HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread


When are you planning to release the source code ?


I didnā€™t decide how the application is going to be released yet. It should be done in the near future and will post it here.

Just adding myself to the queue of desperate waiting pioneers :smile:
Iā€™ve just setup my first Android tablet using the dashing framework in another thread here in the community.
A native app with your look and feel is awsome!

My graphing use-case would be mainly for temperatures. Iā€™d like to see a dashboard button with the actual temp. When touching it, a historical graph should be shown. That would be awsome!

Thanks much for your work. Release soon, release often :thumbsup:

A very very nice looking UI. My old display in the kitchen (LG p970 mobile) is out of order. So Iā€™m looking vor a new solution. A 7" Tablet is cheaper than a new old mobile. And: With your UI it will be much nicer.

Thanks much for your work. Release soon, release often

Just finished maps widget which allows to draw multiple locations and markers to represent maybe home/people locations on the same map. I have been using web map similar to this wiki, so it solves the same problem.
(screenshot and example config below)

Frame label="Location Tracker {widget:map,size:fill}" {
  Text item=Location_Home label="{item:target}"
  Text item=Location_Home label="Home {item:location}" icon="home"
  Text item=Location_Work label="Work {item:location}" icon="playstation"
  Text item=Location_John label="John {item:marker}"
  Text item=Location_Jane label="Jane {item:marker}"


I decided to release this app as a beta in the next month or so. I will be posting Google+ community address soon (as a distribution channel) for everybody who is interested to.
At later time, it will be released to the Play Store as a beta as well. Beta stage will continue for at least 6 months.
To avoid any wrong expectations, I need to say from the start that pending outcome of the beta stage this app might or might not become paid, or have certain paid features.
My goal is to bring great value and features for the users, just like this app is useful for me right now.

I will keep this thread updated.

Also, to address some feedback earlier in the thread:

  1. How about merge with official mobile app?
    Becoming the part of official app wasnā€™t my original goal, mainly to keep options and direction of the project open, while official status puts certain limitations on the project. Also, when base features are complete, I donā€™t think it is beneficial to have two views with the same functionality, from both usability and development perspective.
  2. How about open source?
    Open source projects do have certain benefits, but also add certain complexities. At this point, Iā€™m avoiding the complexities. In future, if I wonā€™t be able to move the project forward I might consider it.

Google+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/110989367727284827143
(name is development project name - temporary)

Please request invite if you are interested in getting the install later.
This community makes it easy to distribute beta apps through official PlayStore channel.


@igor I just requested to join the G+ community. I would like to test out your UI. My install is completely Z-wace with the exception of alarmdecoder.

@mganapa Iā€™ve accepted the request, I will be releasing the alpha version in the next few weeks.
I will also put together some guidelines for widget configs before that.

Thanks for accepting my request.

Added music widget in standard and compact configurations (should be useful for Sonos or similar)

I have no idea how this would integrate into openhab (does it?) But it finally looks like something rather useful. :smile:

Will your maps widget work with Location items, as opposed to/in addition to String items that happen to contain lat,long values?

@waitz_sebastian no problem

@watou I didnā€™t make it compatible with Location items yet, because while MapView does show precise location from assigned lat/long, I couldnā€™t make REST API return non-formatted values (by default it returns rounded to 2 decimal points, e.g. 40.74Ā°N, -73.98Ā°W, 0.00 m)
The other benefit is that Map widget accepts strings in format: lat,long,accuracy (e.g. 40.737843,-73.991377,100), so 3rd number can be used to show accuracy circle on the map in meters

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That seems like a bug to have the PointType item come back formatted via the REST API. I will open an issue against that. Thanks for explaining!

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@watou Yeah, seems like that. Thanks for filing it.

@gersilex it definitely does, otherwise I wouldnā€™t post it here :smile:
Example config below. All items are optional except track and play-pause.
So, for example, if someone cannot control volume on their system and item is not supplied - volume bar will be hidden in UI.

Frame label="{widget:music,size=fill}" {
  Text item=Sonos_Track label="{item:track}"
  Text item=Sonos_Album label="{item:album}"
  Text item=Sonos_Artist label="{item:artist}"
  Switch item=Sonos_Play_Pause label="{item:play-pause}"
  Switch item=Sonos_Skip_Next label="{item:skip-next}"
  Switch item=Sonos_Skip_Previous label="{item:skip-previous}"
  Setpoint item=Sonos_Volume label="{item:volume}"
  Switch item=Sonos_Mute label="{item:mute}"
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@igor, @belovictor: Did you guys make any progress on the discussion to merge this into a single openHAB Android app? I still think this makes a lot of sense for everyone and I would hate that this idea is dropped just because it feels ā€œeasierā€ to not cooperate - it is effort worth to be spent for the community as a whole.


Right, apparently I need an invite to test the app from the Play Store. Could you provide me with one? Iā€™m new to thisā€¦

+1 . I tottaly agree with @Kai.
@igor it would benefict everyone to join efforts. Even if you intend later to add some payed features at least you would be working on a common open source Android core applicaton, with eventual co-development help from other users, and receive feedback from all openHab users.

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