Extending Blockly with new openHAB commands

I have a pretty simple approach here: I am using a variable name which is unlikely to be used and then I clear the map always before adding new value pairs. Sure, there could be unlikely situations where this could collide but I think this is very unlikely.

With a lot of users using your code, even unlikely conditions are likely to happen in practice :wink:

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Here’s the PR: [blockly] fix audio block code generation by stefan-hoehn · Pull Request #1211 · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub

Well, all rules can bypass the whitelist using executeCommandLine. If an attacker has enough knowledge to know this, they have enough knowledge to choose Rules DSL or JavaScript and use a Script Action instead of using Blockly. So I don’t think leaving it out of Blockly adds much security while removing an important capability. Also, making the Blockly implementation more secure won’t do much for security either unless all the scripts also implement something similar.

The discussion occurred back when the white list was first implemented for the Exec binding. I submitted a security issue and I don’t remember who all was on that thread. Since it was a security issue it want’ a public issue unfortunately so I can’t provide a link (can’t even find it right now)

Something just came up in another thread.

Is it true that we don’t yet have access to event so that we can access the implicit variables like event.itemName, event.itemState and such?

If not that would be pretty high up on my list of priorities. I tried to get at the event variable somehow through Blockly without editing the code manually but couldn’t figure out a way to do it.

That is actually pretty easy to implement. How about calling it “currentItem” and adding it next to the item in the item section? I am not sure if event-item is an intuitive name but you may convince me :wink:

OK, but there are a lot of variables that could be carried by event. There in lies some complexity. See Rules | openHAB for all the variables and when they are available based on how the rule was triggered.

Variable Rules DSL Equivalent Contents
event.itemName triggeringItemName name of the Item that triggered the rule
event.itemState newState the state of the Item that triggered the rule
evenyt.oldState previousState the state the Item had before the event that triggered the rule
events.itemCommand receivedCommand the command that triggered the rule
event.event receivedEvent information about the Channel Event that triggered the rule

There is more stuff in there but those are the major ones.

To be intuitive it might be worth while sticking with the Rules DSL names for these.

Since they are variables related to the triggering of the rule, I would expect them to be in the variables section or in a separate “Implicit Variables” section under openHAB. Maybe there could be a single “event” variable and a selector to choose which of the above you want to use. That would reduce the proliferation of blocks down to just the one.

Ok, this actually more work. I thought it would have been just the currentItem that triggered the rule. This needs have more thought how to design it but still not a big deal. I will put it onto the list for the next topic to be done.

Oh, two more things that cropped up today in a couple of different threads.

  1. String.splt doesn’t seem to be implemented as a block under Text. That would return a value that could be saved to a variable that could be processed by all the List operators. That’s a pretty useful way to write more generic rules and doing some very simple text parsing and processing.

  2. String.contains is another very useful test to perform on a String. For example: if(mySring.contains("Foo")){. So the myString.contains would be a block that returns a boolean which can be plugged into a condition under Logic.

These are pretty low level one liners which shouldn’t be too hard to implement I would hope. But the forum is littered with code that uses them so having them would help users write Blockly code that does similar things more easily.

regarding those requiremnts I would have been surprised if it hadn’t been implemented. It is kind of not too obvious though

What about this here?

and this?

Does that suffice?

Doh! That’s the one. That definitely implements split. I just didn’t recognize it when I looked through all the blocks.

Again, I completely missed that what that block did.

It looks like both String operations are indeed already implemented. That’s good news! I just need to learn how to read the blocks more carefully I suppose. And to think about where the right place to look is.

Finally something >I< can show you :fist_right: :fist_left: :upside_down_face:

This is the block I am creating

This is how I do it and it returns a string

let scriptParameters = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'parameters', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC)

it reveals “string”

And therefore it out each character into the map, which is not what we want.

 let scriptParameters = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'parameters', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC)
    const myMap = scriptParameters
    Object.keys(myMap).forEach(function (key) {
      code += `  callscript_map.put('${key}', ${myMap[key]})\n`

If we look into the string it turns out to be

{‘jonas’: ‘16’, ‘stefan’: ‘55’}

If I try to convert that string into a JSON Object with

const myMap = JSON.parse(scriptParameters)

const myMap = JSON.parse("{\'jonas\': \'16\', \'stefan\': \'55\'}")

I get

SyntaxError: Unexpected token ’ in JSON at position 1

However, if I converted the string by replacing the ’ with double quotes " like so

const workingMap = JSON.parse(‘{“jonas”: “16”, “stefan”: “55”}’)

then it works and I do not get this error. Like so

    let scriptParameters = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'parameters', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC)
    const stringParametersMap = JSON.parse(scriptParameters.replace(/\'/g, '"'))

    Object.keys(stringParametersMap).forEach(function (key) {
      code += `  callscript_map.put('${key}', ${stringParametersMap[key]})\n`

Do you have an idea why I get a string back and not an object as you had expected and secondly why I have to replace the single quotes by double quotes to make the JSON.parse work?

Do you need the escapes on the single quotes at all? Maybe that’s the problem as you don’t need them in that particular context and in fact it might be telling JSON.parse to not interpret them as ’ which means your key name isn’t in quotes at all which means it’s not valid JSON.

Your working example isn’t using escapes at all so I bet "{'jonas': '16', 'stefan': '55'}" would work too.

The escapes are only there because I added this in the source code as a string. They are not in the response of th component.

