Fibaro Roller Shutter FGRM-222 with Venetian Blinds - Lamellas Position

Can someone provide me a debug logfile showing the commands/responses for the FGRM-222 please - maybe @mstormi - I think you have this working on OH1 right?

I’ve uploaded this to
Let me know when you need anything else.


I’m running openhab2 and i have several roller shutters at home. Let me know if i can assist.

Hello mheiss,
if you are using Fibaro roller shutter 222 in combination with openhab2 please
add an example of the Items-definition and the command-rule.
That would be very helpful for our discussion.
Thank you.


Item definition:

Rollershutter LivingRoom_RollerShutter_Left_Blinds "Wohnzimmer Raffstore Links" (gRollerShutterLivingRoom) { 
Switch LivingRoom_RollerShutter_Left_Switch "Wohnzimmer Raffstore Links" (gRollerShutterLivingRoom) {  


Text label="Raffstore Couch Links" {
    Default item=LivingRoom_RollerShutter_Left_Blinds
    Default item=LivingRoom_RollerShutter_Left_Switch
    Slider item=LivingRoom_RollerShutter_Left_Blinds
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Just wanted to know if there has been any progress :wink:

@chris is there a timeline related to this feature? Appreciate your response.

I started to code this up in the development branch - I doubt I will add it to the current binding though. I need to remind myself where I got to with it - I think it is partly tested with test cases based on the logs I received but it needs a converter adding. I’ll try and remind myself what’s left to do this week and see if it’s possible to get this into the development branch in the next couple of weeks.

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Hello @chris
Do you have any updates on this issue? Would be nice to see my blinds/lammellas working again with OH2

Sorry - I didn’t progress this but I’ll try and take a look over the weekend and see if it can be incorporated into the dev branch reasonably easily.

Registering my interest here, thanks for all of the efforts so far - OH2 installed mainly to control my Fibaro roller shutter modules, so far so good but Lamella positioning would be the icing on the cake.

Thanks @chris.
Just migrating my OH1 config and now I’m wondering how lamella tilt control is supposed to be setup in OH2 - will there be another channel ? Currently, FGRM devices only feature a ‘blinds_control’ channel, but that one is bound to the rollershutter item, we need another one for lamella tilt, multilevel or dimmer type.

The Fibaro additions aren’t currently supported in OH2 - I’ve coded it up, but not yet added it. I had planned to do it this weekend, but it will be next weekend now I think.

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Hello Chris
Would be great to have this feature soon in dev and later master branch.

+1 for having Venetian Blinds support with Fibaro Roller Shutter on OH2

Is there any progress on this issue?

@chris any news? :slight_smile:

I keep coming back here with hope, still waiting patiently for this feature :slight_smile:

Sorry - things are a bit busy and this isn’t the highest priority thing on my list :frowning: .

I will try and have a look at this over the next few days as it is mostly coded already and the main issue was trying to find a nice way to integrate manufacturer specific command classes. I might skip the “nice way” for now and just add it ;).

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