Fine Offset Weather Station Binding: Discussion

Yes, I did that, unfortunately no change. The view seems to change in time with the refresh time

It happened to me that all channels disappeared after a refresh time and reappeared after the next one, cyclically. I had to delete the thing, purge links and then recreate it.

I have noticed this behavior myself, all channels disappear and then reappear.
In the meantime, there are “Health issues (19)” and 19 orphan links 

I have only noticed this behavior since version 4.2

I seem to have been able to solve the problem today.
Apparently you can’t just add sensors without rebuilding the weather station!

I deleted all items and things from the weather station and restarted OH. Then I created the weather station thing again. The “leaf moisture” channel was there immediately. I was also offered the “outdoor unit” and “leaf moisture sensor” things. Both things only with the “signal strength” and “battery status” channels.

I have another question about the wind speeds. The item is created as Number:Lenght. Shouldn’t it be Number:Speed? Is the value provided km/h or m/s?

Here is an excerpt from the log file:

2024-07-23 18:14:55.890 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:14:55.886816834Z]'
2024-07-23 18:15:00.888 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:15:00.885870136Z]'
2024-07-23 18:15:16.356 [DEBUG] [nternal.service.FineOffsetDataParser] - unknown sensor (id=-1) for index 49
2024-07-23 18:24:55.891 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:24:55.888287140Z]'
2024-07-23 18:25:00.890 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:25:00.887585972Z]'
2024-07-23 18:30:16.368 [DEBUG] [nternal.service.FineOffsetDataParser] - unknown sensor (id=-1) for index 49
2024-07-23 18:34:55.892 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:34:55.889340751Z]'
2024-07-23 18:35:00.892 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:35:00.889306486Z]'
2024-07-23 18:44:55.893 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:44:55.891199552Z]'
2024-07-23 18:45:00.895 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:45:00.892302784Z]'
2024-07-23 18:45:16.382 [DEBUG] [nternal.service.FineOffsetDataParser] - unknown sensor (id=-1) for index 49
2024-07-23 18:54:55.897 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:54:55.893624752Z]'
2024-07-23 18:55:00.895 [DEBUG] [ry.FineOffsetGatewayDiscoveryService] - Thing discovered 'DiscoveryResult [thingUID=fineoffsetweatherstation:gateway:3965870281, properties={macAddress=XX:XX:XX:XX:00:13, protocol=DEFAULT, port=45000, ip=}, representationProperty=macAddress, flag=NEW, label=Wetterstation, bridgeUID=null, ttl=-1, timestamp=2024-07-23T16:55:00.892698572Z]'
2024-07-23 19:00:16.395 [DEBUG] [nternal.service.FineOffsetDataParser] - unknown sensor (id=-1) for index 49

I have the ELV WiFI-Wetterstation WS980WiFi, working fine with Fine Offset Weather Station Binding in delivering the weather data.
Checking the latest description of the binding, I have seen, that the binding is now supporting HW information batteryLevel, signal, batteryVoltage and lowBattery. I have checked all sensor types supported for a 7-in-1 sensor. The thing is green an working, having all the channels listed above, but shows for all channels the value UNDEF.
Is my weather station unsupported for these channels or what is my supported sensor?

I have a Ecowitt WittBoy - GW2000 and WS90. Almost everything runs fine, except the solar irradiance. If I enable trace debug level I get the following logs.

0xFFFF    : header
0x27      : command: CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA
0x002F    : size
0x01      : measurand INTEMP
0x00E2    : TEMPERATURE: 22.6 °C
0x06      : measurand INHUMI
0x29      : PERCENTAGE: 41 %
0x08      : measurand ABSBARO
0x2715    : PRESSURE: 1000.5 hPa
0x09      : measurand RELBARO
0x2715    : PRESSURE: 1000.5 hPa
0x02      : measurand OUTTEMP
0x0020    : TEMPERATURE: 3.2 °C
0x07      : measurand OUTHUMI
0x56      : PERCENTAGE: 86 %
0x0A      : measurand WINDDIRECTION
0x0020    : DEGREE: 32 °
0x0B      : measurand WINDSPEED
0x0000    : SPEED: 0 m/s
0x0C      : measurand GUSTSPEED
0x000F    : SPEED: 1.5 m/s
0x15      : measurand LIGHT
0x0000D930: LUX: 5560 lx
0x16      : measurand UV
0x17      : measurand UVI
0x00      : BYTE: 0
0x19      : measurand DAYLWINDMAX
0x002A    : SPEED: 4.2 m/s
0x6C      : measurand ITEM_HEAP_FREE
0x000240B4: MEMORY: 147636 B
0xB0      : checksum

as you see, the MILLIWATT_PER_SQUARE_METRE is zero.

additionally I enabled mqtt on the ecowitt gateway and in this way I get the correct irradiance value

ecowitt/8813BF4638DF PASSKEY=XXX&stationtype=GW2000A_V3.1.8&runtime=87660&heap=143636&dateutc=2024-12-23%2011%3A03%3A30&tempinf=72.50&humidityin=41&baromrelin=29.542&baromabsin=29.542&tempf=37.76&humidity=85&winddir=25&windspeedmph=4.47&windgustmph=5.82&maxdailygust=9.39&solarradiation=42.07&uv=0&rrain_piezo=0.024&erain_piezo=0.063&hrain_piezo=0.008&drain_piezo=0.020&wrain_piezo=0.268&mrain_piezo=0.327&yrain_piezo=0.327&srain_piezo=1&ws90cap_volt=2.4&ws90_ver=146&wh90batt=3.18&freq=868M&model=GW2000A&interval=0

has anyone an idea