EU Zigbee dongle

Today, the Philips Hue switch is OFFLINE for some reason. When I push either of the buttons, the switch blinks orange/red. Seems like it no longer communicate with the Elelabs controller…
Now what?

This is the debug log:

2018-07-12 23:22:42.227 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - 001788011032A21B: Polling...

2018-07-12 23:22:42.232 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - 001788011032A21B: Polling zigbee:device:6ec05458:001788011032a21b:001788011032A21B_1_switch_onoff

2018-07-12 23:22:52.236 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - 001788011032A21B: Polling zigbee:device:6ec05458:001788011032a21b:001788011032A21B_2_battery_voltage

2018-07-12 23:22:57.044 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=4, ackNum=0, reTx=false, data=95 90 FF 00 3F 00 F8 F8 04 01 01 00 01 02 40 11 00 00 16 95 66 00]

2018-07-12 23:22:57.046 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=22], messageTag=149, status=EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:22:57.048 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=22], messageTag=149, status=EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:22:57.050 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=22], messageTag=149, status=EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:22:57.051 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=5, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.249 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - 001788011032A21B: Polling zigbee:device:6ec05458:001788011032a21b:001788011032A21B_2_battery_level

2018-07-12 23:23:02.252 [DEBUG] [.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster] - readSync request: ZclAttribute [cluster=POWER_CONFIGURATION, id=33, name=BatteryPercentageRemaining, dataType=UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER, lastValue=143, lastReportTime=Thu Jul 12 00:51:49 CEST 2018]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.257 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ReadAttributesCommand [Power configuration: 0/0 -> 63736/2, cluster=0001, TID=96, identifiers=[33]]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.262 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX ZCL: ZclHeader [frameType=ENTIRE_PROFILE_COMMAND, manufacturerSpecific=false, direction=CLIENT_TO_SERVER, disableDefaultResponse=false, manufacturerCode=0, sequenceNumber=150, commandId=0]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.267 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/1, destinationAddress=63736/2, profile=0104, cluster=1, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, sequence=150, payload=00 96 00 21 00]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.269 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=150], messageTag=150, messageContents=00 96 00 21 00]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.271 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: TX EZSP queue: 1

2018-07-12 23:23:02.273 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=150], messageTag=150, messageContents=00 96 00 21 00]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.276 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=0, ackNum=5, reTx=false, data=96 00 FF 00 34 00 F8 F8 04 01 01 00 01 02 40 11 00 00 96 96 05 00 96 00 21 00]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.388 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=5, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=96 80 FF 00 34 00 17]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.391 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: Frame acked and removed AshFrameData [frmNum=0, ackNum=5, reTx=false, data=96 00 FF 00 34 00 F8 F8 04 01 01 00 01 02 40 11 00 00 96 96 05 00 96 00 21 00]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.393 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=23]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.395 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=23]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.396 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=23]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.398 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=6, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.670 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=6, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=96 90 FF 00 80 A9 F8 F8]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.672 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.674 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.675 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:02.677 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=7, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:23:04.214 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=7, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=96 90 FF 00 80 A9 F8 F8]

2018-07-12 23:23:04.216 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:04.222 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:04.225 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:04.228 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=0, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:23:05.792 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=0, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=96 90 FF 00 80 A9 F8 F8]

2018-07-12 23:23:05.794 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:05.796 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:05.798 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspIncomingRouteErrorHandler [status=EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE, target=63736]

2018-07-12 23:23:05.800 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=1, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:23:07.084 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=1, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=96 90 FF 00 3F 00 F8 F8 04 01 01 00 01 02 40 11 00 00 17 96 66 00]

2018-07-12 23:23:07.087 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=23], messageTag=150, status=EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:23:07.089 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=23], messageTag=150, status=EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:23:07.092 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=63736, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=260, clusterId=1, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=2, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=23], messageTag=150, status=EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:23:07.094 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=2, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.283 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery scheduled [NEIGHBORS, ROUTES]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.661 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery running

2018-07-12 23:26:49.665 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementLqiRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0031, TID=97, startIndex=0]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.669 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=49, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, sequence=151, payload=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.673 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=49, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=151], messageTag=151, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.676 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: TX EZSP queue: 1

