Fibaro Smart Implant FGBS-222

The “thing” for the z-wave controller is still there with the proper configuration of serial port, but no connection.

It seems there are others with the same issues regarding the serial port and current snapshot.

My bad :confused:
Changing the access permissions on the serial port made it work with the snapshot. Now I just need to figure out if I need to exclude and include the node in order for the binding to recognize the “Smart Implant”.


thank you for adding smart implant to database.
I‘d like to connect out1 and out2 to my garage door up and down). additionally i want to connect a contact sensor to in1 for checking if the door is closed or not.
is this configuration possible?
when in1 or in2 is closed, switch state in oh is not being updated. both are associated with controller. what can i do to solve this?

thank you!


Fibaro promised (or at least I think they did, otherwise you could just use ) that this will be possible, but mine device, when I close in, it is reported as closed out. Maybe it is just bad configuration in openhab and can be fixed, but for now, it seems that by closing in, you autoclose out.

That shouldnt be the case. The old version was designed like you described thr behavior. The new version, which is the implant, can be switched independed if the in signal is high or low. Inputs are not connected to the outputs. There is something wrong in the xml file

You will need my new version of the definition that is not approved yet and would only be in a snapshot.

I think what you want is possible when we get protection working. Then you set LOCAL to 2 for endpoints 5 and 6. That will disconnect the inputs from the outputs but I am struggling getting this working just now.

I am going to send the logs over to Chris to see if he can see what needs fixing to get protection working.

This all assumes firmware 5.1

note protection is not correct on my current posted version and even if it was it would not work

Separated IN and OUT should be possible by setting parameter 20/21 to higher than 1, at least they have it explained like that in examples.

I’m using the version from 2019-05-04.
Sounds like protection is the feature I’m looking for :wink:

But with the current version, I think, the state of in1 and in2 should also be reported to oh (in1 and in1 are configured as alarm inputs and both are associated with controller)?

my smart inplant has fw 5.1.

In current version:

Output 1 is a binary switch and can be controlled by RF to that channel and also reports back if it is switched

Output 2 is a binary switch and can be controlled by RF to that channel and also reports back if it is switched

Input 1 will report an alarm if it is triggered by closing ( or opening if set that way) and by default will also switch Output 1 (which would trigger your door openers so not useful).

Input 2 will report an alarm if it is triggered by closing ( or opening if set that way) and by default will also switch Output 2 (which would trigger your door openers so not useful).

On my garage doors I am using out1 and out 2 and parameter 156 and 157 to automatically switch off after 1s. This works for my doors as it imitates a press of a button.

When protection is working I was also going to make use of input 1 and 2 as you suggest to report if the door is open or closed.

Will post if there is any change and protection is fixed.


I have sent some logs to Chris to see if he can see why protection is not working.

The last changes I need to make are to

Endpoint 7
Notification Type Event Event /State
System [0x09]
System hardware failure
with manufacturer proprietary failure code [0x03]
Device Overheat
Endpoint 8-13
Notification Type Event
System [0x09] System hardware failure [0x01]

Can anyone advise what the channels would be to support.

I can’t find by trial and error as the overheat is over 85C.


@robmac thank you!

Today I received my DHT22 sensor. But I can see no channel for temp and humidity. I also tried to reinclude the device.
Should DHT22 already work with latest z-wave binding?


The version that supports that will not be in a release. It should work if you download the version from the database and follow the guide to add to a JAR.

You will need to exclude and include with the sensor attached.

Ok. Thank you!
I will give it a try.
Will it be included in future releases?

I am sure it will be when protection is fixed and it is all reviewed.

Before you try a couple of things to be aware of:

You will see a local protection channel when you use this version but it does not work just now. If you try to change it from 0 unprotected to 2 no action it will not send the data to the device. It will look like it has in the interface but nothing will change on the device

The only other things that may not work are the system notifications for overheat or external sensor failures. The system overheat alarm is 85C so unless you are installing in a very hot place it should not be needed.

Hi @robmac

Any update on a local protection? I have a similar case and would like to disconnect inputs from outputs. I already have your snapshot definition. Happy to help with testing, if any needed (and no, I won’t put it into the oven to test overheat sensor :wink: )



Nothing yet. Will try to find some time next week to see if I can work it out.

I’ve just bought this device and upgraded the Z-wave binding to 2.5.0 snapshot from 29th of May. I’ve configured Switch items for:

Switch DoorSwitch_Garage {channel=“zwave:device:81669917:node132:switch_binary”}
Switch DoorSwitch_Garage_Left {channel=“zwave:device:81669917:node132:switch_binary1”}
Switch DoorSwitch_Garage_Right {channel=“zwave:device:81669917:node132:switch_binary2”}

So, I’m hoping I can use just one Fibaro Smart Implant to control two doors. There are one monostable button (normally opened) for the left door which I’ve connected OUT1 to (parallel connection), and one monostable button (normally opened) for the right door which I’ve connected OUT2 to (parallel connection). I have not connected anything to IN1 or IN2.

The problem is that nothing happens when I switch DoorSwitch_Garage_Left or DoorSwitch_Garage_Right. Any idea what might be wrong? If I however switch DoorSwitch_Garage then the left door (on OUT1) opens or closes.

Do I have to buy a second Smart Implant, or have I just done something wrong? :slight_smile: