Group/item definition for tradfri bulbs with multiple channels

Hey guys!

Is it possible to use just one Tradfri dimmer item for both Alexa voice activation and OH UI?
I have a bulb using the white spectrum. As far as I see it, using only the Dimmer item on the color_temperature channel does the job for Alexa - I can toggle on/off and brightness via voice, change the color temperature via voice (warmer/colder) and via pre-defined settings in the Alexa app (not mandatory for me).

Dimmer gKidsCeilingLamp "Sternchenlampe" <light> (gKidsRoom) ["Lightbulb"] {alexa="PowerState,Brightness,ColorTemperature" [binding="tradfri:white"], channel="tradfri:0220:gwdcefcabd3323:65541:color_temperature"}

Obviously in OH this only gives me control for the color_temperature temperature slider connected to the item.

Whats the best way to go here?

  • Create 1 item for Alexa as defined above and 1 group (semantic equipment tag for OH) + 2 items (color_temperature, brightness) for OH → basically redundant
  • Create 1 group (endpoint for Alexa with tag Light as well as semantic equipment tag for OH) + 2 items in that group (color_temperature, brightness) as described in the docs → that would however give me additional items in Alexa like “Helligkeit” for the brightness.
    I actually did it like this since I wrote about it with @jeshab years ago :smiley: But having those 2 extra Alexa items always somewhat bothered me… So maybe there is…
  • A 3rd way I’m missing right now

Thanks in advance!

As far as I can see the Tradfri binding exposes two separate channels to control your bulb’s brightness and color temperature.

Based on the Alexa metadata definition you provided, I would expect your brightness requests to actually change the color temperature and not the actual brightness.

My recommendation is to keep it the same way I mentioned previously (using the new metadata syntax) unless you don’t care controlling the actual brightness level of your bulb.

As a side note, you don’t need to specify the binding metadata parameter since the skill gets that information automatically from the channel metadata setting.

Group gKidsCeilingLamp "Sternchenlampe" (gKidsRoom) {alexa="Light"}

Dimmer KidsCeilingLampBrightness "Sternchenlampe Helligkeit" (gKidsCeilingLamp) ["Lightbulb"] {alexa="PowerState,Brightness", channel="tradfri:0220:gwdcefcabd3323:esstisch:brightness"}
Dimmer KidsCeilingLampColorTemperature "Sternchenlampe Farbtemperatur" (gKidsCeilingLamp) {alexa="ColorTemperature", channel="tradfri:0220:gwdcefcabd3323:esstisch:color_temperature"}