Suddently this night my Tesla things become offline.
When I check the log I received follow error:
[ERROR] [.internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - Error fetching the list of vehicles : 412:org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl$1@c37d94
Suddently this night my Tesla things become offline.
When I check the log I received follow error:
[ERROR] [.internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - Error fetching the list of vehicles : 412:org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl$1@c37d94
Same error for me. May be something is changed in Tesla APIs…
Can confirm same here, according to watchla (another Tesla app for AW) there is a new API which I’m not sure if related to. the issue.
Same on my side starting tonight. Response code 412 Precondition Failed can be related to new API parameters.
So, I’m not alone…
It seems people at teslamate have found a fix : Endpoint is only available on fleetapi · Issue #3629 · teslamate-org/teslamate · GitHub .
I don’t know if it can easily be translated to openHAB.
I have registered an issue on github:
[Tesla] Error fetching the list of vehicles : 412:org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl$1@c37d94 · Issue #16318 · openhab/openhab-addons (