Gardena Binding: Various problems / errors

You checked it earlier?

It’s empty or is not listed in /var/lib/openhab2/jsondb directory?

When I open with nano it creates a new one. When I used cat I got the message, that the file does not exist. Sorry for confusion.

If you used nano then the file was created b/c nano is a file editor. To see if a file exist inside a directory type ls or ls -al to show all existing files.

ls /var/lib/openhab2/jsondb

Since you have the Thing created in PaperUI I would create the items in a file and simply use the channel syntax that’s given when looking at PaperUI. Look at post number 5 and you will see the channel. Copy that info for the items and use the doc’s example as a reference.


// smart Water Control
Switch  Watering_Valve      "Valve"             { channel="gardena:watering_computer:home:myValve:outlet#valve_open" }
Number  Watering_Duration   "Duration [%d min]" { channel="gardena:watering_computer:home:myValve:outlet#button_manual_override_time" }

// smart Power Plug
String Power_Timer          "Power Timer [%s]"  { channel="gardena:power:home:myPowerplug:power#power_timer" }

// smart Irrigation Control
Number Watering_Timer_1     "Watering Timer 1 [%d min]  { channel="gardena:ic24:home:myIrrigationController:watering#watering_timer_1" }

// smart Pressure Pump
Number Pump_Timer           "Pump Timer [%d min]        { channel="gardena:electronic_pressure_pump:home:myPressurePump:manual_watering#manual_watering_timer" }

You will also want to unlink the channels created in PaperUI before saving the items file to prevent duplicate channels.

Thats what I did. Here the file:

// Gardena Geräte

Group   gWasser					"Bewässerungscomputer"								(OU)
Group   gSensor					"Feuchtingskeitssensor"								(OU)

  DateTime		Wasser_Datum		"Letzte Messung am [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"	<time>			(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:device_info#last_time_online"}
  Number		Wasser_Battery		"Ladezustand: Bewässerungscomputer [%.0f %%]" 		<battery>		(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:battery#level"}
  String		Wasser_Battery_Status	"Batteriestatus: Bewässerungscomputer [%s]"		<text>			(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:battery#disposable_battery_status"}
  Number		Wasser_Quality		"Verbindungsqualität: Bewässerungscomputer"		<qualityofservice>	(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:radio#quality"}
  Number		Wasser_Verbindung	"Signalstärke: Bewässerungscomputer"			<network>		(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:radio#state"}
  Switch		Wasser_Ventil		"Bewässerungscomputer [%s]"				<faucet>		(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#valve_open"}
  String		Wasser_Manuell		"Manuelle Steuerung [%s]"				<text>			(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#manual_override"}
  Number		Wasser_Dauer		"Bewässerungsdauer [%.1f Minuten]"			<time>			(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#button_manual_override_time"}
  Number		Wasser_Temperatur	"Umgebungstemperatur [%.1f °C]"				<temperature>		(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:ambient_temperature#temperature"}
  String		Wasser_Frostwarnung	"Frostwarnung: Bewässerungscomputer [%s]"		<text>			(gWasser, gVar)			{channel="gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:ambient_temperature#frost_warning"}

  DateTime		Sensor1_Datum		"Letzte Messung am [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"	<time>			(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:device_info#last_time_online"}
  Number		Sensor1_Battery		"Ladezustand: Sensor Balkonkasten [%.0f %%]" 		<battery>		(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:battery#level"}
  String		Sensor1_Battery_Status	"Batteriestatus: Sensor Balkonkasten [%s]"		<text>			(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:battery#disposable_battery_status"}
  Number		Sensor1_Quality		"Verbindungsqualität: Sensor Balkonkasten"		<qualityofservice>	(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:radio#quality"}
  Number		Sensor1_Verbindung	"Signalstärke: Sensor Balkonkasten"			<network>		(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:radio#state"}
  Number:Temperature	Sensor1_Temperatur	"Umgebungstemperatur [%.1f °C]"				<temperature>		(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:ambient_temperature#temperature"}
  String		Sensor1_Frostwarnung	"Frostwarnung: Sensor Balkonkasten [%s]"		<text>			(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:ambient_temperature#frost_warning"}
  Number:Temperature	Sensor1_Bodentemperatur	"Bodentemperatur [%.1f °C]"				<temperature>		(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:soil_temperature#temperature"}
  Number		Sensor1_Humidity	"Luftfeutigkeit: Balkonkasten [%.0f %%]"		<humidity>		(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:humidity#humidity"}
  Number		Sensor1_Illuminance	"Beleuchtungsstärke: Balkonkasten [%.0f Lux]"		<sun>			(gSensor, gVar)			{channel="gardena:sensor:60da5fa7:15a292a1-9dff-4ec3-8dfc-d6e6c1f60819:light#light"}

  Switch		Gardena_Network_Online	"Gardena Smart System Online?"				<gardena>		(gWasser)			{channel="network:pingdevice:192_168_1_114:online"}
  Number:Time		Gardena_Network_Pingzeit "Gardena Smart System [%.3f ms]"			<time>			(gWasser)			{channel="network:pingdevice:192_168_1_114:latency"}
  DateTime		Gardena_Network_Date	"Zuletzt online [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"	<time>			(gWasser)			{channel="network:pingdevice:192_168_1_114:lastseen"}

The problem is with

  • Channel ‘gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#valve_open’
  • Channel ‘gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#manual_override’
  • Channel ‘gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#button_manual_override_time’
  • Channel ‘gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:ambient_temperature#temperature’
  • Channel ‘gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:ambient_temperature#frost_warning’

