus:serialPort=COM2
# TCP Hostname and Port
# Warning: Only use ebus.hostname or ebus.serialPort
# Custom parser configuration file
# This example tries to load a configuration ${openhab_home}/configurations/ebus-config.json
# Load different parser, currently supported
# >> common - All telegrams defined by eBus interest group
# >> wolf - All telegrams specified by Wolf/Kromschröder
# >> vaillant - All telegrams specified by Vaillant
# >> testing - All unknown or test telegrams
# >> custom - Use configuration defined by ebus:parserUrl
# default uses common and all vendor specified telegrams
# Set the sender id of this binding, default is "FF"
Is is possible to use a lot of custom json files because i think a have the follow controller in my heating unit
- 08.ehp
- 15.uih
- 23.ehp.cc
- 25.ehp.hwc
- 50.ehp.mc
Thank a lot for all help. Thank for create this binding.
i use your RC7 version with my ebus Adapter with my Wemos D1 mini.
if i restart my RPI3 i can reload the homepage from my Wemos D1 with ebusd.
after my RPI3 boot my Wemos D1 crashes. Does your RC7 has a problem?
i directly connect my EBUS adapter via UART to my RPI.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ebusctl info
version: ebusd 3.3.v3.3
update check: revision v3.3-40-gd9d1b9a available
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 22
max symbol rate: 82
min arbitration micros: 2227
max arbitration micros: 4570
min symbol latency: 5
max symbol latency: 7
reconnects: 0
masters: 3
messages: 230
conditional: 0
poll: 0
update: 9
address 03: master #11
address 08: slave #11, scanned “MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0518;HW=7401”, loaded “vaillant/bai.0010006101.inc” ([PROD=‘0010006140’]), “vaillant/08.bai.csv”
address 10: master #2
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd
Now i add 08 as a slave adress for my “Vaillant BAI00” but i didn’t get any data.
I also try to show the received data for my “eBUS Bridge” but i openhab didn’t show my any
how can i solve the problem?
openhab> smarthome:ebus list
Thing UID | Label | Type
Hi @witek_1308,
I haven’t tried using this binding, but I’ve succeeded using John’s ebusd with ebusctl. I can get/set time and date. Also, I have a lot of other working ebusctl command which are absent in this binding. Especially I can set HotWaterCircut schedule which sets on/off circulating pomp. But I don’t know how to translate it to OH binding.
Can anyone help?
@vangass, probably @csowada will be best here as eventhough I think I know how to create json files for the commands, they don’t necessarily work properly even though they look ok. We started putting our contribution there [eBUS 2.0] Configuration support/contribution, please have a look if it clarifies anything for you. There is an aritcle which explains how to use these settings but I can’t find it quickly now.
I don’t feel strong in this though - let’s take DHW setting - I never managed to be able to set it to anything, the settings are never reflected whereas very similar setting for heating ON/OFF/Auto works perfectly. I had this discussion with @csowada quite long ago and it was inconclusive. Maybe command was wrong or maybe it is simply sent incorrectly, can you share yours? Your use case with DWH is what I tried to achieve but I never succeeded due to the problem above.
I think, you mean this doc: eBUS Configuration, but unfortunately right now I don’t have time to learn how it works.
A year ago, I found on some german forum information about directly setting DHW using eBus and that it is not possible on VRC470.
What I achieve is setting schedule for DHW using ebusctl, so it turns on/off circulation pomp. And using this, you can program OH to set schedule on 00:00-24:00 mon-sun and off 00:00-00:01. But it is a workaround concept.
ebusctl read/write command for DHW schedule is quite simple:
ebusctl read -v -f ccTimer.Monday (Tuesday etc)
ebusctl write -c 470 ccTimer.Monday ‘06:30;07:30;17:30;21:30;-:-;-:-;Mo-Fr’
PS. An interesting thing is MQTT combined with ebusd. I have all necessary ebusctl commands and some MQTT devices already working in OH. It is much simper then writing own json config files.
