Eclipse IOT Market bindings not available

I have been using the market bindings for quite some time now. Trying to resolve an issue with Bluetooth I rebooted my box and now although I see the market is installed I don’t see any market bindings available. I have Alpha selected so I should see all of them available but nothing. Am I missing something? Breaking my head and I cant find anything here on forum.

I did notice that on paper ui the include Bindings switch turns off when I reboot so I think it is a corrupt configuration of the market itself.

looks like this is really a market problem, same here…

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Oh ok so I am not going crazy. I don’t know how many things I have tried. When did it stop working for you? Not sure how to report this…

What I don’t get is why this would make my switch turn off. I don’t believe that would have anything to do with the market itself. Also I would imagine there would be more folks reporting this.

Things went South when the Amazon binding crashed my box. There is another thread about that. I wonder if that corrupted anything on my box. I have tried clearing cache and all the usual. Rebooted openhab and the box itself multiple times.

I added a market.cfg with the following and now the switch state survives a reboot but I am still not seeing the market bindings.

# whether to show bindings from the marketplace (default is true)

# whether to show rule templates from the marketplace (default is true)

# possible values for maturity are
# 0 = Alpha
# 1 = Beta
# 2 = Production/Stable
# 3 = Mature
# default is 1

I noticed this issue yesterday when I went to uninstall/reinstall a binding after a reboot and it wasn’t showing up. I quickly realized it was likely a marketplace issue. My switch is set fine and stays on, so that is not my issue. I wonder if this has something to do with separation of OpenHAB from Eclipse.Smarthome? If so I would hope there would be announcement, but I didn’t see anything. In my case I was able to manually reinstall the binding from a download I had archived. These type of events are extremely frustrating however, especially for those of us that come to rely on OpenHAB beyond just a hobby. I’m running 2.5.4 btw.

I am running 2.5.5. These are the errors I am getting when trying to install two of the market bindings.

2020-06-16 12:59:53.862 [ERROR] [nternal.extensions.ExtensionResource] - Exception while installing extension: No extension service registered for market:binding-3694484
2020-06-16 12:59:53.890 [ERROR] [nternal.extensions.ExtensionResource] - Exception while installing extension: No extension service registered for market:binding-3769218

Was your fix to add a jar file for the IOT Marketplace in your addons folder?

So u are able see the marketplace binding but can’t install them, is that correct? In my case I could not even see the binding. Yes my fix was to add the missing binding.jar to the addon folder and reboot.

Is this something that @Kai might be able to help with? At least to identify if it is in fact a market issue or if it has something to do with the separation? I haven’t read up on the separation or what that means to us.

Yes I’m certain @Kai would know if it is the result of separation.

Just as a point of reference I did some searching and apparently something similar occurred in Sept. 2018. Something to do with eclipse changing the cryptography on their server and OpenHAB could not complete handshake/connection to the server. Perhaps it is another change. Eventually/apparently it was resolved.

I am not getting those errors on my log though. Are you getting any errors like these on this port from 2018?

@John_Siemon which version of the binding did you have backed up. Maybe I can look for a jar file online that would at least temporarily resolve this issue for me and others.

For me it was ISY binding 2.4 that I was attempting to reload from the market place. I haven’t done anything further to try resolve the access to the marketplace as I’ve been busy with other projects, and after after I manually Installed the ISY binding my system is running and stable. However it seems odd that only 3 of us have reported this failure, but perhaps most Users do not use the marketplace.

Looks as though this issue may have been resolved. It seems I able to see marketplace bindings now. I did nothing so it must have resolved on their end.

Unfortunately, I dont have the same results. My market bindings are still not showing up. I agree on the only three of us having the issue part though. There must be something missing or misconfigured on our end because when something similar to this happened back in 2018 the post was very busy. I doubt that people would abandon the market place in that time specially when there are many goodies in there. I’m not really sure what to check at this point. I have rebooted, cleared cache , uninstalled and reinstalled everything. I have set and unset every switch in paper UI associated to this and it’s still not working. I’ll poke around some more later today. Thanks for the help though.

@John_Siemon, I really do think its an issue on their end. Check this out. I think you got lucky with your ISY binding. After doing the following steps, I can see a handful of market bindings. Unfortunately, the Bluetooth ones I need are not there :frowning:

These are the steps I took to get those to come up in case anyone runs into this in the future.

  1. Delete any marketplace.cfg file you may have in your /conf/services/marketplace.cfg.
    ( Make a copy before so you can put it back once its all working)

  2. Stop openhab

sudo systemctl stop openhab
  1. Clear Cache
sudo openhab-cli clean-cache
  1. Delete the cached config file. I have seen some get stuck in here and no matter what options are selected in paperUI or in a .cfg file, nothing changes. It will get recreated if you add the marketplace.cfg back.
cd /var/lib/openhab2/config/org/openhab
sudo rm marketplace.config

This is the contents of mine

# whether to show bindings from the marketplace (default is true)

# whether to show rule templates from the marketplace (default is true)

# possible values for maturity are
# 0 = Alpha
# 1 = Beta
# 2 = Production/Stable
# 3 = Mature
# default is 1
  1. Start openhab
sudo systemctl stop openhab

Yes. I agree it is on their end. On closer examination those are the only bindings I see as well, however I did not make any changes on my end so that I could see them. I believe this will resolve in time and we will have to be patient. They may be updating their website. On that note, did u look to see if u could download ur binding directly from their website and do a manual install? Not sure if that is even possible but worth a look.

No, definitely not due to that. Looking at, I see all (or just many?) bindings still present in the Eclipse IoT Marketplace and the market itself being up.

So does it seem to recover for you? Or can describe a reproducible use case to start with a fresh 2.5.5 installation and showing some still existing issue? If so, it would be great if you could file it as a bug at GitHub - openhab/openhab-addons: Add-ons for openHAB. Thanks!

@Kai I do not have anywhere that I can try to reproduce the issue at the moment but I will see if I can spin up a VM or something when I get some time. I will file a bug report if I can duplicate it. or should I do that regardless?

So far it has not recovered. I still see just the 7 bindings shown above. When I go to the marketplace link you mentioned, I do see all the market bindings available for install from there but it gives me an error in PaperUI, I have never tried installing from there though so who knows if thats a browser issue or something to that effect. “error 400 - Bad Request” followed by “Extension installation from URL failed”.

Thanks @fifo,

I just installed a fresh 2.5.5 with the market add-on and can confirm that I only see very few bindings there:

I don’t have time right now to go into debugging on it, but I will try to look into it before the 2.5.6 release. So yes, please file a bug and I’ll follow up on it!

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