Examples of HABPanel Solutions

Hi, I’m pretty new to OH and HABPanel (thank you for that great software!), but I’d like to show you the current status of my dashboard…
My house will be built next year (planned with KNX and 1-wire) - so until now I integrated the things I don’t need a the house for :grinning:

The 2 graphs are only for testing - the one in the lower rigth corner will be replaced by a graph showing used and generated power, the graph on the left side will be replaced by “knx-scenes” or important buttons for the living room.
On the right, you see outdoor temperature forecasts. If the change is more than +/- 2 K from today to tomorrow, it will be shown (at the moment the minus 4 K for the night).
Below that, we see the garbage dates and how many days until then. It is sorted by date. If tomorrow is a date, at 17:00 the icons starts blinking until I click it. If it is still blinking 21:00, I get a notification on my phone.
Then, we see birthdays (and also how many days until that date). Nothing special here :grinning:
And finally, I show the missed calls from my Fritzbox. If there is a recorded call, I see a blinking icon, a click plays the call und marks as “old”. Therefore I modified a script I found here in the community (thanks for that!).
The green checkmark on the left shows that there are no weather warnings from DWD (deutscher Wetterdienst). If there are warnings, it looks like this (with a blinking warning symbol):

Ah, and in the midde I calculate if it’s good to ventilate the “basement” - when I have a sensor there in the future, this will be changed, but at the moment I calulate if the humidity inside will be below 65% after ventilating.
The circle shows how the sun will shine on our future house :sunglasses: :grinning: so we can already see at what time we will have sun/shaddow on which side.

Sorry for the long post - next one will be shorter. If someone wants to use a part of it, I will post the code.
Cheers, Jochen


This is awesome habpanels… keep up the good work.

Wow…that looks great! How did you implement the calender-infos? And how you are able to interact with them (for example clicking to deactivate/confirm)
Maybe you have same code snipets for us? :hugs:

Hi Robert, sure, you can have all the snippets you want :smile:
I will explain the garbage stuff as it’s the more cpmplex one. I imported the dates to a google calendar and read them via caldavPersonal binding. In my case it’s called “Muellkalender”.
First, I only worked with a filter for each item, but then they are not sorted by date in my widget. If I just display the next 4 events, I have the ones with a weekly plan double and maybe “paper” with a monthly plan not shown in the list. Both is not what I want, I want each kind of garbage displaded once, but sorted by date. That’s why I introduced a “second layer” of items:

/* Abfall-Kalender */
DateTime Restmuell "Restmüll [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall) { caldavPersonal="calendar:Muellkalender type:EVENT eventNr:1 value:START filter-name:'Restmuelltonne'" }
DateTime Biomuell "Biomüll [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall) { caldavPersonal="calendar:Muellkalender type:EVENT eventNr:1 value:START filter-name:'Biotonne'" }
DateTime Papiermuell "Papier [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall) { caldavPersonal="calendar:Muellkalender type:EVENT eventNr:1 value:START filter-name:'Papiertonne'" }
DateTime RaWeg "RaWeg [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall) { caldavPersonal="calendar:Muellkalender type:EVENT eventNr:1 value:START filter-name:'RaWeg'" }
DateTime Abfall_1_Datum "Abfall 1 Datum [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall)
DateTime Abfall_2_Datum "Abfall 2 Datum [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall)
DateTime Abfall_3_Datum "Abfall 3 Datum [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall)
DateTime Abfall_4_Datum "Abfall 4 Datum [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> (gAbfall)
String Abfall_1_Art "Abfall 1 Art [%s]" (gAbfall)
String Abfall_2_Art "Abfall 2 Art [%s]" (gAbfall)
String Abfall_3_Art "Abfall 3 Art [%s]" (gAbfall)
String Abfall_4_Art "Abfall 4 Art [%s]" (gAbfall)
String RestmuellTage "Restmüll [%s]" (gAbfall)
String BiomuellTage "Biomüll [%s]" (gAbfall)
String PapiermuellTage "Papier [%s]" (gAbfall)
String RaWegTage "RaWeg [%s]" (gAbfall)
String Abfall_1_Tage "Abfall 1 Tage [%s]" (gAbfall)
String Abfall_2_Tage "Abfall 2 Tage [%s]" (gAbfall)
String Abfall_3_Tage "Abfall 3 Tage [%s]" (gAbfall)
String Abfall_4_Tage "Abfall 4 Tage [%s]" (gAbfall)
Switch Abfall_Steht_An "Abfall steht an" (gAbfall)