2018-07-12 23:26:49.680 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=49, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=151], messageTag=151, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.685 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=1, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=97 00 FF 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 97 97 02 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.815 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=2, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=97 80 FF 00 34 00 18]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.818 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: Frame acked and removed AshFrameData [frmNum=1, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=97 00 FF 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 97 97 02 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.820 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=24]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.822 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=24]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.824 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=24]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.825 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=3, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.830 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=3, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=97 90 FF 00 45 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 01 00 00 18 FF 00 00 00 FF FF 02 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.832 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=49, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=24], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.834 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=49, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=24], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.836 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=49, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=151, payload=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.838 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementLqiRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0031, TID=NULL, startIndex=0]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.850 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=4, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.854 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=4, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=97 90 FF 00 45 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 40 01 00 00 19 FF 00 00 00 FF FF 05 00 00 00 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.856 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32817, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=25], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00 00 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.859 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32817, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=25], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00 00 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.860 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32817, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=151, payload=00 00 00 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.862 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementLqiResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8031, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, neighborTableEntries=0, startIndex=0, neighborTableList=[]]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.865 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=5, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.866 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery ManagementLqiRequest response CommandResult [SUCCESS, ManagementLqiResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8031, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, neighborTableEntries=0, startIndex=0, neighborTableList=[]]]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.868 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Neighbor table unchanged

2018-07-12 23:26:49.869 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=5, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=97 90 FF 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 18 97 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.870 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery request NEIGHBORS successful. Advanced to ROUTES.

2018-07-12 23:26:49.870 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=49, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=24], messageTag=151, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.872 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=49, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=24], messageTag=151, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.872 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery running

2018-07-12 23:26:49.874 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=49, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=24], messageTag=151, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.876 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementRoutingRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0032, TID=98, startIndex=0]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.877 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=6, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.880 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=50, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, sequence=152, payload=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.882 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=152], messageTag=152, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.885 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: TX EZSP queue: 1

2018-07-12 23:26:49.888 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=152], messageTag=152, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:49.892 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=2, ackNum=6, reTx=false, data=98 00 FF 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 98 98 02 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.034 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=6, ackNum=3, reTx=false, data=98 80 FF 00 34 00 1A]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.037 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: Frame acked and removed AshFrameData [frmNum=2, ackNum=6, reTx=false, data=98 00 FF 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 98 98 02 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.039 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=26]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.040 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=26]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.042 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=26]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.045 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=7, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.052 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=7, ackNum=3, reTx=false, data=98 90 FF 00 45 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 01 00 00 1A FF 00 00 00 FF FF 02 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.056 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=26], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.058 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=26], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.064 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=50, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=152, payload=00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.067 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementRoutingRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0032, TID=NULL, startIndex=0]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.072 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=0, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.100 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=0, ackNum=3, reTx=false, data=98 90 FF 00 45 00 00 00 32 80 00 00 40 01 00 00 1B FF 00 00 00 FF FF 50 00 00 10 00 0F 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.108 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32818, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=27], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00 10 00 0F 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.120 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32818, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=27], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00 10 00 0F 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.125 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32818, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=152, payload=00 00 10 00 0F 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.128 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementRoutingResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8032, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, routingTableEntries=16, startIndex=0, routingTableList=[RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0]]]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.136 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery ManagementRoutingRequest returned CommandResult [SUCCESS, ManagementRoutingResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8032, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, routingTableEntries=16, startIndex=0, routingTableList=[RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0], RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0]]]]

Log continue:

2018-07-12 23:26:50.138 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementRoutingRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0032, TID=99, startIndex=15]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.140 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=50, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, sequence=153, payload=00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.142 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=153], messageTag=153, messageContents=00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.144 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: TX EZSP queue: 1