can someone please help me with my log
17:54:17.197 [DEBUG] [inding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - eBUS telegram error; Master CRC invalid! IS:C1 SHOULD:00 [ERROR: MASTER_CRC_INVALID, DATA: 10 08 B5 09 00 00]
17:54:21.325 [DEBUG] [inding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - eBUS telegram error; Received SYN byte while receiving telegram! [ERROR: INVALID_SYN, DATA: 10 08 11 01 89 00 40 80 00 FF AA]
17:54:23.306 [DEBUG] [inding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - eBUS telegram error; Telegram starts with an invalid source address! 08 [ERROR: INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESS, DATA: 10 08 11 01 89 00 40 80 00 FF AA 00 FF 00 AA 10 B5 02 03 00 AA FF FF A0 01 AA 78 60 00 10 B5 09 00 FF 05 00 00 9A AA 05 00 00 01 00 AA 16 10 B4 12 00]
how can i solve the eBUS telegram error?
hi, I’m using the last version. I configured the eBus bridge using the network driver ebusd.
with the auto discovery I can see new objects , ex. “Vaillant VR90 (1C)”, but then in the Control page all the news things have null values, except “Room Raw temperature” .
another strange thing is about the “eBUS Bridge”:
eBUS Metrics:
Received telegrams 1017534
Failed telegrams 0
Resolved telegrams 184727
Unresolved telegrams 699299
Failed telegrams ratio 0.0%
Unresolved telegrams ratio 79.1%
Roundtrip time 0
on the log I can see repeatedly only same things:
2019-11-07 10:39:02.770 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_resolvedTelegrams changed from 932 to 952
2019-11-07 10:39:02.773 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedTelegrams changed from 3258 to 3301
2019-11-07 10:39:02.776 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedRatio changed from 77.8 to 77.6
2019-11-07 10:39:32.756 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_receivedTelegrams changed from 4845 to 4924
2019-11-07 10:39:32.781 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_resolvedTelegrams changed from 952 to 966
2019-11-07 10:39:32.783 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedTelegrams changed from 3301 to 3355
2019-11-07 10:40:02.769 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_receivedTelegrams changed from 4924 to 4987
2019-11-07 10:40:02.785 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_resolvedTelegrams changed from 966 to 974
2019-11-07 10:40:02.789 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedTelegrams changed from 3355 to 3404
2019-11-07 10:40:02.793 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedRatio changed from 77.6 to 77.8
2019-11-07 10:40:32.752 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_receivedTelegrams changed from 4987 to 5064
2019-11-07 10:40:32.765 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_resolvedTelegrams changed from 974 to 1004
2019-11-07 10:40:32.768 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedTelegrams changed from 3404 to 3455
2019-11-07 10:40:32.781 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedRatio changed from 77.8 to 77.5
2019-11-07 10:41:02.751 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_receivedTelegrams changed from 5064 to 5135
2019-11-07 10:41:02.768 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_resolvedTelegrams changed from 1004 to 1009
2019-11-07 10:41:02.775 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedTelegrams changed from 3455 to 3503
2019-11-07 10:41:02.778 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedRatio changed from 77.5 to 77.6
2019-11-07 10:41:32.754 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_receivedTelegrams changed from 5135 to 5208
2019-11-07 10:41:32.764 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_resolvedTelegrams changed from 1009 to 1016
2019-11-07 10:41:32.773 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedTelegrams changed from 3503 to 3556
2019-11-07 10:43:32.764 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bridge_a1701081_metrics_unresolvedTelegrams changed from 3717 to 3770
2019-11-07 10:43:42.376 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ebus_bai_a1701081_08_bai_boiler_control_getopdata_temp_lead_water changed from 43 to 42
i got a lot of error messages. how can i solve this problem?
15:58:58.752 [ERROR] [ebus.service.parser.EBusParserService] - error!
de.csdev.ebus.command.datatypes.EBusTypeException: A valid day must be in a range between 1-12 !
