HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

Hmmm, didn’t know that. I remember someone was asking for support of Contact items on switch widget, so I assumed it has commands.

EDIT: take it back, it was for using Switch instead of Contact, not the other way around.

Release 0.3.26
Release Notes

Added support for self-signed certificates #68.

Additional improvements:

  • Support for client-side album cover updates in Music widget (cover item is still supported as before)
  • Ability to specify separate portrait and landscape backdrop images #55
  • Secure HTTP server setup uses 443 port by default, unless specified explicitly

Also fixed item missing error in Light Color Advanced widget when using a group item #71

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Thanks again! This new version took care of my light color advanced widget issue with groups, and also now properly syncs the other lighting related widgets (group items, per room) color values as they change. Very nice! :slightly_smiling:

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Version 0.3.27
Release Notes

Custom units and optional wind direction are now possible in Weather Advanced widget.

Hi @igor, does the app support sitemap building capabilities such as Habmin/Habmin2 ?

I feel users should be able to customize sitemap and items REST API to create/delete/edit sitemap with items

@Kiran_Patil This is something I thought about but with no conclusion at this point. Customization makes sense if each device or user have unique sitemap, but it might be too confusing with reused sitemap.
Also, it seems like habmin has strict validation on sitemap format, so current modified sitemap do not save at all.

@igor, I would like to have a feature like a single button “Away Home”, “Day”, “Night” … and I should be able to predefined items settings configurable from client side, for each of them such that I should use only those three or four buttons rather than visiting the sitemap item individually.

Does tasker help to achieve this ?

What kind of configuration are you talking about from client side?
There is currently mode or button widgets, but there is no configuration.

Sorry, I mean sitemap with items.

@Kiran_Patil I’m still not sure what you mean, can you restate the use case you are talking about?

@igor Do you have any info on the music widget for how the client-side album cover functionality works? Perhaps update the wiki page :+1:


I think you can do this with a rule in openhab.

You can make a simple Push-Button in rotini and execute the rule when pressing the button. In the rule you can set all items to the states you want to have.


Yes, I agree with you.

But, what I am looking is something like define rules at client side rather at server which will increase the usability of the application from user point of view.

By which I may not depend on any external applications like tasker.



Can you please send me the demo.items and demo.sitemap for the setup you done above ?


It uses the Spotify API to get cover based on artist/album. Is there something that not working with it?

At this point, there are no plans to have fully-functional client side configuration for rules. To an extent, I think rules do belong on the server so it is not tied to any device in particular, and the power of the rules is when it is written in some kind of code to allow flexibility.

My demo sitemap changed a lot, so you would have to specify which widgets/screens you want to see.

Looks awesome - shame only for android :frowning:

It seems that Android user base of OpenHAB is larger, so that was a logical start.

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Wise move :wink:


I think it’s working fine, but I was curious :wink:

Hey Igor just wanted to say great work on this awesome app!
Am liking it so much that I’m hunting the internet constantly looking for a cheap Nexus 7 to test out what it looks like on a tablet, none of my tablets run android 5.x :grinning:

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