Home Connect binding

Hi Jonas

I also want to thank you for this binding!

I have some new toys:

  • Siemens HN678G4S6 oven
  • Siemens LC91KWV60 hob
  • Siemens EX875LYV1E cook top

At this moment I’ve connected the oven, but I’m eager to connect the hob (I’d like to use it as a ventilation system)
Can I help you? Are your latest changes on github?


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I am in the same situation but I have a Bosch HomeConnect capable hob.
i also want to control the ventilation. It seems possible to get the power level https://github.com/DavidMStraub/homeassistant-homeconnect/blob/master/custom_components/homeconnect/init.py

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Yes and yes. :grinning:
I will mention you if binding is ready. My current changes are in a separate branch (please see post above).

Thanks for the link. Will have a look.

Happy that you picked up the 2.5.0 rework and hope that you will be able to merge it into master. i just enabled the addiotional logging and hope to see something about the iDos being empty. Will post if i have something to look at.

Dear community,

today I finished my oven appliance code refactoring. Can anyone with a real device test the binding for me, please (@Boris_Cnapelinckx @johanone @FrankJensen @e-Luksch @Marcel_van_Kekeren @hwalter @fjortisbart). I’ve tested it on the simulator and it worked.

Please don’t use the binding in a production environment. I suggest, that you download the current openHAB 2.5.0 release (openhab-2.5.0.M1.zip) and place the binding in the addon directory.


  1. Download openHAB (openhab-2.5.0.M1.zip)
  2. Place binding jar (org.openhab.binding.homeconnect- in /addons/ directory
  3. Start openHAB (start.sh or start.bat)
  4. In the openHAB console, set the log level of the binding to debug
    log:set debug org.openhab.binding.homeconnect
  5. Setup openHAB via browser http://localhost:8080/
    5.1 Choose “Standard setup” in the first view and wait
    5.2. Navigate to Configuration->System (http://localhost:8080/paperui/index.html#/configuration/system) and got to “Item linking” and activate “Simple Mode”
  6. Navigate to the inbox and press the plus button (http://localhost:8080/paperui/index.html#/inbox/setup/bindings)
  7. Setup Bridge
    7.1 Create an application at the HomeConnect developer site (https://developer.home-connect.com/applications)
    Important configuration settings:
    OAuth Flow: Authorization Code Grant Flow
    Redirect URI: http://localhost:8080/homeconnect
    Should look like this
    7.2 Switch to PaperUI, navigate to the Inbox and press the “add” button. After that select “HomeConnect Binding” --> " Home Connect API"
    7.3 Fill clientId and clientSecret fields (take the values from HomeConnect developer site)
    7.4 Add it. Now the bridge is added but not yet authenticated.
    7.5 Navigate to http://localhost:8080/homeconnect and follow the wizard. If everything works your bridge should be “Online”.
  8. Navigate to the the PaperUI inbox again and press the “Add” button. Now your oven device should show up and you can add it.
  9. Done

What to test?

  • power on and off
  • select program
  • set setpoint temperature
  • set duration
  • start and stop

What do I need

Thanks for your help,

HomeConnect.txt (117.6 KB)
This is not the 2.5.0 binding log you asked for in the previous post!

The 2.4.0 binding was in debug loglevel when i recieved an iDos empty message within the home connect app, so i hope this logfile provides you with the necessary details to add this ‘iDos empty message’ to some channel.

Hi @lsiepel,

thank you for your uploaded logging file. Helped a lot to see the i-Dos dosing levels (e.g. LaundryCare.Washer.EnumType.IDosingLevel.Normal). I’ve updated the current development version to reflect these values. Could you test the binding for me? You don’t need to use your production environment. You can have a parallel openHAB test installation. Please follow the steps described in the previous post (Home Connect addon: Looking for beta testers).

Please use the following binding jar instead of the previous linked version: org.openhab.binding.homeconnect-

Example screenshot - PaperUI

What to test?

  • select program
  • set temperature
  • set spinning speed
  • set i-Dos 1 and 2
  • start and stop
  • Is spin speed or temperature set if you change the selected program?

What do I need

  • General feedback
  • Screenshot or video (via PM)
  • Your openhab.log file (openhab-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT/userdata/logs/openhab.log) (via PM)

What’s missing

  • I don’t know if an event is produced if one of the i-Dos containers is empty. Your exported log didn’t include any related event.

I tested as much as i can think of. I noticed that i have many options available in PaperUI that are A) not available in the HomeConnect app and not on the device. (like cold or hot US/CA) and B) are not reflected on the device itself. (any temp change or tumble speed) (234.0 KB)

The authorization stuff has much improved, that is a real big win! If you takes this one step further wouldn’t it be possible that the OpenHAB Foundation creates one App registration within HomeConnect and the enduser (me) only has to allow openHAB to access to my appliances?

