Hi Everyone since the update too 2.3 I have been receiving a couple of problems both regarding my items files the first one is below i receive these warnings anytime i update my items file its only two items that get these errors both are tagged switchable for google home intergration it is also setting these two switches too null ruining my rules
21:15:03.129 [INFO ] [del.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'All Items.items'
21:15:03.131 [WARN ] [mmon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:Movie_Mode_Trigger in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
21:15:03.133 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent ] - Item 'Movie_Mode_Trigger' has been updated.
21:15:03.138 [WARN ] [mmon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:Redalert in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
21:15:03.139 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent ] - Item 'Redalert' has been updated.
second problem is when recreating a item from paperUI into a text file i receive this error
21:14:16.396 [INFO ] [del.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'Network.items'
21:14:16.398 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - SwitchItem with key 'AmeliaSKodiService1921680529090_Online' already exists from provider ManagedItemProvider! Failed to add a second with the same UID from provider GenericItemProvider!
21:14:16.398 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - SwitchItem with key 'TylerSKodiService1921680549090_Online' already exists from provider ManagedItemProvider! Failed to add a second with the same UID from provider GenericItemProvider!
21:14:16.398 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - DateTimeItem with key 'NetworkDeviceRouter19216801_LastSeen' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to add a second with the same UID from provider GenericItemProvider!
21:14:16.399 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - SwitchItem with key 'NetworkDeviceServerSwitch19216803_Online' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to add a second with the same UID from provider GenericItemProvider!
I get this error for every item i recreate in a text file
i have been writing the item in text copying all the info from paperUI then unlinking the item from the channel in paperUI and finally saving the text file to recreate the item
Have you deleted the Items in PaperUI before you try to create them in .items files?
Verify that they are truly gone from your jsondb files. ALL references to the Item must be gone.
In the past I’ve seen Group membership not always updating after editing .items files. It might be something similar is going on here. Try restarting OH after deleting the Items before creating your .items files.
You have to delete the Item, not just unlink it from the Channel. If not deleted then the Item still exists and each Item must have a unique name.
It seems you were right on the items not being deleted from paper ui i followed the errors and manually deleted the offending items so now im not receiving these errors thanksr that
21:15:03.129 [INFO ] [del.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'All Items.items'
21:15:03.131 [WARN ] [mmon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:Movie_Mode_Trigger in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
21:15:03.133 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent ] - Item 'Movie_Mode_Trigger' has been updated.
I’m still experiencing the other error for these two items giving this error and being set too null i can connfirm that they do work but get set too null
21:15:03.129 [INFO ] [del.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'All Items.items'
21:15:03.131 [WARN ] [mmon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:Movie_Mode_Trigger in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
21:15:03.133 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent ] - Item 'Movie_Mode_Trigger' has been updated.
21:15:03.138 [WARN ] [mmon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:Redalert in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
21:15:03.139 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent ] - Item 'Redalert' has been updated.
FTR: This is only a warning, no error and as far as I can tell, you can simply ignore it. I agree that it isn’t nice to have the log full of it, though…
I dont think its got anything to do wiht underscores as I get these errors also and none of my items have underscores?
22:05:38.452 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Cpu_Load' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.461 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Storage_Used' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.467 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Cpu_SystemUptime' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.470 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Network_DataSent' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.471 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Memory_Available' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.472 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - SwitchItem with key 'KitchenReset' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.474 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - SwitchItem with key 'LivingRoomReset' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.492 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Storage_Available' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.497 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Memory_Total' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.500 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Memory_Used' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
22:05:38.501 [WARN ] [core.common.registry.AbstractRegistry] - NumberItem with key 'OpenHAB_Storage_Total' already exists from provider GenericItemProvider! Failed to bulk-add a second with the same UID from provider ManagedItemProvider!
Thanks, that’s actually not a bad idea, at least for now. I was planning to move them all to nodered (as that works fine) but I might indeed move them to a separate items file.
I’ve got the same issue.
The problem started when I added the Google Home Assistant tags into my item files. In my case, I migrated (back) from the PaperUI towards items files so I can easily add the tags. But I don’t believe it has anything to do with cache or so. Since I’ve got also an existing item file with tags, that also spit out the Warning. In my knx items, I’m using underscore. But in my default item file not, see example below.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.177 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'default.items'
2018-10-30 14:31:49.233 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:LightsWO in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.236 [ome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent] - Item 'LightsWO' has been updated.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.351 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:LightsAT in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.353 [ome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent] - Item 'LightsAT' has been updated.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.389 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:LightsBU in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.391 [ome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent] - Item 'LightsBU' has been updated.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.426 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:LightsALL in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-10-30 14:31:49.429 [ome.event.ItemUpdatedEvent] - Item 'LightsALL' has been updated.
Everything is working, so no big deal. Just sad that with every item file update, all status and so on get resetted.
Let me know if I can help in any way…
Just upgraded for 2.2 to 2.3 today and I am also seeing the following errors but not all items have “_” so guess it’s not the name per say but any items with the GHA tag.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.655 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:ALLState in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.662 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:LivOverride in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.694 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:SF_Study in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.702 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:SF_ST_ZW_Socket_1 in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.768 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:SF_ST_ZW_SW_1 in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.779 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:SF_MB_ZW_Socket_2 in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.786 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:HolidayMode in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.794 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:NASMode in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.803 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:Kiosk1Power in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-11-03 18:03:35.811 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:Kiosk1Reboot in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
The main issue for me is the items stop showing there actual state through the “Classic” interface and IOS app which is a frustration.