Heos (Denon) support

Isn’t that just as simple as just calling the favorite channel on the bride player or group you want to play? You don’t even need a rule for that but can of course do it if you like.

Thats the problem, i do not gave the favorits in the brige item (i had this in the past with 2.4)

Now i have favorits only in player / group items

Sorry, fixed my crucial error in the message above:

Note that in my changes which I just announced it will become slight different but in a more openHAB standard way.

Hmm okay, no whenn i select the favorit in the main player the group does not change to favorit. I also tried to group item to the favorit channel but also that didnt changed the favorit

I may try to install your new jar, but also the stablenrepo addonnshould work, no?

Yes, AFAIK that function should work, but only on player/group since it was merged to stable.

So my guess is it does not work… since stable

Or i use it the wrong way, i think i should only put the channel favorit on the main player the favorit i whant to ON and thats it, or do i miss something? Could you verify that wirh your heos?


If you install the binding via openHAB directly I think there is still an issue with the favorite channels. That’s the reason why I released a new patched version.
Have you tried this one?
Normally you only need to select the favorite channel on the group or player you want. That’s it…

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Oh okay…no…but i am confused now which version are you talking about and what is the jar martinvw posted 5minutes ago or do you mean that? (If no which version do i habe to take?) Thank you!

@Wire82 refers to this/his post

And whats the difference to the one you posted? Does now exist 2 bindings?

His change is a patch (small changes only fixing bugs) while mine could be more considered like a new version (update) of the binding, containing some small bug fixes but also rewrites to technical parts of the code and some new features.

okay, but your includes the patch from wire82? and you both code on the same new version? or does now exist multiple plugin jars?

I did build on top of the patch of @Wire82, when my code is reviewed and approved by @Wire82 and others it will be included in future version.

However, I removed the dynamic favorite channels in favor of single favorite channel similar to what the Spotify binding and other bindings offer for such features.


I’m a little lost as to which is the latest version.

I’ve tried both of the versions referred to in recent comments, but I still can’t link Favourites in PaperUI.

The issue is that the popup doesn’t list options for linking profiles.

Like this…

When Profile option box is touched, it just shows a blank box, like this

Do you have the version with a single favorites channel or many separate channels?


Karaf console shows that I’ve got version No - | openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Heos Binding

Which presents the favourites like this

(I’ve managed to link a Channel using my very first Items file)

This is the latest version by @martinvw.

It contains some changes, new features and patches also.
If you used the HEOS binding before, so you already have your HEOS Things, you should delete them and recreate to see the new channels.

In my opinion the usage of the binding is more straighforward and in my tests, it works as it should. However, again if you already use the binding, be prepared that some channels changed/removed so not everything will work as it was before.

That was the version I was using previously, that had the same issue.

I did completely delete and add the HEOS device.
(Which linked back the same channels thankfully, like Volume and Mute)


I’m not sure what I’ve done differently this time, but putting in this version gives a nice and easy String channel that gets populated with the favourites :slight_smile:
Many thanks @rkrisi @martinvw

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My first post here ^^

I’m really thankfull for all the work you guy’s put into this binding! Since the last reconnect fix @Wire82 made it’s working really well!

Today I discovered the updated binding mentioned earlier (6099) and I wanted to try the new Favorites channel.

After installing the binding and the usual arguing with Openhab (removing HEOS Things, clearing cache, rebooting several times, recreating HEOS Things) the binding starts and I’m able to communicate with my HEOS Bar. Everything works except the Favorites and the Playlist.

In the log I see my favorites and playlists are fetched from the DENON server:

2020-02-05 19:55:04.791 [DEBUG] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosFacade] - Received results: [BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s98575’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘SLAM! 90.1 (Top 40 %26 Pop Music)’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s67814/images/logoq.png’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s130543’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘The UK 1940s Radio Station’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-radiotime-logos.tunein.com/s130543q.png’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s253880’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘SLAM! The Boom Room’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s253880/images/logoq.png’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s75171’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘538 Dance Department’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s75171/images/logoq.jpg?t=636219’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s280322’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘Café del Mar Radio (official)’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s280322/images/logoq.jpg?t=155058’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s87683’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘Qmusic’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-radiotime-logos.tunein.com/s87683q.png’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s25072’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘538 102.3 (Top 40 %26 Pop Music)’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s6712/images/logoq.jpg?t=636219’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s17525’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘NPO 3FM 97.1 (Top 40 %26 Pop Music)’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s6707/images/logoq.png?t=636268’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s223552’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘Radio 10 88.1 (Classic Hits)’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s16793/images/logoq.png?t=1’}, BrowseResult{container=NO, mediaId=‘s98555’, playable=YES, type=STATION, containerId=‘null’, name=‘Sky Radio 101 FM 101.4 (Top 40 %26 Pop Music)’, imageUrl=‘http://cdn-profiles.tunein.com/s9067/images/logoq.png?t=1’}]
2020-02-05 19:55:05.045 [DEBUG] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosFacade] - Response: HeosObject{rawCommand=‘browse/browse’, attributes={count=2, returned=2, sid=1025}}
2020-02-05 19:55:05.046 [DEBUG] [binding.heos.internal.api.HeosFacade] - Received results: [BrowseResult{container=YES, mediaId=‘null’, playable=YES, type=PLAYLIST, containerId=‘224711’, name=‘bla’, imageUrl=‘’}, BrowseResult{container=YES, mediaId=‘null’, playable=YES, type=PLAYLIST, containerId=‘224712’, name=‘bla344444’, imageUrl=‘’}]

In PaperUI I see HEOSBar_Favorites changing to the currently playing station ID eg s280322.

I’m using the correct item:

openhab> links list|grep -i favor
HEOSBar_Favorites → heos:player:-1715433282:Favorites

There is nothing else using this item (no rules, only mentioned in the sitemap):

[20:16:37] root@openhab:/etc/openhab2# grep -inr favor *
sitemaps/home.sitemap:134: Selection item=HEOSBar_Favorites label=“Favorites” icon=“music”
[20:16:43] root@openhab:/etc/openhab2#

What am I missing?