Heos (Denon) support

What version of openHAB are you using maybe the support for those dynamic list is not the same in older versions? How does it look in the basicUI? Do you have screenshots for us so that we understand the problem? Thanks!


I’m running the latest stable version 2.5.1

Ok, this is odd. I didnt have basicUI installed so I installed it to take some screenshots and suddenly Favorites started working. Maybe installing basicUI restarted/reinitialized something?



BasicUI (only after)

The Playlist is still empty in both UI’s but the playlists might be empty.

Same issue again, I added some favorites in the HEOS app and restarted the binding. Somehow the option list is not being populated :frowning:

Since I have no idea what I did last time, I don’t know how to fix it :slight_smile:

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After 24 hours still no favorites :frowning:

What I tried: (and does not work)

  • Restarting bundle
  • Refreshing bundle
  • Recreating item
  • Re-linking item to channel
  • Rebooting OH
  • Forcing bridge to sign in again by changing credentials
  • Clearing cache

Then I uninstalled Basic UI
 and all my favorites appeared again. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Apparently (un)installing Basic UI triggers something to reload?

If you could enable debug logging if the problem appears again I would be interested in the debug logging of org.openhab.binding.heos when restarting openHAB

Enabled debugging to a separate logfile and restarted the binding @ 19:24:49.747. After the restart my favorites are gone.

HEOS.log (65.5 KB)

If you need additional information let me know! :slight_smile:

Oh btw, my setup is a Heos bar, a Heos subwoofer and two Heos 3 “surround” speakers. No groups because they are all connected to the bar. In openHAB I have one bridge (heos bar) and one thing (heos bar).

reinstalling any binding “fixes” it

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I can see it fetching the data, I do not yet see why it would fail? I see two fetches going on one of the favorites and one of the playlists.

So you don’t see those favorites / playlists in the paperUI and the basic UI. What version are you running? Anyone to which this sounds familiar?

Thats right, it fetches the data but it doesn’t show up in any UI; (paperui, basic ui, habmin, habpanel, android).
like this:

Because reinstalling any binding temporarily fixes the problem I thought it had something to do with the core, but I have other bindings like Home Connect installed and the program selection for my dishwasher works fine every time.

The only other thing I could think of is that I cannot link the heos bar channel in the bridge, there is no profile available:

I’m able to link it through habmin and then switch it ON but that doesn’t make a difference.

Heos binding:
299 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: HEOS Binding

[11:38:19] root@openhab:/home/openhabian# dpkg --list | grep openhab
ii openhab2 2.5.1-2 all openhab2

Maybe @MDAR has the same issue when restarting the binding?

Sorry to disappoint you, everything is working well for me.
Now that I’ve put the correct version of the binding in (and insured that there aren’t any artifacts of the previous version present in Karaf)

hi Everybody
i use the newest buld from the plugin and i have openhab 2.5.3
everything works with denon with play music and volume control.
the only thing i cannot do in a rule is to group special speakers in a rules, i tried evertyhing but whenn the group is not build in heos correctly it wont work.

can somebody help me how to specify a rule, to make a specific group (say speaker 2 and 3 together) (and if speaker 1 2 and 4 is in a group, it’s ungrouped and build the new group 2 and 3

thank you very much in advance

nobody can help here?

First build the group manually in the HEOS network. Then the group will show up in your Inbox. Add that group (do that for each group you want to use). Use the Group/Ungroup switch channel on every group to group/ungroup that group.
You can group them easily with this switch from a rule also. Just send ON to group them or OFF to ungroup

@martinvw’s changes are working great for me so far. Thanks! Favorites set up this way seems to work very well.

Forgive me if this has already been discussed (I didn’t find anything searching the thread and I am new to HEOS), but would there be any way to add the ability to get the images (or image URLs) representing the favorites as well? I noticed in the telnet data that it is available from HEOS, and it would be great to use that to create favorite buttons with images on HabPanel.

I’m not sure how this would best be handled, but even if it was raw json data provided by the binding in a channel (like z-wave locks) with the favorite info and image urls that would be really useful!



can you tell me, which binding is newer: that from stable OH 2.5.4 or that: provided by @martinvw https://download.martinvw.nl/org.openhab.binding.heos-2.5.2-SNAPSHOT-6099.jar

Hello, I’m trying to play my sound through Openhab 2.5 on my Denon AVR-X2400H receiver. When I install the HEOS binding from the Paper UI, I get the receiver displayed under the sink, but when I write a rule example (playSound (“doorbell.mp3”)), I don’t hear anything from the receiver. I searched a lot and only found the hint that you still have to enter the IP of OpenHAB under “CallbackURL”. However, this entry does not exist anywhere, at least I do not find it. Can somebody help me ?

Got the sink up and running.
It is also displayed in the OpenHab console. With play doorbell.mp3 the sound also arrives.

Unfortunately with this simple rule.

rule “Play Sounds”


Item PlaySounds received command ON


// Play the sound on the default sink


// Play the sound on a specific sink at a specified volume level

playSound("heos:player:-324015404", "doorbell.mp3")


Can sombody help me ?

The newest HEOS bindings from the official release do not contain any new features, so feature wise the download is the newest one. However it’s not yet reviewed and merged.

Did you @Skynet86 check whether the rule is actually executed by putting some log statements in your rule?

When I wanted to set this up but with the say method I faced some troubles with the volume and such. I have the ambition to also look into this part of the binding because we might need to do more with the feedback when it starts and stops playing.

I hope this is of any help for you.


Fair question, to be completely clear what you are asking, you are not interested in the current playing item but you are interested in the meta-data of the favorites. If someone has a good solution that fits with the architecture of openHAB where I can put then it’s not hard but I fear the modeling is the hardest in this one. For the reference, you would need the field imageUrl in the class BrowseResult in the new code (which has a pending PR).

After the (final) review in https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/pull/6099 I changed some things with regards to reading, timeout, and initialization. It should be more predictable like this, thanks @cpmeister for the review.

However it includes some bigger changes, so some testing from all/some of you would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.

Hereby a new download link: https://download.martinvw.nl/org.openhab.binding.heos-2.5.5-SNAPSHOT.jar

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Thanks for you time and effort with this.

I’ve loaded your new version and refreshed the Thing.

Other than the change in favourites, what should I be looking for (regarding what you’ve changed and how you’d like it to be tested)

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I included a summary of my changes in the initial message of the pull request. However the most critical change which I made last week is the handling of the reads and the timeouts of such reads. The normal scenarios work very good but I did not yet test actual broken connections by unplugging devices and such.

Another change which was included in the PR is the connection and reconnection on errors timeouts. If you see any strange behavior on that it would be good to know.

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