Ps. instead of 2.5.M1 i used the snapshot build (1641)

Hi @lsiepel,

thanks for your log and feedback. The log really helped a lot. :slight_smile:

I’ve added a static list of all available options. I already changed this, as people might be confused.

That’s fine too. You can even use 2.4.0.

Could you please test my improved binding (org.openhab.binding.homeconnect- You need to remove the things via PaperUI and add the new jar file.

What to test?

  • set temperature and spinning speed (with active and non active program)
  • set i-Dos 1 and 2 as it didn’t worked the last time you’ve tested due to the following API error:
    "The rate limit \"10 successive error calls in 10 minutes\" was reached. Requests are blocked during the remaining period of 575 seconds."
  • start and stop a program (15 minute program is fine)
  • switch the selected program and check if spinning speed and temperature options change in PaperUI; you might need to reload the page


Feedback on
in paperui:
Active progam shows Cotton (correct)
Selected Program shows: LaundryCare.Washer.Program.Cotton (some i18n string placeholder?)

washing temperature is a select box, but also shows a series of buttons (strange to have both?) anyway, it holds value’s that are not available to the machine (Cold (US/CA), Warm US/CA HOT(US/CA)
(is this a temperature simplification for US/CA citizens? LMAO)

Spin speed and iDos boxes have same issue’s as washing temp: both dropdown and buttons while the spin speed has unavailable options

i’m missing the program selection in PaperUI at all.

Do i remember it correctly that the 2.4.0 version had state substate information. So it displayed the time/percentage for the whole program and the remaining time /percentage for the current task (e.g. heat up / spin / pump etc)?

I hope all the events that you need are there. I think i also noticed that changing the spin speed in paperui is not reflected on the machine. I can check that later again.

Do you need more logs for the dryer asswell? (403.7 KB)

Thanks, for testing. Your log looks really strange to me. Did you removed the washer thing via Paper UI and added it again?

  1. first you should remove all Things
  2. remove jar from openhab
  3. stop openhab
  4. start openhab
  5. add jar
  6. add things again

Can you please check if you have added all channels of the thing? In the overview of Paper UI it should look like this:

I’ve created a new jar with more debugging output: org.openhab.binding.homeconnect-

My control panel of Paper UI looks like this:


I think i did:
4. start openhab
5. add jar
1.first you should remove all Things
6. add things again

Will try again when there is enough laundry :slight_smile:

:grinning: Thanks

@struvusmaximus I would be very interested in any progress on this - can’t really help until my new kitchen arrives in a few months! Any luck so far? The hob is a particular interest to me. Can you control the heating level or just report on it?

I was under the impression that the SDK support was there for cooktops (but it seems its not (planned 2019) https://developer.home-connect.com/docs/cooktop/supported_programs_and_options .
I just sent an e-mail asking about an update regarding the 2019 planning.

Thank’s for the link https://github.com/DavidMStraub/homeassistant-homeconnect/blob/master/custom_components/homeconnect/init.py
At the end of the class is hob related code.

I will try to create the new appliance type Hob on the weekend. Just with the basic channels. Then we will see if it might be already working.

openhab_2.5.0.201907301212.log (310.6 KB)

This is much better. I did a fresh 2.5.0 1651 install. The paperUI looks good:

  1. I noticed that the Selected program show some kind of placeholder, while the Active program shows the good looking string.
  2. Changes on the device or home connect app are shown amazing fast in paperUI without refreshing the page.
  3. Changes at paper UI for spin speed and temp are not reflected on the machine. (while the same speed/temps can be set for that program on the device itself)
  4. The selectable spin speeds / temps are way better, i don’t see the cold/warm us/ca anymore. But some combinations are ‘illegal’. If the selected program is set to delicate, the home connect app limits the spin speeds to off/400/600/800. paperUI let me select al the other up to 1600. May be hard to fix, don’t know about that. But there is a dependancy for speed/temp in relation to the program, would be real cool if that is possible to implement.

If you need more logging /details or testing, please let me know, i’m happy to help. I have also have a dryer with home connect.

Just tried it - and I really love it. It should be placed within the officiel Bindings!!! Totally awesome.
Oven, Fridge/Freezer and Dish-Washer are under control. :slight_smile:

Hi Thomas,

short question regarding Freezer… I have a SIEMENS-KG56FSB40 Freezer / Fridge.

Got the current settings displayed in OH, but if i try to enable Fridge_SuperModeRefrigerator or Fridge_SuperModeFreezer from Openhab, nothing happens on the Freezer.

If i change it on the freezer, the status is updated in Openhab…
Does Fridge_SuperModeRefrigerator and Fridge_SuperModeFreezer works for you?

I’m on 2.5.0 M1 with org.openhab.binding.homeconnect- and don’t see anything strange in the logs…

Cheers Alex