Gardena Binding: Various problems / errors

No difference

@H102 Your support is appreciated. Thank you

Thank you.

I’m running out of ideas, :grimacing: you may want to open an issue on github. Doing that will at least get the binding developer involved.

If you prefer not to open an issue I would play with the REST API and the App on your mobile device. You may be able to find/verify the correct syntax for control and temp. :crossed_fingers: That or delete the binding, clean the cache, reinstall the binding and see if the channel syntax changes.

Best of luck, I’ll post back if I come across anything that looks promising, I gotta few things to take care of.

Facing exactly the same issue as the OP since several days. If I remember correctly there was a Gardena firmware upgrade for the gateway and the watering control recently; maybe this broke the API.

@CHTHSCH: Did you open an issue on github? Didn’t find anything related to this matter.

Yes, I did
[([gardena] Support for firmware 2.x is lacking in openHAB · Issue #7169 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub)]

There was an update February, as indicated in the Gardena App or Web App

Oh, didnt see that. Thanks for posting!

I updated my devices incl water control >2 weeks ago after weaking them up from winter rest. Was wondering if this was the source of communication changes that might not be caught by the binding yet. I am concerned that Chthsch’s ticket wasn’t answered since.

I have just set up my device and have exactly the same Use case of errors. Watching this thread with interest

Facing the same issues with my Husqvarna Automower which is fully accessible through my new Gardena smart gateway.

2020-05-04 19:25:10.585 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:mower:home:30xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx -xxxxxxxxxx26:radio#quality' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'radio:quality'

This kind of issue applies to:

All these items do not show up in PaperUi. Why does the binding complain about this?

Had to uninstall the binding cause these warning spammed my logfiles every 60 seconds.

Apparently the Gardena API has been updated last night and some people report their mowers do work now.
Yet my watering computer suffers the same issues as before…

So the issue is supposedly solved with a binding which is not part of the official downloads yet as far as I know. I will repost the Github summary here too, in case someone hasn’t read the whole GitHub thread.

In conclusion, the install process for [@gerrieg]'s updated and working Gardena binding:

  1. Remove old bindings through PaperUI, remove references to gardena from /etc/openhab2/services/addons.cfg , and uninstall the ones from console ( bundle:uninstall ) + delete .things file2. Stop OpenHAB
  2. Download, copy the .jar to /usr/share/openhab2/addons folder -> Download link
  3. chown openhab:openhab /usr/share/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.gardena-2.5.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
  4. Wait for OpenHAB to register all your changes, it might restart because of the .things file change and until all that is done it won’t re-initialize your new things
  5. PaperUI: Inbox, Add items, Gardena smart system binding / Account
  6. Get your API key from here: []([](](](](](
  7. Sign in with your Gardena account credentials, create API key.
  8. On the API request page go to CONNECT API and connect it to your devices, otherwise it won’t work! Test it with the terminal link provided, but BE SURE TO REPLACE with your password. If it works, you get an expiration time back.
  9. OpenHAB PaperUI: complete the form with your Gardena credentials+the API key you just got. If you have no other Gardena binding running you shouldn’t get an error message I guess - I only did while I still had the other one running in the background which I didn’t notice.
  10. You’ll get your things in the inbox. If not, check if the account’s status is “Online” in PaperUI/Things, and if it is just stop/start OpenHAB.

Thanks a lot @gerrieg for your work, much appreciated!

Thanks a lot @gerrieg and @Jagohu and all others for the work done.

Dear all,

also for me it seems to solve the issue with the valves - Thanks a lot. But unfortunately now my Husqvarna automower is gone :frowning: So what’s wrong with me, or at least with my setup?

Any ideas?



I have upgraded to openHAB 2.5.5-1 today.

Unfortunately the described problem remains. I have deleted all items and uninstalled the binding, cleared the cache, restarted openHAB, installed the binding again and created the account as thing again.

The watering computer and sensor were auto discovered.

I again get these warnings:

2020-05-18 21:09:57.905 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:44534af9-eab7-469a-98b9-e2cb167fe3c7:outlet#valve_open' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'outlet:valve_open'
2020-05-18 21:09:57.911 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:44534af9-eab7-469a-98b9-e2cb167fe3c7:outlet#manual_override' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'outlet:manual_override'
2020-05-18 21:09:57.915 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:44534af9-eab7-469a-98b9-e2cb167fe3c7:outlet#button_manual_override_time' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'outlet:button_manual_override_time'
2020-05-18 21:09:57.920 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:44534af9-eab7-469a-98b9-e2cb167fe3c7:ambient_temperature#frost_warning' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'ambient_temperature:frost_warning'

What am I doing wrong?

the new binding will not be incorporated in openHAB 2, but in openHAB 3. The reason is its completely different approach described in Gardena Binding: Various problems / errors

I had no problems receiving the current data until this afternoon. After a restart of openHAB ( now updated to I get the following errors:

2020-05-23 20:52:52.201 [WARN ] [ng.gardena.internal.GardenaSmartImpl] - Error 429 null

org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.exception.GardenaException: Error 429 null

at org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.GardenaSmartImpl.executeRequest( ~[?:?]

at org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.GardenaSmartImpl.verifyToken( ~[?:?]

at org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.GardenaSmartImpl.start( ~[?:?]

at org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.GardenaSmartImpl.init( ~[?:?]

at org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.handler.GardenaAccountHandler.lambda$0( ~[?:?]

at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_242]

at [?:1.8.0_242]

at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201( [?:1.8.0_242]

at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_242]

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:1.8.0_242]

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_242]

at [?:1.8.0_242]

Caused by: org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.exception.GardenaException: Error 429 null

at org.openhab.binding.gardena.internal.GardenaSmartImpl.executeRequest( ~[?:?]

... 11 more

It is not possible to login to the Husqvarna Developer page to check the API. Maybe this is the reason?!
Also the Gardena Smart App refuses the login…

Any idea?

Too many wrong registrations. Problem was mine. I solved it.

And what is the solution for the 429 error?

Hey Thomas. These channels are not supported with new binding. frost_warning is no more available.

have a look at the readme:

// smart Water Control
String  WC_Valve_Activity                 "Valve Activity" { channel="gardena:water_control:home:myWateringComputer:valve#activity" }
Number  WC_Valve_Duration                 "Last Watering Duration [%d min]" { channel="gardena:water_control:home:myWateringComputer:valve#duration" }

Number  WC_Valve_cmd_Duration             "Command Duration [%d min]" { channel="gardena:water_control:home:myWateringComputer:valve_commands#commandDuration" }
Switch  WC_Valve_cmd_OpenWithDuration     "Watering Timer [%d min]" { channel="gardena:water_control:home:myWateringComputer:valve_commands#start_seconds_to_override" }
Switch  WC_Valve_cmd_CloseValve           "Stop Switch" { channel="gardena:water_control:home:myWateringComputer:valve_commands#stop_until_next_task" }

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