Heatit Z-Temp2 not initializing

I am trying to add a Heatit Z-Temp2 battery powered Z-Wave thermostat to my system.
The thermostat is discovered by OpenHab when scanning for new Thing. It is added as Thing with Identifier = zwave:device:601426fd42:node4 and default Label = Z-Wave Node 004. It reports to be online.
However, the Thing Type states that:

This device has not been fully discovered by the binding. There are a few 
possible reasons for this -:
- The device is not in the database. If the device attributes show that this 
device has a valid manufacturer ID, device ID and type, then this is likely 
the case (eg. you see a label like "Z-Wave node 1 (0082:6015:020D::2.0)"). 
Even if the device appears to be in the database, some manufacturers use 
multiple sets of references for different regions or versions, and your 
device references may not be in the database. In either case, the database 
must be updated and you should raise an issue to get this addressed.
- The device initialisation is not complete. Once the device is included into 
the network, the binding must interrogate it to find out what type of device 
it is. One part of this process is to get the manufacturer information required 
to identify the device, and until this is done, the device will remain unknown. 
For mains powered devices, this will occur quickly, however for battery 
devices the device must be woken up a number of times to allow the 
discovery phase to complete. This must be performed with the device close 
to the controller.

The unit is described here:
Doesn’t that mean it is in the databse?
And I have waited for several days now for the discovery to finish. Nothing happens.
Any ideas?

Looked through the history and this was readded recently, so there could be issues depending on your OH version?
On the UI page for the device do you see either a number string like 0082:6015:020D::2.0? If yes what are they? Also could check in the UI properties drop down. Also do you see five lines at the bottom of the page (including reinitialize device)?

If everything checks out, you may need to add the xml from the latest binding into your current zwave binding by following this procedure. Or upgrade to OH4.2M1?

Thank you! I selected the easiest thing to try, upgraded my OpenHAB system to latest version. I have been away from this location for three months, so I was lying a bit behind. And VOILA - the thermostat was inizialised. The channels are in place… everything looks good so far. Thank you!

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