2018-07-12 23:26:50.145 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=1, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.148 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=153], messageTag=153, messageContents=00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.151 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=3, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=99 00 FF 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 99 99 02 00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.155 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=1, ackNum=3, reTx=false, data=98 90 FF 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 1A 98 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.157 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=26], messageTag=152, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.159 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=26], messageTag=152, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.161 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=26], messageTag=152, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.163 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=2, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.280 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=2, ackNum=4, reTx=false, data=99 80 FF 00 34 00 1C]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.287 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: Frame acked and removed AshFrameData [frmNum=3, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=99 00 FF 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 99 99 02 00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.292 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=28]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.297 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=28]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.299 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=28]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.301 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=3, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.304 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=3, ackNum=4, reTx=false, data=99 90 FF 00 45 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 01 00 00 1C FF 00 00 00 FF FF 02 00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.307 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=28], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.308 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=28], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.310 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=50, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=153, payload=00 0F]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.312 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementRoutingRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0032, TID=NULL, startIndex=15]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.316 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=4, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.320 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=4, ackNum=4, reTx=false, data=99 90 FF 00 45 00 00 00 32 80 00 00 40 01 00 00 1D FF 00 00 00 FF FF 0A 00 00 10 0F 01 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.322 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32818, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=29], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00 10 0F 01 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.324 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32818, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=29], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00 10 0F 01 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.326 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32818, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=153, payload=00 00 10 0F 01 00 00 03 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.328 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementRoutingResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8032, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, routingTableEntries=16, startIndex=15, routingTableList=[RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0]]]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.331 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery ManagementRoutingRequest returned CommandResult [SUCCESS, ManagementRoutingResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8032, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, routingTableEntries=16, startIndex=15, routingTableList=[RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0]]]]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.334 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Routing table NEW: [RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0]]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.336 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Routing table OLD: [RoutingTable [destinationAddress=0, status=INACTIVE, memoryConstrained=false, manyToOne=false, routeRecordRequired=false, nextHopAddress=0]]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.337 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Routing table unchanged

2018-07-12 23:26:50.339 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery request ROUTES successful. Advanced to null.

2018-07-12 23:26:50.340 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=5, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.346 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=5, ackNum=4, reTx=false, data=99 90 FF 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 1C 99 00 00]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.342 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery running

2018-07-12 23:26:50.348 [DEBUG] [internal.ZigBeeNodeServiceDiscoverer] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node SVC Discovery complete

2018-07-12 23:26:50.351 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Node 0 update

2018-07-12 23:26:50.350 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=28], messageTag=153, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.354 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=28], messageTag=153, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.361 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 000D6F000FA0C316: Discovery notification

2018-07-12 23:26:50.365 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=50, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=28], messageTag=153, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.368 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=6, notRdy=false]

2018-07-12 23:26:50.374 [DEBUG] [nal.ZigBeeNetworkStateSerializerImpl] - Saving ZigBee network state: Start.

2018-07-12 23:26:50.389 [DEBUG] [nal.ZigBeeNetworkStateSerializerImpl] - Saving ZigBee network state: Done.

running with the Elelabs Stick Innr LED lamps and XIAOMI door contacts and temperature sensors with battery level? The Telegesis does not work for me, XIAOMI sensor shows temperature humidity and pressure but no battery. The door contact does not bring any channels and the Innr can not be controlled. If the stick could be with XIAOMI he would be a real asset.

These devices don’t report these attributes, so they are not provided in the binding at the moment.

Once the following PR is merged we can look at adding this - this change was added for exactly this reason and I can only apologise that it has taken so long, but it’s out of my control.

Do you mean the Telegesis stick, or the Elelabs stick? You mention both of them.

1 Like

Thanks for the info and just no stress, if I know that it will be possible in future im happy. For the moment i can work with the XIAOMI Gatway, I did not found such information in the forum.
Ich sprach vom ELELABS-Stick, i own the Telegesis and thought if I buy the ELELABS the problem would be fixed. The Innr lamps should definitely have a problem with the Telegesis.
I can live without the innr, but I’m very fond of the XIAOMI stuff, but I do not want to have so many gateways. At the moment I use 4 radio systems and would like to reduce this to your 2 bindings (ZigBee and Zwave).


I just bought the “Bitron Video ZigBee USB Funkstick” because its listed here as a supported coordinator.
I use Windows and I downloaded the “USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers” from Silicon Labs.
It seems to work according to the device-manager of Windows.
But the OpenHub UI doesn’t recognize it. I added it manually but its always “offline”.

My question is: Does this dongle work with Windows actually?

Thank you very much

1 Like

Dear Clemens,

Did you get the Zigbee dongle to work under windows? I am still looking for a dongle for windows, but so far, the telegesis is the only option there is at the moment. I had ordered one, but still in transit for two weeks.

I would prefer
Not to use another gateway for controlling of my lights…

I suspect that device only works on Linux since they have used non-standard codes, and it is not recognised by Windows/Mac as a serial port.

Hello Frank,

yes it works without problems! You have to install this Driver:

Then in the Paper Ui go to your Inbox, search for a new thing, zigbee binding and then “Add manually”. Then select the “Ember EM35x Coordinator”.
You have to select the Port where its connected to, for me its COM4 under windows.
Flow Control: Software
Baud Rate: 57600

Let me know if it worked:)

Thank you for the feedback!

