HABPanel - Yet another implementation of a no-frills dashboard

very excellent job.

My config: OH1 running in raspberry 3

Here is my question: using HABpanel on Firefox in a Windows 10 PC when I press a widget defined as a switch, the action is performed (for example the light turns ON) but the status of the switch do not change (so the icon does not change).

Using the same configuration in an iPad, instead works perfectly.

Is there anything I should do to make the Firefox working?

No idea, but I haven’t tested much on Firefox. Will have a look later.

Also, the color pickers are in - I made a few iterations before finding the right compromise on the appeareance vs. performance, it was a bit difficult, and I settled on 3 HSL scales
 I found them to be the easiest to implement (kudos to https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/debaad4fcce9bcee14cf) and they’re quite fast and touch-friendly. Feedback is appreciated!

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FYI, I am running Firefox on Windows 7 and HABpanel works perfectly.

Hi Mike,
are you using OH1 or OH2?


I am running OH2, but that said, all my items are defined in item files etc as per OH1.

looks very nice!
Will try tonight and get back.

Your application is something that was really missing.
Many say that “Power is nothing without control!” and this is exactly the case.
Transposed: “Software is nothing without a proper user interface.”

Having said that, if I may, I would like to suggest a couple of enhancements:

  1. I believe that all the widgets should have the READ-ONLY flag, for those cases where there is only the need to display an information, without sending any command.
  2. Also, I think that the sliders and the knobs should have a simply way to set to 0 the value. I find difficult for example to set to 0 a knob, it’s a very precise job.
    Maybe in case of slider/knob you could define a larger area where the value will be 0 then 0%-100%:
    Simple example

Thanks for all the effort that you are putting in this application.

Awesome graph view in there, did you make it yourself?

Love the graph also!

Any idea where my edit button has gone?

Ha, this happened to me once. If you’re using openHAB 2 with the .jar bundle go Paper UI, Configuration > Services > Configure Panel UI, check & uncheck “Lock editing” and Save. I don’t know yet why what’s happening, sometimes after an openHAB restart this needs to be unset again. This needs some investigating!

Experimental interactive charts using n3-line-chart are available to OH2 users only, just make sure you specify the name of your persistence service provider (e.g. “rrd4j”) in the text box.

Thanks for the tip I didn’t think to look in the Paper UI config. That did the trick!

Kudos to you! This is becoming better and better with every update. It’s still early days for me and my openhab2 experience. I’m slowly adding more items and progress on this is getting very interesting.

I’ve got the weather binding working well with wunderground. Has anyone got examples of a nice dashboard that displays weather with representative icons such as these.

On the topic of an example dashboard. I’d find it helpful if there was a repository of user submitted dashboard examples to draw inspiration from. For those that have spent a considerable amount of time make nice screens would you mind sharing various dashboards here or a more appropriate place.

Normally the “dummy” widget (granted, poor choice of a name, it was the first I implemented, that’s why :stuck_out_tongue:) is there for that. Read-only sliders as they’re rendered now don’t make much sense in my opinion, knobs did, hence the option.

I feel your pain, but this doesn’t seem to be supported by the upstream slider and knob components (angular-slider and ng-knob), so it’s not likely to be implemented unless I find a “miracle” solution.

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With the knob it would have been awesome to be able to click the centre and toggle on/off ie 0%/100%. As you said very difficult when it’s out of your control.

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thanks for your reply. :slight_smile:

On item 1, dummy are only labels. It would be nice to have the possibility
to display just the status of a property that cannot be changed (like for
example a slider with the position of the movie, or a switch telling if a
door is open or closed, or other properties that cannot be changed by the

For item 2, I have achieved a workaround: I set the minimum = -6 and I use
a rule: if value < 0, set value=0.
It should be nice to display “OFF” instead of “-6” and to modify the slider
so that for negative values it sends 0.
Maybe a flag in the widget config could modify the behaviour.

The UI is perfekt and i will use it for guests in the guestroom - BUT they must not be in the position to edit the dashboard. Is there an option to start habpanel without the edit-option?
Thanks for your great work!

Good idea, if it’s achievable without hacking around too much, I’ll have a look.

(Sorry for the delay folks, I’ve been busy these last few days).

“Dummy” actually displays an item’s value, as opposed to “Label” which does not (they’re there to act as headers to a group of widgets below).

Can’t you simply hold down the slider button, drag it until you hit the edge and release? I don’t find it that difficult to set the min/max value.

If you use OH2 and installed the .jar bundle, you’ll find a “lock editing” option in the service configuration (in Paper UI > Configuration > Services).

This is looking really nice. So easy to build a nice dashboard!

Only problem is that Microsoft Edge doesn’t update the page when something is changed (like the temperature or a switch status).

Is it possible to use influxdb to make a n3 line chart?
And will it be possible in the future to change the color of a switch/background/font/etc

This is awesome, thanks for sharing your great work!
Just started to configure it and was wondering if it is possible to display an ImageItem (OH2 only)? I would like to use this for displaying cover art.

Is there a way to display some photos (Slideshow) from a folder with additional informations from Items during Idel-Time? This will help to improve the WAF on top as it cane used as a PhotoFrame until you like to control anything. (I have build a Photoframe using RPi and 10" Touchscreen, in my opinion this would fits perfect :slight_smile:)