Platform information:
- Hardware: RPi 3
- OS: openHAB 2.4.0~S1443-1 (Build #1443)
- Java Runtime Environment: openjdk version “1.8.0_152”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu Embedded (build 1.8.0_152-b76)
OpenJDK Client VM (Zulu Embedded (build 25.152-b76, mixed mode, Evaluation)
Issue of the topic:
I have several cameras pointed to the exterior of my house, running motioneyeOS, when the camera detects motion, it sends a web hook to OpenHAB to turn on the switch gPres_Perimeter. This is a group switch as I have 4 cameras covering the exterior of my house. If any one of the cameras detects motion, gPres_Perimeter is turned on, with the expire binding to switch it off after 42 seconds so it will trigger a second alert if the motion continues, or if another camera detects motion. For some reason, the expire binding does not seem to be working, in fact, all of the group switch items get the same error in my log file. -
Please post configurations (if applicable):
Group:Switch:AND(OFF,ON) gPres_Perimeter "Perimeter: [MAP(occupied.map):%s]" <motion> (gPresHouse) { expire="42s,command=OFF" }
Group:Switch:AND(OFF,ON) gPres_Garage "Garage: [MAP(occupied.map):%s]" <motion> (gPresHouse) { expire="42s,command=OFF" }
Group:Switch:AND(OFF,ON) gPres_Basement "Basement: [MAP(occupied.map):%s]" <motion> (gPresHouse) { expire="42s,command=OFF" }
Group:Switch:AND(OFF,ON) gPres_1stFloor "1st Floor: [MAP(occupied.map):%s]" <motion> (gPresHouse) { expire="42s,command=OFF" }
Group:Switch:AND(OFF,ON) gPres_2ndFloor "2nd Floor: [MAP(occupied.map):%s]" <motion> (gPresHouse) { expire="42s,command=OFF" }
- Sitemap configuration related to the issue
Frame label="Status of Presence Detection:"
Text item=gPres_Perimeter valuecolor=[ON="red", OFF="green"]
Text item=PresPerimeterLastUpdate
Text item=gPres_Garage valuecolor=[ON="red", OFF="green"]
Text item=PresGarageLastUpdate
Text item=gPres_Basement valuecolor=[ON="red", OFF="green"]
Text item=PresBasementLastUpdate
Text item=gPres_1stFloor valuecolor=[ON="red", OFF="green"]
Text item=Pres1stFloorLastUpdate
Text item=gPres_2ndFloor valuecolor=[ON="red", OFF="green"]
Text item=Pres2ndFloorLastUpdate
- If logs where generated please post these here using code fences:
2019-01-01 08:22:47.601 [ERROR] [el.item.internal.GenericItemProvider] - Binding configuration of type 'expire' of item 'gPres_Perimeter' could not be parsed correctly.
org.eclipse.smarthome.model.item.BindingConfigParseException: The string 'OFF' does not represent a valid command for item gPres_Perimeter
Caused by: org.openhab.model.item.binding.BindingConfigParseException: The string 'OFF' does not represent a valid command for item gPres_Perimeter
I get the above error in the logs for all Group:Switch:AND(OFF,ON) Items. I tried Group:Switch:OR(OFF,ON) and get the same error. I thought it might be the transform causing the issue, but still get the same error after trying it without it in the item definition. Any help would be appreciated!