Homeconnect: The rate limit "1000 calls in 1 day" was reached, reproduceable


I’m using homeconnect with 3 applicances. A dishwasher, a washer and a coffe machine. Since a while I get ‘The rate limit “1000 calls in 1 day” was reached’ after I restarted openhab or after I reboot my system (which includes a restart of openhab). This error is gone after 1 day and then homeconnect works normal until the next restart.

But now it’s annoying me so much that I want to try to investigate deeper into this topic.

As a first step I checked the logs when homeconnect is running normal. There I saw a lot of GET requests every minute to my dishwasher appliance related to states. I count all of them together I already reach this limit. But the limit hits me only after a restart.

So my first question is, Why are there so many GET requests.

Below you find my API Request Logs and my SSE Event Logs

2024-12-15T11_13_11.982274163+01_00__homeconnect_api_bridge_default__requests.json (92.6 KB)

2024-12-15T11_13_07.923839+01_00__homeconnect_api_bridge_default__events.json (44.0 KB)

has anyone an idea about the reason, solution or how to proceed analysing it?


In my SSE event logs you can see that my dishwasher seems to lose the connection and reconnects many times.

No, but

Thanks for the quick reply.

then Christmas was probably brought forward a bit :slight_smile:

will give it a try!

I think this is the main problem. A series of “expensive” requests are made with every reconnect. To be honest, it can only be due to the Internet connection of the device or the connection from openHAB to the Home Connect cloud backend. You could start here. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about the hard 1000 request limit.

Alternatively, you can of course try the new binding.

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Not sure if this is relevant but older appliances are less efficient so when they are off they really are off. My dryer for example, when I turn it off it is completely out of the network and it’s consuming 0 watts.
Maybe at this time switch to pinging until it answers ?