HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

@pelnet please use this link for join G+ community: https://plus.google.com/communities/110989367727284827143
There is no app distributed yet, but when it is posted you will get it in the Play Store.

@Kai I donā€™t think cooperation is at issue here. Letā€™s put aside the open source aspect for now.
80% of API functionality of the app was complete before I ever posted on this board, so to merge the apps I would need to stop development and rewrite whatever relates to API. I did look at the existing app code base, code structure is very different; with API parts residing directly in Activities, it is not really reusable either.
Sure there are things that are already supported by existing app such as push notifications and some bugs that were fixed, but other than that I donā€™t see any upside for such significant changes.

Also, there are already existing 3rd party mobile/web apps, so Iā€™m not really sure why we didnā€™t merge those before, if you feel so strongly about it.
From my point of view, choice is better and there shouldnā€™t be any downside for the community.

Well, my point is that I prefer one really useful app over a choice of 3 that are about 80% finished and compatible.
There are simply a lot of new things coming up in the future (openHAB 2) that need to be incorporated into the clients: SSE for events, OAuth for authentication, my.openHAB support, a new sitemap syntax, discovery & rule creation support, add-on management, notifications etc. Designing a few nice looking widgets on top of all of this is probably the easiest part.

And for features like voice commands, push notifications, etc. furthermore is also annoying to the user if this is spread over 3 different apps instead of having an integrated experience.

But ok, I get your points and I see that there isnā€™t much that could possibly convince you at this stage anymore.


Did you use any particular framework for this? i.e. the widget/tile layout.


@jwarder no, just standard grid layout

Cool thanks, did you create the icons yourself if so what did you use?

Once PR #3410 is merged, OH1.8 will report non-rounded, easily parseable lat,long[,alt] formatted values, and will match what Eclipse SmartHome already returns. So this in theory will allow you to make use of Location item states in your client.

Hi thanks,

Unfortunately, I donā€™t have this Google + thing. Is there any chance you could just provide a link to the source (Github?) or to a working APK? Another down side about the Google Play store in my opinion is that you can never revert to an older version of an app, unless you were smart enough to save the old APK (luckily, I did that with HABDroid).

Great, thanks for following up @watou

@pelnet Unfortunately, at the start it will be released as closed beta only through G+ as thatā€™s what is available from Google as distribution channel. There will an open beta at later stages when the builds are more stable.

@igor Iā€™m currently developing a web application for a UI, I really like your icons, could you provide any more info on them please?


@jwarder they are official material design icons from Google https://github.com/google/material-design-icons

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There few things left to do before I can upload first version, targeting end of the month at this point.

Meanwhile, I added relatively basic (for now) integration with Tasker. It supports sending a command to any openHAB item.


Weather widgets (standard and compact):

Also, everybody who wants to be part of alpha release, please join G+ community
More sign ups - more motivation for me to release :smile:

Iā€™ve joined and hope you release soonā€¦ :smile:

well done :slight_smile: looks supper

Nice, this will be one of the most important points for me :smile:

Igor, you are creating a super sexy android app here :smiley: Really been missing these kind of widgets/screens you are adding here now, it finally makes the openhab experience fulfilled. What about making it open source and adding a optional donation? I will for sure donate! :wink:

Same Here!