Hello installing 2.5

Is there any way to install OH2.5 i’m Docker at this point?
Or in a Linux server?


To be able to install add-ons on openHAB 2.5.12 you also need to add the openhab-addons-2.5.12.kar to /openhab/addons in the container. That is because Bintray is no longer with us. :crying_cat_face: (openHAB 2.5.x and the sunset of Bintray). :

Yeah i try that but i got stuck after choosing the advance mode, never pass that

This could fix why i got stuck after selecting advance mode?
You know if is able to connect to the OH cloud still?

Yes please add the KAR, the Paper/Basic UIs are part of it as add-ons.
AFAIK you can still use the openHAB cloud too. :slight_smile: