HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

I have Android Fire 7 (2015) and i get 4 columns in one row with standard settings. It has poor screen resolution, only 1024x600 i think and standard dpi is 160. Is a very cheap device only used by me for controlling my smarthome.

If you change DPI setting, you can get more or less columns. Maybe you only want to change dpi for rotini, so you need an exposed module which can do that. Otherwise dpi setting will be changed system wide.

I never understood why would someone try to increase DPI at all? Apps usually designed to work best in certain resolution and layout. Isnā€™t this taking customizability a bit too far?

On my old Android smartphone with a 4" Screen i had very big letters in my apps, for example gmail or whatsapp. I was not happy with scrolling all the time, i only saw very few mails on one screen without scrolling. There was no good overview. I changed dpi, so i got something like tablet experience on my small screen. My eyes are very good, maybe i will change this when iĀ“m older and eyes are not so good like today. But for me, the ā€œhigher resolutionā€ (means less dpi setting) was much more readable.

Apps work in all dpi settings. Different phones get different dpi and so the app has to work on all smartphones and tablets. You also can get tablet ui on a smartphone, if dpi setting is changed. I like it much more then smartphone ui on some apps. Even on a very small screen like my old 4".

Voice announcement notification?
Igor, I saw one or two mentions in this long topic about voice controlā€¦ Are you considering being able to push voice notifications to Rotinin so my soon to be tablet on the wall can ā€œannounceā€ stuff like ā€œYou have left the garage door open againā€.

I bought an Echo with the hope of doing this but itā€™s too ā€œclosedā€ at the moment so not really possible. At the moment I use a squeezebox to annouce stuff but if Iā€™m using Rotini on a wall tablet to control stuff it would be great if the same tablet could announce stuff through itā€™s speakers.


Shouldnā€™t large font issue be solvable through system-wide font size settings?

Well, they certainly work, I guess Iā€™m talking about more qualitative side of experience. But, as they as say, to each his own :slightly_smiling:

Thatā€™s the eventual plan, but it might be only for OH2. I will post more details when available.

Igor - I donā€™t use the weather binding, so donā€™t have a condition-id, but do have a condition text item which I query from the Wunderground HTTP service. All the sensor values come from my custom weather station (temp, humidity, pressure and rainfall).

Is there any chance you could allow the various sensor values to be optional in the weather-advanced widget? In my case there would be no wind-speed or wind-direction since my custom weather station doesnā€™t report these.

Currently I can only use the basic weather widget, and all it shows is temp, since I have no condition-id.

@ben_jones12 created feature request: https://github.com/igorgladkov/rotini/issues/74

@ben_jones12 one of issues I see with your usage is that there is no standardized condition that can be used to show weather image

That is a very good point - in fact I am a bit of an idiot - I do have an item which I use to update icons in my classic UI sitemap. That comes from the Wunderground HTTP service as well and returns values like ā€˜clearā€™, ā€˜cloudyā€™ etc.

I just updated my simple weather widget to use this instead and it seems to be working now. I would still like to include the humidity, pressure and rainfall tho, which I canā€™t do without having the wind items.

By rainfall you mean amount of precipitation? If so, current precipitation is actually a percentage probability rather than actual rainfall.

Also, Iā€™m curious why you donā€™t use weather binding for items that you donā€™t measure yourself, to get complete-ish picture?

Yeah I did - that is ok, not too worried if I donā€™t have that value - temp, humidity and pressure would be good tho.

When I started out there was no weather binding ;). So I have had my HTTP bindings from Wunderground for a very long time and never saw the need to change them - they are pretty much only used for display in the sitemap and a morning announcement of the weather forecast when I walk into the kitchen.

Iā€™ve got a home security camera showing in the classic UI as live video using an mjpg stream. Is this something you have planned? For now I can just show a static image but live video would be awesomeā€¦

Yes, it is planned

So tried out your new light-color-advanced widget, which I think I can use to reduce the needed tiles to control my lights. However I encountered a problem and I am not sure if it might be a configuration error on my side. It works fine with a simple Color item, but I am getting an ā€œInvalid configurationā€ error ā€˜Item: ā€œdefaultā€ is missing.ā€™ when using the group item for the color. Maybe you can spot my mistake:

The relevant part of my sitemap:

Text label="Wohnzimmer" {
    Frame label="Licht {widget:light-color-advanced}" {
        Colorpicker item=gWohnzimmerDecorationColor
        Text label="{item:preset1} [185.1,13.7,100]"
        Text label="{item:preset2} [185.9,16.1,100]"
        Text label="{item:preset3} [44.6,32.2,100]"
        Text label="{item:preset4} [44.7,43.1,100]"
        Text label="{item:preset5} [7.1,82.5,40.4]"

Group definition:

Group gWohnzimmerDecorationColor (gWohnzimmerColor)

Item definition:

Color   Color_3         "Stehlampe (Farbe)"          (gWohnzimmerDecorationColor)           { hue="3" }
Color   Color_4         "Anrichte (Farbe)"              (gWohnzimmerDecorationColor)           { hue="4"}
Color   Color_16       "Lightstrip (Farbe)"            (gWohnzimmerDecorationColor)           { hue="16"}

Response from

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

@Stefan This is a bug, it was fixed #71, but not released yet

1 Like

Thanks for fixing this. Was only checking open issues before writing :slightly_smiling:

Hello igor, thank you for a great job!
Iā€™m struggeling to emulate a push contact, can not seem to locate the info on the wiki.

like i have this which send a ā€œCLOSEDā€ and then turns back to OPEN when it is pressed, can i emulate this in rotini ? :slightly_smiling:

Contact Bath_Button_1 "Turn on-off Light" (Bath_Buttons) { gpio="pin:14 debounce:10", autoupdate="false" }

thank you again.

Glad you like the app.

I think you can use Switch widget for this. It is not documented yet but Contact item is supported.
The only thing, Iā€™m not sure if it will work good with autoupdate=false, since it means that UI will not update immediately if item has changed from any other OpenHAB clients.

Itā€™s not possible to send commands to Contact items, so if you want a binary state item that you can command from a UI, your choice is a Switch item. :slightly_smiling: