ESP32 based BLE, 433mhz & IR gateway bidirectional with MQTT --> OpenMQTTGateway


Category Description
BLUFI Fix SSID return by @1technophile in #2108
BLUFI Fix max buffer size for BluFi by @1technophile in #1972
BROKER Fix BT start by @1technophile in #2112
BT Fix crash when sending multiple BT commands at the same time by @1technophile in #2059
BT Fix BT command triggering a stack trace due to conflict by @1technophile in #2104
CI Fix development deployment by @1technophile in #1866
DISC Fix empty topic publication by @1technophile in #1858
DISC Fix via device discovery when using a secondary module by @1technophile in #2077
DISC Fix device name discovery by @1technophile in #2093
DOCS Fix sponsor button by @1technophile in #1859
DOCS Fix config.js for sitemap by @1technophile in #1869
DOCS Fix image sizing and path by @1technophile in #1926
DOCS Fix capitalization of rssithreshold in documentation by @kamaradclimber in #1993
DOCS Fix image path by @1technophile in #2006
HCSR501 Fix not logging by @diepeterpan in #1897
IR Fix errors noticed when sending IR codes by @GRMrGecko in #1991
LORA Fix message without json not being transmitted by @1technophile in #1875
LORA Fix save function for parameters that are not frequency by @1technophile in #1987
ONBOARD Fix failsafe mode by @1technophile in #2080
RF Fix Mqtt Device Trigger announcement message by @Odyno in #2091
SYS Avoid queue overloading at start by @1technophile in #2114
SYS Fix wrong connection index record during onboarding by @1technophile in #1961
SYS Fix default connection by @1technophile in #1966
SYS Fix Ethernet network check on MQTT failure by @1technophile in #2013
SYS Fix disconnection detection by @1technophile in #2031
SYS Fixed data corruption associated with jsonQueue enqueueing and dequeuing by @puterboy in #2035
SYS Fix connection validation on unknown indexes and improve erase method by @1technophile in #2075
SYS Fix erase function for ESP8266 by @1technophile in #2101
SYS Fix ESP8266 discovery publications by @1technophile in #2100
SYS Fix webUI OTA update free memory by @1technophile in #2103
SYS Fix capacity to onboard ethernet board without WiFi AP by @1technophile in #2106
WEBUI Fix web serial console by @1technophile in #1863
WEBUI Fix index by @1technophile in #1992

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.7.0


Holy Jesus. How come I’ve never seen this before?! @1technophile quick question! Lets entertain the idea of an air conditioner unit that has an ir remote. Do you think I can use this to clone the commands??


I also have been doing exactly that for several years now, controlling my Trotec AC with OpenMQTTGateway IR. :slight_smile:

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Is there any chance that the Switchbot pro meters and especially the co2 meter will be supported in the future? Is there anything I can do to support this like providing logs or something else?

I already implemented and merged this into the development version of tTheengs Decoder 4 days ago, only having data from another user who has the CO2 version though.

If you also have the non-CO2 Meter Pro it would be great if you could supply some raw data samples with Advertisement and advanced data set to true.

If you don’t want to wait for the next official release of OpenMQTTgateway with this new decoder included you can install the current development version at

Let us know how it’s working for you.

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Very cool thank you! Unfortunately I also only have the CO2 Meter and not the „regular“ device. I will give it a go in the next couple of days!

One other question: is there a way to create a mesh of openmqtt gateways? In my house I still use this gateway (GitHub - devWaves/SwitchBot-MQTT-BLE-ESP32: Allows for multiple SwitchBot bots and curtains to be controlled via MQTT sent to ESP32. ESP32 will send BLE commands to switchbots and return MQTT responses to the broker. Also supports Temperature, Motion, Contact sensors) but it’s no longer maintained. I still keep it though because of the meshing feature.

Actually the kids are super busy decorating biscuits so I found some time to try this right away. Seems to work perfectly, thank you!

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Thanks for the feedback! :wink:

No mesh per se, but you can have as many OpenMQTTGateway around the house as you want, giving them different names, like OMGBedroom, OMG Kitchen etc. and then just use wildcards in your things definitions, e. g.


so that they receive the relevant published messages from all gateways.

Alternatively you could also install our site app Theengs Gateway as a central Bluetooth decoder and switch all the OMG gateways to send undecoded messages which the central Theengs Gateway will then automatically pick up and decoder under one single gateway topic.

Either way, are the Govee devices you use with the above implementation already covered by our BLE decoder?

The trouble is that my wife likes to switch off the WiFi during nighttime. I keep the access points running in areas where my main SwitchBot gateway is located. Through the BLE meshing I can still receive measurements from all thermostats in the house. But it’s not absolutely necessary, I installed another access point in the garden this year that stays on at night and should be enough to keep everything running. I think I can just try to switch to OpenMQTTGateway all the way at some point.

