Note that the binding is continously updated, but the changelog below will only be updated in case of breaking or notable changes. To see what’s happening, read the commit log
Bluetooth support (19.12.2024)
It is now possible to utilize the Bluetooth proxy support in the ESPHome devices. If enabled on the OH thing as well, a virtual bluetooth adapter is created spanning all configured physical ESPHome devices. This functionality is in alpha stage, and only broadcasting devices such as BTHome is supported (check out my BTHome binding)
Added support for encrypted communication. At the same time plaintext passwords are now deprecated and will trigger a log warning. Big thanks to @amandel !
Breaking changes (09.12.2023):
Climate component channel names now includes component name. Example: esphome:device:mydevice:<climate component name>#<channel name>. Note that this only applies to channels related to the climate entity, and not any auxilliary channels added by some AC integrations (ie power consumption, vane control etc)
An easy way to integrate micro-controller powered sensors into OH would be great! A couple years ago, I managed to build a light sensor on a esp8266 and using MQTT to connect, it still runs the lighting in my flat (using OH of course). But I very quickly ended up over my head and became frustrated.
I had looked at espeasy and a few others but JustinG mentioning ESPHome a couple months ago prompted me to take another look. I found the instructions found here for installing the web interface in a Docker to be the easiest way to get started. Instead of the API built for HA, I just used my already running MQTT server.
Ain’t that the truth. Though I persisted and now I’m having fun with presence sensors, atmospheric sensors and some other bits and bobs.
Having esphome would be simply amazing thanks to the amount of work the devs have put into it and the ease of adopting new devices.
I’m looking forward to this
The dashboard can be installed as an HA add-in. Does the OP plan such integration for OH?
For me, the dashboard was very intuitive and gave many more visual cues then the arduino IDE. It made commissioning multiple sensors around the flat super easy and over the air updates are cooked in. It asks a few simple questions and then writes the initial yml file for you.
Good on ya
For me, it provided enough successes that I got confident enough to go back to the Arduino IDE and attempt much more complex projects
What do you mean with another menu entry ?
I don‘t think we are going to have binding spcefic menu entries in mainUI, as they cannot be added or removed dynamically.
That‘s one of the reasons for existence of shelly manager servlet.
Those servlets can then be added to the tiles menu.