Ecolink garage sensor tiltzwave1

Hello Everyone,

I just finished item this item to my zwave network. (took only 10 minutes to include compared to the 2 days I spent with my first fibaro rgbw sensor).

Am having some trouble with the configs and sitemap. Was only able to find some ecolink pir motion sensor examples but having a hard time with my own.

Does anyone have an example to share?


this is what I have so far

items file:
Contact GarageDoor “Garage Door is [MAP(]”{zwave=“3:command=SENSOR_BINARY”}

text item=GarageDoor

have added 0=closed and 1 = open in the file.

The openhab only shows the "Garage door is "

what am i missing?

again apologies for the newbie questions. I went over the sitemap and items tutorial a couple of times.

edit: the log is showing “2015-09-27 11:42:24.598 [WARN ] [t.i.s.MapTransformationService] - Could not find a mapping for ‘-’ in the file ‘’” i guess the sensor is sending a message with the state as “-”!!

It works. Just had to play around with the placement of the sensor. will post it in the link of working configs to help other users.