I tried using the caching like you see in the “var paramMapName = 

let scriptname = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'scriptname', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC)
    const stringParametersMap = JSON.parse(scriptParameters.replace(/\'/g, '"'))

    var paramMapName = Blockly.JavaScript.provideFunction_(
      ['var ' + Blockly.JavaScript.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + ' = new java.util.HashMap();'])

    let code = `  ${paramMapName}.clear();\n`
    Object.keys(stringParametersMap).forEach(function (key) {
      code += `  ${paramMapName}.put('${key}', ${stringParametersMap[key]})\n`

    code += `ruleManager.runNow(${scriptname}, true, ${paramMapName});\n`

I would have hoped that in case I use the block twice that the return value from the second block code generation would return a new string but it is always the same and of course it makes sense because in other areas I exactly use it for the purpose it only insert that code ONCE intentionally. I read the linked several times but I just don’t understand how I can derive different variable names in case whenever I use a new block.

btw, thanks for merging the bugfix so quickly! :pray:

Here’s a correct (I hope, not tested at all) implementation of the oh_callscript block, hope it answers your questions:

  Blockly.JavaScript['oh_callscript'] = function (block) {
    const ruleManager = addOSGiService('ruleManager', 'org.openhab.core.automation.RuleManager')
    const parameterDict = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'parameters', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC)
    const scriptName = Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(block, 'scriptname', Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC)

    const convertDictionaryToHashMap = Blockly.JavaScript.provideFunction_(
        'function ' + Blockly.JavaScript.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + ' (dict) {',
        '  if (!dict || dict.length === 0) return null;',
        '  var map = new java.util.HashMap();',
        '  Object.keys(dict).forEach(function (key) {',
        '    map.put(key, dict[key]);',
        '  });',
        '  return map;',

    return `${ruleManager}.runNow(${scriptName}, true, ${convertDictionaryToHashMap}(${parameterDict}));\n`


  function addOSGiService (serviceName, serviceClass) {
    const addServiceName = Blockly.JavaScript.provideFunction_(
      'addFrameworkService', [
        'function ' + Blockly.JavaScript.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + ' (serviceClass) {',
        '  var bundleContext = Java.type(\'org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil\').getBundle(scriptExtension.class).getBundleContext();',
        '  var serviceReference = bundleContext.getServiceReference(serviceClass);',
        '  return bundleContext.getService(serviceReference);',

    return Blockly.JavaScript.provideFunction_(
      [`var ${Blockly.JavaScript.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_} = ${addServiceName}('${serviceClass}');`])

in particular:

  • if you ever have to define a temporary global variable for the block (not to be reused), then you must get an unique name with Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.getDistinctName:
const listVar = Blockly.JavaScript.variableDB_.getDistinctName(
    'temp_list', Blockly.Variables.NAME_TYPE);
let code = 'var ' + listVar + ' = ' + arg0 + ';\n';
  • if you use Blockly.JavaScript.provideFunction_ to provide a reusable function (or global variable) then you must use the return value to get the actual name, which may change if the user has defined a variable with the same name (note that it’s not done at all in the current code and that would have to be fixed):
const functionName = Blockly.JavaScript.provideFunction_(
    [ 'function ' + Blockly.JavaScript.FUNCTION_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_ + '(aList) {',
      '  // Return the last element of a list.',
      '  return aList[aList.length - 1];',
// Generate the function call for this block.
var code = functionName + '(' + arg0 + ')';
  • you misunderstood the example I gave you to convert to dictionary to a HashMap, it was not meant to put in the code generation routine, but part of the actual code to be generated. You rarely have to analyze the inputs themselves, valueToCode returns a string because that’s code that you have to insert in the final code somewhere.

NB, that addOSGiService function above could be exported from another file and imported because it’s likely that it will be used in other blocks.

Thanks, appreciate it. I will follow up soon. Did you see already my PR as I have mostly implemented everything except the caching I struggled with. The code generation is done.

I know that @Andrew_Rowe is working on a reference document for each block but I’d like to pick back up the getting started tutorial to add some more pages covering rules.

  1. No code rules (i.e. rules created in the UI that don’t use Script Conditions or Script Actions)
  2. Marketplace Rules
  3. Blockly
  4. Advanced (i.e. coding Script Actions and Script Conditions) though I want to hold off on this until GraalVM JS with the helper library is actually merged and released.

I can definitely start 1 and 2 right now. I think with what has already been merged I can manage 3 too but do you think I should wait for these latest changes to get merged? I’m not going to be writing a full document, that’s what the reference doc is for. Instead I want to focus on “here’s how a Blockly script is structured and the sorts of things you can do” so I’d want to include examples of most of the common stuff (sending commands and updates, calling actions, creating timers, logging, basic logic operations, functions, etc). I think there is enough there now to do all of that.

Comments? Concerns? Maybe cover the Marketplace first?

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I would love to see that coming, Rich. No, I wouldn’t wait for that. And I could provide you with anything that is not completely done (btw, I already pushed the PR [here]([WIP] Blockly enhancements 2 - scripts, ephemeris, persistence by stefan-hoehn · Pull Request #1212 · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub with the new functionality here, so Yannick can get a view on what I have done asap and you would be able to download a beta version). So just let me know and also just jump in on the documentation of the blocks if you like. The faster this all is done the earlier the adoption will be. I would even dream :slight_smile: to see some of you patterns docs to be extended with the blockly versions.