Not with any other channel and this is the error message:

2020-03-14 18:33:16.941 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#valve_open' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'outlet:valve_open'
2020-03-14 18:33:16.943 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#manual_override' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'outlet:manual_override'
2020-03-14 18:33:16.946 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:outlet#button_manual_override_time' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'outlet:button_manual_override_time'
2020-03-14 18:33:16.950 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:ambient_temperature#temperature' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'ambient_temperature:temperature'
2020-03-14 18:33:16.952 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:watering_computer:60da5fa7:810c2728-ce1b-4b26-9a4c-68eb24a6e164:ambient_temperature#frost_warning' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'ambient_temperature:frost_warning'

And when I switch I get the error as documented in Gardena Binding: Various problems / errors - #11 by CHTHSCH

Everything looks correct in your items file so I’m wondering if there has been a change in the firmware or something else that is device related? Is it possible to downgrade the device firmware?

No. Don’t find anything the the Gardena Smart System App.

I’m looking thru issues on github here.

What do you have the sessionTimeout set to?

Also try using the Gardena REST API for the items with issues to verify if outlet is correct.

Session Timeout 30 minutes
Connection Timeout 10 seconds
Refresh interval 60 seconds

All default values! Did not make any change.

The other stuff is beyond my capabilities to understand. Sorry, I am not a programmer anymore.

Change the session timeout to 14000.

Looking at the doc’s on Gardena site I found this:

Control: used to define commands to be executed on device.

  • MOWER_CONTROL : use to start mowing or park the mower.
  • POWER_SOCKET_CONTROL : use to switch on or off power.
  • VALVE_CONTROL : use to control watering of single valve.
  • VALVE_SET_CONTROL : use to switch off all watering.

Question is why OH did not discover the correct channel syntax or if it’s a syntax problem. You can try replacing valve_open with valve_control and see if that make a difference for that item.

If your interested here is a link with how to:

EDIT: @CHTHSCH here’s a closed issue on github for temp item that may help:

No difference

@H102 Your support is appreciated. Thank you

Thank you.

I’m running out of ideas, :grimacing: you may want to open an issue on github. Doing that will at least get the binding developer involved.

If you prefer not to open an issue I would play with the REST API and the App on your mobile device. You may be able to find/verify the correct syntax for control and temp. :crossed_fingers: That or delete the binding, clean the cache, reinstall the binding and see if the channel syntax changes.

Best of luck, I’ll post back if I come across anything that looks promising, I gotta few things to take care of.

Facing exactly the same issue as the OP since several days. If I remember correctly there was a Gardena firmware upgrade for the gateway and the watering control recently; maybe this broke the API.

@CHTHSCH: Did you open an issue on github? Didn’t find anything related to this matter.

Yes, I did
[([gardena] Support for firmware 2.x is lacking in openHAB · Issue #7169 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub)]

There was an update February, as indicated in the Gardena App or Web App

Oh, didnt see that. Thanks for posting!

I updated my devices incl water control >2 weeks ago after weaking them up from winter rest. Was wondering if this was the source of communication changes that might not be caught by the binding yet. I am concerned that Chthsch’s ticket wasn’t answered since.

I have just set up my device and have exactly the same Use case of errors. Watching this thread with interest

Facing the same issues with my Husqvarna Automower which is fully accessible through my new Gardena smart gateway.

2020-05-04 19:25:10.585 [WARN ] [internal.handler.GardenaThingHandler] - Channel 'gardena:mower:home:30xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx -xxxxxxxxxx26:radio#quality' cannot be updated as device does not contain property 'radio:quality'

This kind of issue applies to:

All these items do not show up in PaperUi. Why does the binding complain about this?

Had to uninstall the binding cause these warning spammed my logfiles every 60 seconds.

Apparently the Gardena API has been updated last night and some people report their mowers do work now.
Yet my watering computer suffers the same issues as before…

So the issue is supposedly solved with a binding which is not part of the official downloads yet as far as I know. I will repost the Github summary here too, in case someone hasn’t read the whole GitHub thread.

In conclusion, the install process for [@gerrieg]'s updated and working Gardena binding:

  1. Remove old bindings through PaperUI, remove references to gardena from /etc/openhab2/services/addons.cfg , and uninstall the ones from console ( bundle:uninstall ) + delete .things file2. Stop OpenHAB
  2. Download, copy the .jar to /usr/share/openhab2/addons folder -> Download link
  3. chown openhab:openhab /usr/share/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.gardena-2.5.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
  4. Wait for OpenHAB to register all your changes, it might restart because of the .things file change and until all that is done it won’t re-initialize your new things
  5. PaperUI: Inbox, Add items, Gardena smart system binding / Account
  6. Get your API key from here: []([](](](](](
  7. Sign in with your Gardena account credentials, create API key.
  8. On the API request page go to CONNECT API and connect it to your devices, otherwise it won’t work! Test it with the terminal link provided, but BE SURE TO REPLACE with your password. If it works, you get an expiration time back.
  9. OpenHAB PaperUI: complete the form with your Gardena credentials+the API key you just got. If you have no other Gardena binding running you shouldn’t get an error message I guess - I only did while I still had the other one running in the background which I didn’t notice.
  10. You’ll get your things in the inbox. If not, check if the account’s status is “Online” in PaperUI/Things, and if it is just stop/start OpenHAB.

Thanks a lot @gerrieg for your work, much appreciated!