As you see, the last one is a switch (“Abfall steht an” means “garbage is pending”). I use this for the confirmation.
Of course, I need some rules. The first one is for calculating the days from today to the date (if it’s today it shows “heute”, if it’s tomorrow it shows “morgen”, otherwise the number of days).
Second one is my sorting algorithm - It’s maybe not the smartest algorithm, but it’s the one I think I understand :see_no_evil: :grinning:
3rd rule is switching the switch on at 17:00 if garbage is tomorrow (called “morgen”). This is set to off by a click on the icon in the widget.
4th rule is informing me, if switch is still on at 20:30.
5th rule is ultimative escalation level :wink: informing my wife and me again. Never used up to now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

rule "Tage bis Abfall berechnen"
	Time cron "0 5 * 1/1 * ? *" or
	Item Restmuell changed or
	Item Biomuell changed or
	Item Papiermuell changed or
	Item RaWeg changed or
	Item DelayedStartup changed from OFF to ON
	logInfo("all.rules", "Tage bis Abfall berechnen")
	val DateTime varRestmuellDatum = new DateTime((Restmuell.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli).withTimeAtStartOfDay
	val Long varRestmuellDiff = Math::round((varRestmuellDatum.millis - now.withTimeAtStartOfDay.millis) / (86400000.0))
	if ( varRestmuellDiff == 0 ) {
	} else if ( varRestmuellDiff == 1 ) {
	} else {
		RestmuellTage.postUpdate(String::format("(%1$d T.)", varRestmuellDiff))
	val DateTime varBiomuellDatum = new DateTime((Biomuell.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli).withTimeAtStartOfDay
	val Long varBiomuellDiff = Math::round((varBiomuellDatum.millis - now.withTimeAtStartOfDay.millis) / (86400000.0))
	if ( varBiomuellDiff == 0 ) {
	} else if ( varBiomuellDiff == 1 ) {
	} else {
		BiomuellTage.postUpdate(String::format("(%1$d T.)", varBiomuellDiff))
	val DateTime varPapiermuellDatum = new DateTime((Papiermuell.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli).withTimeAtStartOfDay
	val Long varPapiermuellDiff = Math::round((varPapiermuellDatum.millis - now.withTimeAtStartOfDay.millis) / (86400000.0))
	if ( varPapiermuellDiff == 0 ) {
	} else if ( varPapiermuellDiff == 1 ) {
	} else {
		PapiermuellTage.postUpdate(String::format("(%1$d T.)", varPapiermuellDiff))
	val DateTime varRaWegDatum = new DateTime((RaWeg.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli).withTimeAtStartOfDay
	val Long varRaWegDiff = Math::round((varRaWegDatum.millis - now.withTimeAtStartOfDay.millis) / (86400000.0))
	if ( varRaWegDiff == 0 ) {
	} else if ( varRaWegDiff == 1 ) {
	} else {
		RaWegTage.postUpdate(String::format("(%1$d T.)", varRaWegDiff))

