openHAB 2.5.x and the sunset of Bintray


The sunset of Bintray on May 1st caused existing openHAB 2.5.x installations to no longer be able to download add-ons from the remote repository (because this was actually Bintray).

The original plan was to move this content to another place and offer a seamless switch for the users, but unfortunately this turned out to be more complicated than thought, so that it didn’t work out - at least until now.

There are two options to fix the problem, though:

  1. Use the offline version of the add-ons (i.e. the KAR file). This makes all of them available locally so that no remote repository is required.
  2. Add JCenter as a remote location to your setup by editing the file userdata/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg:
    Change the entry org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories to
    org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories= \,\

Actually, there is also a third option: Upgrade to openHAB 3. :sunglasses:
But I know, there can be reasons why you want to stick to a 2.5 setup - I hope the above options will help you fix the issue.

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