Filtering out rubish modbus readouts

Ok, not to many examples in other languages I’m working basing on your Filter Profile example. Have some questions as your script is used in Main UI and not sure if I have all the functions available

First I would use in items file as profile
[profile="transform:JS", toItemScript="divide_by_10_and_checkDelta.js" ]

Is that right place?

Then I see you do following

  const curr = Quantity(data);
  const last = cache.private.get(id, () => curr);
  const delta = curr.subtract(last);

data is the incoming value ,yes?
id is the name of the item that I need to call from cache? to get the last (previous) value.
can I pass it in the item definition like below?

[profile="transform:JS", toItemScript="divide_by_10_and_checkDelta.js?id=inverter_PV_Today_energy" ]

Then my function would look like:

(function(data,id) {
	var current = parseFloat(data) / 10;
 	const curr = Quantity(current);
	const last = cache.private.get(id, () => curr);
	const delta = curr.subtract(last);
 	if(delta.greaterThanOrEqual(2) || delta.lessThanOrEqual(-2)) {
		console.debug('Threshold exceeded, bogus value ' + curr);
		return null;
	else {
	cache.private.put(id, current);
	return current;

I don’t understand what Quantity() does, just copied it from your example, can it be ommited?

Does that make sense?