rule "Abfalltermine sortieren"
	Item Restmuell received update or
	Item Biomuell received update or
	Item Papiermuell received update or
	Item RaWeg received update or
	Item RestmuellTage changed or
	Item PapiermuellTage changed or
	Item BiomuellTage changed or
	Item RaWegTage changed or
	//Time cron "0 8 0 1/1 * ? *" or
	Item DelayedStartup changed from OFF to ON
	var DateTime varTempDatum
	var DateTime varAbfall1Datum = new DateTime((Restmuell.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli)
	var DateTime varAbfall2Datum = new DateTime((Biomuell.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli)
	var DateTime varAbfall3Datum = new DateTime((Papiermuell.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli)
	var DateTime varAbfall4Datum = new DateTime((RaWeg.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant.toEpochMilli)
	var String varTempArt
	var String varAbfall1Art = "Restmuell"
	var String varAbfall2Art = "Biomuell"
	var String varAbfall3Art = "Papiermuell"
	var String varAbfall4Art = "RaWeg"
	var String varTempTage
	var String varAbfall1Tage = RestmuellTage.state.toString
	var String varAbfall2Tage = BiomuellTage.state.toString
	var String varAbfall3Tage = PapiermuellTage.state.toString
	var String varAbfall4Tage = RaWegTage.state.toString
	var i = 1
	while ((i=i+1) < 6) {
		if (varAbfall1Datum > varAbfall2Datum) {
			varTempDatum = varAbfall1Datum
			varAbfall1Datum = varAbfall2Datum
			varAbfall2Datum = varTempDatum
			varTempArt = varAbfall1Art
			varAbfall1Art = varAbfall2Art
			varAbfall2Art = varTempArt
			varTempTage = varAbfall1Tage
			varAbfall1Tage = varAbfall2Tage
			varAbfall2Tage = varTempTage
			if (varAbfall2Datum > varAbfall3Datum) {
				varTempDatum = varAbfall2Datum
				varAbfall2Datum = varAbfall3Datum
				varAbfall3Datum = varTempDatum
				varTempArt = varAbfall2Art
				varAbfall2Art = varAbfall3Art
				varAbfall3Art = varTempArt
				varTempTage = varAbfall2Tage
				varAbfall2Tage = varAbfall3Tage
				varAbfall3Tage = varTempTage
				if (varAbfall3Datum > varAbfall4Datum) {
					varTempDatum = varAbfall3Datum
					varAbfall3Datum = varAbfall4Datum
					varAbfall4Datum = varTempDatum
					varTempArt = varAbfall3Art
					varAbfall3Art = varAbfall4Art
					varAbfall4Art = varTempArt
					varTempTage = varAbfall3Tage
					varAbfall3Tage = varAbfall4Tage
					varAbfall4Tage = varTempTage
		if (varAbfall2Datum > varAbfall3Datum) {
				varTempDatum = varAbfall2Datum
				varAbfall2Datum = varAbfall3Datum
				varAbfall3Datum = varTempDatum
				varTempArt = varAbfall2Art
				varAbfall2Art = varAbfall3Art
				varAbfall3Art = varTempArt
				varTempTage = varAbfall2Tage
				varAbfall2Tage = varAbfall3Tage
				varAbfall3Tage = varTempTage
				if (varAbfall3Datum > varAbfall4Datum) {
					varTempDatum = varAbfall3Datum
					varAbfall3Datum = varAbfall4Datum
					varAbfall4Datum = varTempDatum
					varTempArt = varAbfall3Art
					varAbfall3Art = varAbfall4Art
					varAbfall4Art = varTempArt
					varTempTage = varAbfall3Tage
					varAbfall3Tage = varAbfall4Tage
					varAbfall4Tage = varTempTage
		if (varAbfall3Datum > varAbfall4Datum) {
					varTempDatum = varAbfall3Datum
					varAbfall3Datum = varAbfall4Datum
					varAbfall4Datum = varTempDatum
					varTempArt = varAbfall3Art
					varAbfall3Art = varAbfall4Art
					varAbfall4Art = varTempArt
					varTempTage = varAbfall3Tage
					varAbfall3Tage = varAbfall4Tage
					varAbfall4Tage = varTempTage

rule "Abfall steht an - Blinkeding"
	Time cron "0 0 17 1/1 * ? *"
	if (Abfall_1_Tage.state.toString == "morgen") {

rule "Abfall steht an - Informiere Jochen"
	Time cron "0 30 20 1/1 * ? *"
	if ((Abfall_Steht_An.state == ON) && (Abfall_1_Art != "RaWeg")) {
	sendTelegram("haus_an_mich_bot", "%s solltest du noch raus stellen", Abfall_1_Art.state.toString)