I just ordered one of the Bitronvideo USB Funksticks and once it arrives, I will immediately test it and will post the result.

Good start on Monday!

Dear Clemens,

I today received the Bitron USB dongle and I am able to set the light color and the brightness and so on. Unfortunately I do only find the parameters per Bulb color and temperature, I was hoping for switch on and off and so on…

However, today I had a short look only, maybe on the weekend I will find some time.

However, do you use the STD. USB to com or the enhanced as a driver?

I have the feeling that sometimes the system looses connection and only restarts after a reboot…

Anyway, thank you for your hints and support so far!


what do you mean with: “do you use the STD. USB to com or the enhanced as a driver?”

Its normal that there is only a color and a colortemperature channel!
In earlier versions of the zigbee binding there was also a Switch (ON/OFF) and a Dimmer channel. But in the newer versions they “put” these channels in the color channel. So if you want to switch and dim the light you can create a switch and a dimmer item both unsing the color channel. The latest version of openhab wich provided a zigbee binding version with a switch and a dimmer channel was the 2.4-M6 (milestone) build, wich I’m using by myself.

And what do you mean exactly with: system looses connection?
I was using a raspberry pi 3+ for my openhab (openhabian) and my bitron video stick lost connection after a couple of hours. This problem got worse when i additionally put a zwave stick into the raspi. Since I’m using an Intel Nuc (linux) i never had these issues again. I assume that it could have to do something with the usb power supply of the raspi. But that is just an idea.

I also had problems with some “unstable” versions of the zigbee binding which are provided with the openhab snapshot releases. If you are using a snapshot release you can try to go to a stable release.

I hope it will work for you:)

Dear Clemens,

today I had some time and I was testing a little bit more with more then 1 Bulbs (2x Lightify and 1x Hue) and it seems that the problem was occuring due to the fact, that there have been three walls between the bulb and the USB dongle and one of the walls was not strraight but in an agngle of ~ 10°. With the other two bulbs installed, no more communication problems occured so far!

I have also used the On Off Switch funtion and also this was working very good.

What I meant with “std. or enhanced driver” was related to the selected driver, once the window opens after you select to install the “Silabs” driver. There show up quiete a few ones and I thought my communication probles were related to the wrong driver. At the moment I have the “Silicon Labs Dual CP2105 USB to UART Bridge:Standard COM Port” driver installed which is working fine for me.

So again you helped me alot,

thank you!

Dear Frank,

nice to hear that!

If i remember right I also used the Dual CP2104 Driver. But I can find it out if you have some more trouble in the future.

To extend the range of your zigbee network you can do 2 things:

  1. In the PaperUi there are some settings for the Zigbee Dongle. You can set the Transmit Power to High.

  2. Every Zigbee device that is connected to the power behaves like a “range extender” (dont know whats the right name). So if you have many light bulbs in your home they communicate with each other and and can be controlled even if they are to far away from your dongle.

Its a pleasure for me to help!

Just a heads up… ATM I would not recommend the elelabs dongle, their communication is non existent right now, I just hope it has nothing to do with the virus. I have trouble with my order (it did not ship), tried to contact them trough 3 different email, no response for a week now. There is no information on their website either. If there is any update from them I’ll edit this post.

They did reply to me after all, turned out they accidently gave me the wrong tracking number, and my order is still on the route.

Just bought a stick + shield from them, delivered in ~1 week, and both working fine.
One of their team members is active on Github and they seem to have a few updates in the pipeline.

@Elelabs would you mind letting us know when the v7/v8 firmwares and the flashing utility will be ready for download?

Small side note: the documentation for your shield is incorrect - 115200 + Hardware flow control is the right setting now :slight_smile:

It should be possible to update the firmware directly through the binding if the standard bootloader is used…

Let’s see, they ship with v6 by default, and I’m having issues pairing more than ~15 devices.

Maybe @Elelabs can provide a firmware file to support this :slight_smile:

[DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember.EmberNcp] - EzspSetConfigurationValueRequest [networkId=0, configId=EZSP_CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE, value=10]
[DEBUG] [.zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspSetConfigurationValueResponse [networkId=0, status=EZSP_SUCCESS]


[DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember.EmberNcp] - EzspSetConfigurationValueRequest [networkId=0, configId=EZSP_CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE, value=25]
[DEBUG] [.zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspSetConfigurationValueResponse [networkId=0, status=EZSP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY]

Buggy firmware?