Actually I don’t have any Govee devices. I have a SwitchBot Meter Plus in every room which is supported already.

Actually I just noticed that from time to time all the item states are set to null instead of actual values. After a couple of minutes everything goes back to normal/actual values.

I added the thermostat with the homeassistant discovery (OH autodiscovery is set to ON).

For all the other thermostats I own I’ve always set up the things as generic mqtt things. I noticed that sometimes the messages received from the thermostats come in empty (no measurements) so I added a second transform step to get rid of error messages in the logs like so: REGEX:(.batt.)∩JSONPATH:$.batt

I assume that these empty messages that the gateway receives from time to time result in null states, is that possible?

I hope you haven’t told her that Bluetooth is also a 2.45 GHz radio protocol, otherwise the SwitchBot Meters will be off during bedtime as well :wink:

Joking aside, depending on where you have Ethernet, you could also install OpenMQTTGateway on a WT32-ETH01.

Don’t get me started on OH MQTT discovery :wink: I just vented my frustration with it in a little rant in the OH5 thread

Any states being set to null should be addressed there, as it doesn’t have anything to do with OpenMQTTGateway and the MQTT messages it publishes.

You’re best off to keep defining your things manually from my experience.

These messages are actually correctly displayed of broadcasts the devices send out, occasionally without their actual properties, for some manufacturers these are pairing messages to make the devices discoverable to proprietary apps or some sending out multiple protocol messages. This should however not affect the existing values displayed in OH.

The user who helped me imp0lement the initial Meter Pro decoder actually found that if the Meters are connected to the own SwitchBot app such ‘empty’ messages are a lot more frequent, while correct value messages were constant once he deleted the Meters from the SwitchBot app. So not sure if oyou also have yours paired with the app or not.

Let us know how you gt on.

I try not to bother her with these little details of my hobby :smiley:

I still have some W5500 shields lying around here. Are they supported as well? This might be an option
 Thank you!

Yeah I’ve got my reasons why I never used it so far
 I tried a lot of times but it never worked until today. But now I get these null values
 Well I just setup a new generic mqtt thing again :smiley:

Yeah I do have mine paired in the app if only for calibration purposes. I never had any problems with the generic things though as the REGEX transform is able to filter out these empty messages. So I guess everything should be fine now with my manual thing definition. If I encounter more issues I will let you know :wink:

I honestly don’t know if they work connected to an ESP32. best to ask that on the OpenMQTTGateway pro on GitHub,

Another reason I’m glad I;m stuck with OH2, the MQTT handing there does not make any such funny value resettings when empty messages are being received, and all without any REGEX required ;). Sounds like a new Verschlimmbesserung introduced with OH3 or OH4 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In general they do, I have one attached to my enocean gateway. However I only got it working stable with this ethernet library (GitHub - sstaub/Ethernet3: Ethernet library for Arduino and Ethernetshield2 / WIZ550io / WIZ850io / USR-ES1 with Wiznet W5500 chip) not the default ethernet libraries of espressif (or whoever is releasing them). With other libs the esp32 would always hang up after a couple of days, but with this library I have it running for months (years?) without ever having to reboot. Therefore I’m always a bit sceptical with these pieces of hardware
 I will ask there when I really want to go down that route, probably I would start with wifi for simplicity first.

Actually it does not do that when you’re using the generic mqtt things, so I guess nothing got worse here from OH2 to OH4. However the json transforms will throw an error when the json element cannot be found. Therefore I added the REGEX transform to get rid of the log spam. The automatically discovered things don’t seem to behave that way though


Actually, could it be that you already have Advertisement and advanced data set to true ?

If so set it to false, as this would have only been helpful for investigating a non-CO2 Meter Pro, and should reduce, if not completely stop, any unwanted messages without any real device properties.

I had the same idea when you mentioned this setting yesterday and linked the corresponding channel of the gateway to an item in openHAB (I didn’t check in the openMQTT Gateway logs). It was set to OFF so I think this was not the case. Switched it ON and OFF again, so in case was ON it should be OFF now.

Another thing which came into my mind, also while testing HA convention MQTT discovery with 4.3 M4 - what are your settings for "disc" and "ohdisc", visible in the SYStoMQTT settings JSON of your gateway?

In my case the settings are:

disc = false
ohdisc = true

Without enabling the ohdisc the channels of the created thing will not be updated at all.

That’s fine then, as disc is the general HA convention discovery, which switches itself off on the gateway 30 minutes after a start/restart so as not to create discovery messages for any randomly passing by devices,

Behind ohdisc hides

and I frankly don’t know if it would still be required in OH 4.3, but best to leave on.

My thinking was that ohdisc might be fall on your gateway, causing your intermittent null values, but obviously it must be something else in the received MQTT value processing.