HABPanelViewer 0.9.27

I have assigned it. I’ve tried all the commands, like SCREEN_ON/OFF etc. Value reporting works just fine. The Command_Log window shows nothing reported.

What is your item type?

I have 8 tablets, on Lenovo M8/M10 tablets. Battery opt is off (I had a problem with it on, and lag) HPV 0.9.27pre (4/18/21)

String HabPanel_T_1_Control "Tablet Control" (gHabpanelAllControl, gHabpanelTheaterControl)

I use the TTS and SHOW_URL extensively in rules

// Door Contact Announce
        rule "Announce Doors Contacts"
                Member of gDoors changed
                val ActiveDoor = triggeringItem.label.toString()
                val ActiveDoorStatus = triggeringItem.state.toString()
                val ActiveDoorTTS = "" + ActiveDoor + " " + ActiveDoorStatus
                if (Virtual_StringHouseStatus.state == "Sleep" ) {
                    logInfo("security.rules", "(SLEEP) " + ActiveDoorTTS)
                    gHabpanelAllControl.sendCommand("TTS_SPEAK  " + ActiveDoorTTS)
                } else {
                    logInfo("security.rules", "(DAY) " + ActiveDoorTTS)

// DrewsOffice
        rule "tablet_scheduleEventDrew"
                Item w_drew_current_event_active changed or
                Item p_zach_current_event_active changed or
                Item p_drew_current_event_active changed or
                Item PdDrewCount changed
                HabPanel_A_Control.sendCommand("SET_BRIGHTNESS 100")

Where can I download 0.9.27pre? Happy to try that version out.

These are the configs I’m using: tablet control (not working) · imaginator/system@7a110f1 · GitHub I’m presuming the “Command Log” screen shows what commands are being sent through.

Your items looked fine. you don’t need the groups I had in mine, they are just for my use. Tho feel free copy the group names. :smiley:

I got the apk off the HPV github.

app-debug.apk it worked for me, so never bothered changing it.

Thanks a lot. It seems that 0.9.27pre works better and is now picking up commands. Or the full reinstall helped?!?.

Stealing your gHabpanelAllControl to fire commands against all 8 tablets too.


I have a problem with rendering the icons, on my Chuwi Hi10 Tablet, on my other tablet (MiPad 4 it is really fine)

I’m using the matrix theme (Matrix Theme for HABPanel)

Screenshot on Chuwi Hi10 Pro Tablet with habpanelviewer:

Screenshot on Chuwi Hi10 Pro Tablet with Chrome:

Screenshot on MiPad4 (7") with habpanelviewer:

Does anyone know, what I can do?

What version of android does it run? Is it very old? Rendering glitches could be an issue of the version of chrome that apps like HABPanel link too.

Unfortunately it is Android 5.1, but as I told, Chrome is rendering it correctly.
With which Browser does habpanelviewer rendering the website?, chrome or built in browser?

This is caused by the font/screen scaling options or the screen DPI settings. Depending on your build you can enable the debug options, and try scaling your font/screen size and/or your screen DPI settings. My guess is your DPI. You probably will need to decrease your DPI and INCREASE your font to compensate. I don’t remember what versions of Android this was exposed on in debug however. Some early versions required it be changed in a text/compile location.

Thank you, it is working now!
I flashed the Chuwi Tablet and installed Cyanongenmod 12.1
The button issues are gone, but I had problems with openweathermap habpanel widget…
After debugging, I found out, that the “modern” javascript syntax “=>” is not working in this old browser (habpanelviewer is using stock browser for rendering).

So I rewrite this function to old school syntax, and now it is all working!!
I did pull request, if my request will not accepted, and someone have this issue, he can find the details in the request.

I am having an issue with an Android Tablet after updating to OH3 a few weeks ago.
The Tablet is on Android 5.0.2 and HPV is 9.26
Most things seem to work fine with HPV except the commands sent to it. This used to work just fine before the upgrade.
I have created an item “Tab_Command” and sendCommand to it a command “SCREEN_DIM”
I have update the panel to actually show that value (for testing) and I can see the value arrive at the tablet and get displayed on the screen, but HPV does not respond to that command - the command log is blank.
I have checked the Command Item and the connection status - both are fine. I am also getting Values from the tablet being sent back to OH.
Any ideas?

Many thanks

Just an update on this. I installed HPV 9.27 debug and the command issues have been resolved. There are a few other minor issues with this pre-release version, but it is better than 9.26.

I tried to search in this thread, but didn’t find the answer.
Now with OH3 you can have a Light and a Dark theme. Would it be possible to change this theme so you can get the dark page from the OH3 MainUI. It would be fantastic if you can use a command to change from Light → Dark Theme (so you can change theme for Day and Night).

Maybe just a workaround but if your system (e.g. Android) supports the day/night switch, you can set the setting in OH3 UI to “Auto”. This should switch from light to dark whenever your system switches to the dark mode. I haven’t tried this option yet to be honest because I have just dark mode enabled.

Hey guys,
I’m looking a bit more into the nitty gritty details of HPV, coming from FullyKioskBrowser.

Am I right, that turning on the screen when motion is detected only works via OH ruleset? Like “when motiondetection changed, sendcommand(SCREEN_ON)”?
Or is there any internal functionality without the need to send data to OH and back?
Thanks for your help.

PS: On FullyKiosk one can do this with soundDetection which works better in my setup.

Thank for the reply, but when changing the theme to dark, HABPanelViewer stay’s at the Light theme. Chrome or other browsers do change to the Dark Theme…

What theme are you talking about? The HPV theme or the theme of the MainUI?

The HPV theme can not be changed via command, but only manually.

The behaviour of MainUI theme shouldn’t be special with HPV, as it is only shown in a browser widget. If you set it to auto, it should behave exactly as it does when you open it in Chrome on the device. It might be needed to reload the page, as I am not sure if the MainUI automatically reloads when it is already open in the browser.

Thanks for the reply,

I talk about the MainUI theme.
When using Chrome, setting the theme to auto I get the dark theme when Android has the dark SystemUI and the light theme when the SystemUI is light.

With HPV I get the light theme when settings to Auto all the time (also with systemui dark). Only when choosing the dark theme HPV shows the dark theme. (als after restarting HPV)

As far as I’m aware, you have to use rules. I’ve taken advantage of it to customize the behaviour so that HPV brightens when there’s activity (motion or sensor change), and turns off when I’m away from home or sleeping.

Looking around on internet I found this:
Darken web content in WebView | Android Developers
Is this something that is possible to add? Even use a switch (item) to change dark/light theme?