FHEM to OpenHab - 433CUL & 868MHz & Tradfri Issues

  • Platform information:

    • Hardware: Raspberry Pi 2
    • OS: Openhabian
    • openHAB version:2
  • Issue of the topic: please be detailed explaining your issue

So I have decided to give OpenHab a try and am liking it so for, but setting up some of my gadgets has not been successful.
(Also German documentation was making life difficult for me).

I am so far only using the GUI, but I do not mind to text things out, but my understanding is OH2 main focus is GUI based.

Ikea Tradfri - I could bind the gateway and all my lights, but not my groups.
I am not sure if Ikea groups are supported or not.

I do not mind to create a “dummy” switch as a group, but not sure about that.
Example Light1 and Lights2 are ikea lights as scanned by Openhab, but I would an LightsIkeaAll switch for all of them.

Max via CUL
I would like to recreate my odd setup from FHEM.

I have Max! Thermostats working via a MaxCube (done successfully).
I have Max! Eco Button, that I would like to connect to my CUL868MHz - that way I can use the button as a generic button.
But I have not succeeded to get my CUL868MHz to work.

Intertechno - I have a number of IT devices for which I had a CUL433 - again, unable to get working.
I cannot find how to set this up.

I tried editing the intertechnocul.cfg but no success.

Thanks in advance.

I’m using a CUL-Stick for intertechno on OH2.
How does your culintertechno.cfg look like? You need to define at least the serial device in this file.
How did you define your items regarding the intertechno binding?
Please post your relevant start-up logs if something is not working.

############################# Intertechno Binding ###################################



So - tripple mistake.

  1. NanoCUL stopped - I switched back to FHEM and also did not work.
    Found a broken solder, repaired, tested on FHEM OK.

  2. I had a type in serial.

  3. I used the wrong CUL (I have 2xCUL one for 433 and other for 838).

Will modify it and try again (now reloading OpenHab image on my pi).

I fixed all of the above, but am unable to control my target item.

Any advice on how to debug?


Which item are you talking about? Your initial question was regarding Tadfri, Max via CUL and Intertechno!

What is the ietm definition and what is the log-readout?

Sure, so:

Intertechno via CUL.


############################# Intertechno Binding #############################$
# Devicename to use (mandatory)
# Example /dev/ttyACM0
# device=

# How often should the command be repeated? (optional)
# See http://culfw.de/commandref.html for details
# repetitions=6

# How long should one pulse be? (optional)
# See http://culfw.de/commandref.html for details
# wavelength=420


Switch Funkstecker "Funkstecker IT Test" (Test) { culintertechno="type=raw;address=01011011001000001011100010;commandOn=010010;commandOff=000010" }

I copied the address from FHEM:
define socket5_switch IT 01011011001000001011100010 0 0000

Or should I have copied 0 0000 too?

How do I check the log?

HowTo read the log:
Open the console (https://docs.openhab.org/administration/console.html)
and on the the console use “log:tail” to show the constant readout!
for more readout, look here.

I’m not used to the FHEM syntax, so I can’t directly convert to OH. Which brand are these switches? The ON and OFF commands look unusual.

Some actually I have more than one brand.

The one I showed above is Trust / SmartWares ITR1500.
They do not have DIP switches, but have a self learning from the remote.

For those switches I would have used the same setting(according this site).
Does the CUL-Stick work in the first place? Check the logs after rising the log-level to debug for the binding!

That is the site I used to set mine up. I do not understand perfectly due to my low German skill.

But the example in that site is similar to mine:

Dabei kann man die 26-Bit Adresse frei wählen, so dass Kollisionen mit Nachbarn sehr unwahrscheinlich werden. Einen GRR-3500 der über einen CUL gesteuert werden soll definiert man z.B. so

define sw_it_outdoor IT 01010101010101010101010101 0 0000

Fortunately / Unfortunately, FHEM detects the code by itself (after 3 or 5 key presses it notices the repeating pattern).

How do I check the log-level?

I know the CUL works in general, not sure if it works with OpenHAB yet.

To raise the loglevel on the Karaf console use
log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.intertechno

Karaf, something new that I cannot figure out.

I ssh’ed to my server, and then typed:
ssh openhabian@localhost -p8101

But nothing happened (literally - no text returned)…

When doing it the first time it takes a while, the process even might time out, do it again and accept the security question.

Got in. Now to change the logging to debug by:
log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.intertechno


Didn’t you read the docs as posted above?
“log:tail” starts the continuous log-display, hitting control c stops it.

I did - but I get no cul or intertechno errors…


sitemap home label="Demo"

   Frame label="Demo"
         Switch item=Funkstecker1
		 Switch item=Funkstecker2
		 Switch item=Funkstecker3
		 Switch item=Funkstecker4

switch Funkstecker1 “Funkstecker IT Test1” (Test1) { culintertechno=“type=raw;address=01011011001000001011100010;commandOn=010010;commandOff=000010” }

switch Funkstecker2 "Funkstecker IT Test2" (Test2) { culintertechno="type=raw;address=00FF0FFFFF;commandOn=FF;commandOff=FO"}

switch Funkstecker3 "Funkstecker IT Test3" (Test3) { culintertechno="type=raw;address=0FF00FFFFF;commandOn=FF;commandOff=FO"}

switch Funkstecker4 "Funkstecker IT Test4" (Test4) { culintertechno="type=raw;address=0F0F0FFFFF;commandOn=FF;commandOff=FO"}

Just realised - should switch be with capital S?


20:04:55.962 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker1' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:55.972 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker1' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:55.979 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:55.987 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker2' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:55.992 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker2' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:55.997 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:56.005 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker3' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:56.011 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker3' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:56.017 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:56.025 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker4' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:56.031 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'Funkstecker4' for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch
20:04:56.037 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch