HABPanelViewer 0.9.27

If you have a log for the long reload you can send it to me.

OK, no problem. I’ll investigate further. I asked here first because I didn’t get the errors with the fdroid version.

In case you have any pointers, here is a photo of the first popup I got:

Did you by any chance change the targetSdkVersion recently? My problem is on an Android 7 tablet (and also x86 architecture, which may also be related according to other discussions)

I don’t know Android programming at all, so I don’t really know what I am looking at, but this seems to be the most comprehensive mention of the problem:


If it’s nothing to do with your code, or too much work to fix, then don’t worry. I’ll find another solution.


Yes, I did. But I changed it from 28 to 29. I can change it back to 28 on the weekend and you can try if the problem is gone.

Edit: I just updated the apk once again. It now has target version 28 and also shows a black background when the webview is paused.

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Hi. Where is the new apk? Because i try from the last link and still have white background an webview pause.

Sorry, I forgot to push the changes. I have pushed now.

@Dave_K, I have updated the apk in the meantime. I was looking for other ways to fix the problem without loading a blank page and reloading the old one after the device has been turned on. I have now changed it to only drop the sse connection that habpanel maintains to get value updates, which should be faster as the page does not have to be reloaded.
It would be nice if you could test it, as it works for be but didn’t for @nikos7179. I am wondering if he has another problem related to the device sleeping/waking up. If you also have problems with it, it would be great if you could send me a log.

I am not facing other problems related sleeping/waking the device.

What I meant is that your hanging might be caused by something else (e.g. WIFI) and not by the openHAB updates coming in, which should be fixed with the new apk.

But why with the version with the white page not even one time i dint had this hanging?? if this is was a problem with the wifi then in all versions i will have problems.

I don’t see this hanging at all with any of the new apks. So if I follow your reasoning, it has to be your device. But it is not that simple.

None of the changes I have made could explain the hanging AFAICS. And the hanging was there on your device before I started making changes, wasn’t it?

yes thats right.

But like a said only with the version with white page the hanging ist not happening . This is stranger even if we suppose that the device is responsible for the hanging why in this version its not happening.

I think that there are two problems. One is the reproducible hanging every time a device is sleeping for a long time. I suspect that this is caused by UI updates that are due to value updates in openHAB while the device is sleeping. These seem to be buffered until the device is turned on, which then results in a massive amount of updates flooding the UI and making it unresponsive.
This has been fixed with the new apk by cutting the SSE connection to openHAB in order to stop updates while the device is asleep.

This does not explain why HPV hangs on your device from time to time (even when it was turned off only shortly). So that makes me think there is a separate problem involved. As I already wrote you in a PM, your log file shows that the app is resource constrained by the OS during the time the device is asleep. So this might have something to do with it.

Sorry for the late reply. I had time to test the new version now, but it seems worse than before. After I wake up the HABPanel from a “DIM” the page is shown immediately. If I only wait for a few minutes before waking it up it only takes a few seconds for it to show the current state and I can press buttons. If I wake it after some hours it looks like it’s loading quickly, and I also can turn lights on when i press a button. But somehow it doesn’t let me turn them off again and also doesn’t update the state of the item in HABPanel. Also when I look at the clock of my HABPanel it seems only to refresh every 6 seconds. I will have to do some more detailed testing on this, but it takes some time because I have to wait for some hours for this issue to show.

No problem, thanks for trying it out. Which version do you have on your tablet? The one from May 17th or the one from the 3rd?

I have the one from May 17th.

Do you see the habpanel message that the connection is missing when the device turns on?

Yes, the message appears for a short time.

Can you send me an adb log of the time when it hangs, please?

I need some help, How do i get rid of the red border (SSE is not connected). I did it before, but how I did it ??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: age I guess :wink:
I’ve been searching everywhere but surprisingly little can be found on the internet about SSE.

Server is a Raspberry 4, Tablet is a Samsung galaxy tab A
