FIND (personalized indoor localization)

Hi! I’ve just started openHAB, and I found FIND quite interesting. I’ve installed a FIND3 server and started configuring passive tracking. My wireless chip doesn’t seem to support monitor mode though :frowning: (EDIT: I had NetworkManager managing wlp5s0, works now! :smiley: )

I’m using Ubiquiti Unifi access points in my setups, so I figured it should be possible to use these as passive information source. I wrote a little unifi-to-find3 utility that connects to the Unifi controller and pushes the data into /passive in FIND3. Figured I should share:

It’s written in Rust (just because). I’m slowly making the code a bit cleaner, since I’m using this code as setup for a Rust-beginners presentation. The CI is set up to build and host an executable; cfr. the README. Let me (or the issue tracker) know if you encounter bugs!

I can currently only track associated clients at the associated access point. I haven’t been able to find an API that fetches information about non-associated devices (to track one device across multiple access points). This would be a great addition, since that practically turns any Unifi setup into a FIND3 passive setup without any work!

Please let me know if you use it :slight_smile:


Did you do so on a Raspi without using the Docker image ? I have some trouble getting it to work there following the FIND instructions.

No, on a headless Threadripper-based server running Fedora. If you want some help, feel free to send me a message somehow; I’m not sure whether this topic is appropriate for that.

2 posts were split to a new topic: FIND3 install issue

A post was split to a new topic: FIND install issue