rule "Abfall steht an - Informiere -Frau- und Jochen"
	Time cron "0 30 21 1/1 * ? *"
	if ((Abfall_Steht_An.state == ON) && (Abfall_1_Art != "RaWeg")) {
	sendTelegram("haus_an_mich_bot", "Oh je, jetzt gibt's Ärger... %s steht wohl immer noch nicht draußen und -Frau- tritt dir gleich in den Hintern!", Abfall_1_Art.state.toString)
	sendTelegram("haus_an_frau_bot", "%s steht wohl immer noch nicht draußen... So ein Schlumpf, der Jochen", Abfall_1_Art.state.toString)

An finally, the sorted items are displayed in a widget, with the blinking icon and confirmation click:
abfall.widget.json (8.8 KB)
It’s working, but there still is some work to do, reducing the repeating style stuff by better usage of css e.g. But that’s cosmetic stuff :smiley:

Have fun :sunglasses:


Is it possible to share your sun position code? I’ve got the same widget but for some reason mine won’t ever update (just displays correctly when first loaded and then never updates). Hoping to copy someone else’s directly and see if I can get that to work.

Hi Ewan, I think that’s the only widget where I only copy-pasted the code from this great community :grinning:
I use this version:

And the code for the template widget is:

<object data="/static/shaddow.svg?{{itemValue('Sun_Azimuth')}}" type="image/svg+xml"></object>

I think the important part for the update is the “?{{…}}” => do have that one in your widget? And is the name of the item correct?
I think, if we need futher debugging, we should switch to the Sun-Position-SVG-Thread…

Hi Jochen,

looks very impressive. Is this using a Theme like the Matrix Theme?

What widgets did you use for the top bar(s)? Did you create them yourself?

Would be possible to share your config and widgets?

Hi Garrett,
it’s a modified Orange Tree Theme, I got the idea from here:

This is my css file:
orange-tree-overrides.css (3.8 KB)
But most of it is not used in my case as I do not use the widgets from that post. So I could clean up that file, in theory… :confused:
The 2 top widgets I created after searching some code snippets here. I post them, but be carefull, they are not responsive or something (to be honest, I’m sure it’s bad code) but for me they only have to look good on my wall monitor.
mainmenu.widget.json (3.4 KB)
uhrtemp.widget.json (1.1 KB)


How do you change the background color of the icons? or are they custom icons? css? When I use the widgets they display as white?


Hi Garrett,
I use the icons from the german “knx-user-forum”. You find the files here:

I did not use css, but hard coded color :confused: not the best way, but the easiest one for the moment.
You can do that for all icons at once e.g. with Notepad++ by replacing all #FFFFFF by #FF9C27 in all files.

1 Like

Ah… ok thanks.

The weather graph, is that a iframe from a website or are you generating that with the weather plugin?

Hi Chris,
I described that here:

If you have further questions, I suggest we continue there.



I was trying your widget but the only thing I get is an trashcan. I’ve copied your items and rules. And I’ve imported your widget.
But it wil not display the date’s.
I have a google calendar for trash displaying on a other widget. And changed the calendarname.
Could you help me with this?

Hi Jeroen,
the widget is checkig the name of the trash date. Maybe you use other names than “Restmuell”, “Biomuell”…
Could you e.g. tell me what’s the value of the item ‘Abfall_1_Art’ at the moment in your system?
The widget was never designed to be “public”, now I see that it would be much better to set these names in the widget config… Maybe I will change that when I have some time. For the moment you have to change these names in the widget code (find + replace)

Has no value

OK, then that’s the reason why wou don’t see anything in the widget.
So the question ist, why does it have no value. Do you get an error from the “Abfalltermine sortieren” rule?
This rule should sort the trash dates and post the value to some items, among them “Abfall_1_Art”.

So I checked my log files and I don’t see any error on the rule. Ik have another item which is from the same calendar and this one works.

Hi Jeroen,
looks like there’s something wrong in your items definition. As this is a very specific problem in your setup, I suggest to discuss this via PN.