at de.csdev.ebus.command.datatypes.ext.EBusTypeDate.decodeInt(EBusTypeDate.java:127) ~[364:de.cs-dev.ebus.ebus-core:0.9.20.SNAPSHOT]
at de.csdev.ebus.command.datatypes.ext.EBusTypeDate.decodeInt(EBusTypeDate.java:1) ~[364:de.cs-dev.ebus.ebus-core:0.9.20.SNAPSHOT]
at de.csdev.ebus.command.datatypes.EBusAbstractType.decode(EBusAbstractType.java:106) ~[364:de.cs-dev.ebus.ebus-core:0.9.20.SNAPSHOT]
at de.csdev.ebus.command.EBusCommandUtils.decodeValueList(EBusCommandUtils.java:374) ~[364:de.cs-dev.ebus.ebus-core:0.9.20.SNAPSHOT]
at de.csdev.ebus.command.EBusCommandUtils.decodeTelegram(EBusCommandUtils.java:422) ~[364:de.cs-dev.ebus.ebus-core:0.9.20.SNAPSHOT]
at de.csdev.ebus.service.parser.EBusParserService.onTelegramReceived(EBusParserService.java:94) [364:de.cs-dev.ebus.ebus-core:0.9.20.SNAPSHOT]
at de.csdev.ebus.core.EBusControllerBase$2.run(EBusControllerBase.java:142) [364:de.cs-dev.ebus.ebus-core:0.9.20.SNAPSHOT]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) [?:?]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:?]
many thanks to csowada for the great binding.
I installed have OH version 2.40 and eBUS binding 2.4.0-RC7b
I’m trying to connect a vaillant Ecocompact VSC206 with VRC700 with the binding. This works well, but I still have a few questions:
- i don’t get a value for all Thing Channels e.g. Boiler pressure
- I have a Failed telegrams ratio of 15%.
and Unresolved telegrams ratio 18%.
here is an excerpt from the log:
019-11-14 18:14:49.933 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - Received telegram from address 10 to 08 with command boiler.control.setopdata
2019-11-14 18:14:49.934 [DEBUG] [hab.binding.ebus.handler.EBusHandler] - Handle received command by thing Vaillant BAI00 (08) with id ebus:bai:9967ce6a:08 …
2019-11-14 18:14:59.656 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - Received telegram from address 10 to 08 with command boiler.control.getopdata
2019-11-14 18:14:59.657 [DEBUG] [hab.binding.ebus.handler.EBusHandler] - Handle received command by thing Vaillant BAI00 (08) with id ebus:bai:9967ce6a:08 …
2019-11-14 18:14:59.915 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - Received telegram from address 10 to 08 with command boiler.control.setopdata
2019-11-14 18:14:59.915 [DEBUG] [hab.binding.ebus.handler.EBusHandler] - Handle received command by thing Vaillant BAI00 (08) with id ebus:bai:9967ce6a:08 …
2019-11-14 18:15:03.522 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - eBUS telegram error; No response from slave! AA [ERROR: NO_SLAVE_RESPONSE, DATA: 03 06 B5 09 02 28 02 3E]
2019-11-14 18:15:04.615 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - eBUS telegram error; No response from slave! AA [ERROR: NO_SLAVE_RESPONSE, DATA: 03 06 B5 09 02 28 02 3E]
2019-11-14 18:15:05.712 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - eBUS telegram error; No response from slave! AA [ERROR: NO_SLAVE_RESPONSE, DATA: 03 06 B5 09 02 28 02 3E]
2019-11-14 18:15:09.649 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - Received telegram from address 10 to 08 with command boiler.control.getopdata
2019-11-14 18:15:09.649 [DEBUG] [hab.binding.ebus.handler.EBusHandler] - Handle received command by thing Vaillant BAI00 (08) with id ebus:bai:9967ce6a:08 …
2019-11-14 18:15:10.234 [DEBUG] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - Received telegram from address 10 to 08 with command boiler.control.setopdata
2019-11-14 18:15:10.235 [DEBUG] [hab.binding.ebus.handler.EBusHandler] - Handle received command by thing Vaillant BAI00 (08) with id ebus:bai:9967ce6a:08 …
Do I have to adjust any settings so that i get all values?
Thanks a lot
[ERROR] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - error! after updating to openHAB 2.5 RC1:
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2019-12-10 10:53:09.655 [ERROR] [nding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler] - error!
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.openhab.binding.ebus.handler.EBusBridgeHandler$1.run(EBusBridgeHandler.java:203) [bundleFile:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:308) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:294) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_112]
Did not have this kind of error before RC1, had MS3, MS4, MS5 and MS6 installed
Hallo All,
I’m currently not working on ooenhab to spend my time for other things. But I hope I find time to update the binding after the 2.5 release. The main problem with a high unresolved telegram count is the lack of configuration files for many Vaillant devices.
how can we help you?
If you need logs or anything, let me know.
Currently I try to setup the new build setup. I’ve some issues with the dependencies.
will it include new configuration files for many Vaillant devices?