Homeseer WD-100 Dimmer Switch / Instant Status Question

I don’t know this technology nor this device, but I do know that at least with z-wave devices, that assumption often does not hold. None of my switches or outlets report back when they are physically altered.

Hi, Chris,

As I said over here, on this other post, I’m curious to know what this switch does, too, so if you can do something for us, we can all learn a little, perhaps.

The best way to figure out what the dimmer switch is doing when you change the value manually is to put the openHAB Zwave binding into debug mode and watch everything that happens. I think all that is required to do Zwave debug logging is to make sure that the following code is in your logback.xml file:

	<appender name="ZWAVEFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
	  <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
	    <!-- weekly rollover and archiving -->
	    <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history -->
	    <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5level] [%-30.30logger{36}:%-4line]- %msg%n</pattern>

	<!-- Change DEBUG->TRACE for even more detailed logging -->
	<logger name="org.openhab.binding.zwave" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
	        <appender-ref ref="ZWAVEFILE" />

(I’m almost certain that most, if not all, of this code may already be in the default logback.xml file, but I don’t know for sure. The only thing you may have to do is change the logging level for the Zwave binding to DEBUG. And 30 days of Zwave debug history is a lot of history to keep. Careful that you don’t fill up your storage.)

Once you verify that you have a log file being produced, you can ssh into your box and use a command like this:

tail -f /opt/openhab/logs/zwave.log | grep --line-buffered "NODE 6"

substituting in the node number for the dimmer and the log file location, both of which can/should/may be different in your installation.

Then you’ll see stuff like this show up:

2016-12-08 07:19:33.512 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41  ]- NODE 6: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
2016-12-08 07:19:33.514 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ]- NODE 6: Incoming command class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL (0x26)
2016-12-08 07:19:33.515 [DEBUG] [veMultiLevelSwitchCommandClass:95  ]- NODE 6: Received Switch Multi Level Request
2016-12-08 07:19:33.516 [DEBUG] [veMultiLevelSwitchCommandClass:115 ]- NODE 6: Switch Multi Level report, value = 99
2016-12-08 07:19:33.518 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ]- NODE 6: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
2016-12-08 07:19:33.520 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ]- NODE 6: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL, value = 99
2016-12-08 07:19:33.530 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ]- NODE 6: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveTransactionCompletedEvent

(This is the technique I used to figure out what the scene commands report back for my HS-WS100+.)

Then go run the dimmer up and down and report back to us what, if anything, shows up in the logs.


Hi Billeccles,
These are WD-100+'s switches. NODE 2 is the switch.

This is a DIM UP:

07:40:41.437 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 68 02 01 C4
07:40:41.460 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:40:41.467 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:40:41.488 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 68 02 01 C4
07:40:41.504 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 68 02 01 C4
07:40:41.532 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 68 02 01 , callbackid = 0
07:40:41.550 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:40:41.571 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:40:41.584 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:40:41.604 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:40:41.618 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:40:41.629 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:40:41.643 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:40:41.655 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 5: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=5, incoming=255
07:40:41.671 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 69 02 01 C5
07:40:41.698 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:40:41.704 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:40:41.725 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 69 02 01 C5
07:40:41.742 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 69 02 01 C5
07:40:41.756 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 69 02 01 , callbackid = 0
07:40:41.769 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:40:41.782 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:40:41.795 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:40:41.807 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:40:41.820 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:40:41.832 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:40:41.844 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:40:41.856 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 5: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=5, incoming=255
07:40:41.872 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6A 02 01 C6
07:40:41.890 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:40:41.897 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:40:41.917 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6A 02 01 C6
07:40:41.932 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6A 02 01 C6
07:40:41.948 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 6A 02 01 , callbackid = 0
07:40:41.977 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:40:41.994 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:40:42.009 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:40:42.021 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:40:42.035 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:40:42.046 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:40:42.059 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:40:42.071 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 5: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=5, incoming=255
07:40:42.088 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6B 02 01 C7
07:40:42.121 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:40:42.139 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:40:42.162 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6B 02 01 C7
07:40:42.190 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6B 02 01 C7
07:40:42.212 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 6B 02 01 , callbackid = 0
07:40:42.231 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:40:42.252 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:40:42.264 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:40:42.280 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:40:42.300 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:40:42.311 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:40:42.319 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:40:42.341 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 5: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=5, incoming=255
07:40:42.366 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6C 02 01 C0
07:40:42.400 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:40:42.415 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:40:42.422 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6C 02 01 C0
07:40:42.451 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6C 02 01 C0
07:40:42.467 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 6C 02 01 , callbackid = 0
07:40:42.483 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:40:42.495 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:40:42.507 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:40:42.520 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:40:42.543 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:40:42.574 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:40:42.585 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:40:42.608 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 5: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=5, incoming=255
07:40:42.632 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6D 01 01 C2
07:40:42.662 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:40:42.678 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:40:42.720 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6D 01 01 C2
07:40:42.752 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6D 01 01 C2
07:40:42.772 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 6D 01 01 , callbackid = 0
07:40:42.789 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:40:42.821 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:40:42.834 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:40:42.861 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 1
07:40:42.878 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:40:42.898 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:40:42.920 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=1, scene=1}
07:40:42.935 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 5: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=5, incoming=255

This is a DIM Down:

07:43:01.758 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6E 02 02 C1
07:43:01.778 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:43:01.785 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:43:01.805 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6E 02 02 C1
07:43:01.821 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6E 02 02 C1
07:43:01.836 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 6E 02 02 , callbackid = 0
07:43:01.848 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:43:01.863 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:43:01.876 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:43:01.888 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:43:01.907 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:43:01.925 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:43:01.940 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:43:01.955 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 4: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=4, incoming=255
07:43:01.972 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6F 02 02 C0
07:43:01.983 [INFO ] [.ecobee.internal.EcobeeBinding:945 ] - No Ecobee in-bindings have been found for selection.
07:43:01.996 [DEBUG] [.ecobee.internal.EcobeeBinding:269 ] - Nothing to retrieve for ‘DEFAULT_USER’; skipping thermostat retrieval.
07:43:02.013 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:43:02.019 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:43:02.040 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6F 02 02 C0
07:43:02.054 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 6F 02 02 C0
07:43:02.076 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 6F 02 02 , callbackid = 0
07:43:02.091 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:43:02.105 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:43:02.119 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:43:02.132 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:43:02.145 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:43:02.158 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:43:02.170 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:43:02.183 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 4: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=4, incoming=255
07:43:02.199 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 70 02 02 DF
07:43:02.217 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:43:02.224 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:43:02.245 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 70 02 02 DF
07:43:02.261 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 70 02 02 DF
07:43:02.277 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 70 02 02 , callbackid = 0
07:43:02.290 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:43:02.304 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:43:02.318 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:43:02.330 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:43:02.343 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:43:02.357 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:43:02.369 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:43:02.382 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 4: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=4, incoming=255
07:43:02.399 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 71 02 02 DE
07:43:02.432 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:43:02.444 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:43:02.463 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 71 02 02 DE
07:43:02.483 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 71 02 02 DE
07:43:02.498 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 71 02 02 , callbackid = 0
07:43:02.512 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:43:02.526 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:43:02.545 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:43:02.567 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:43:02.579 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:43:02.590 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:43:02.610 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:43:02.624 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 4: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=4, incoming=255
07:43:02.640 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 72 02 02 DD
07:43:02.659 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:43:02.671 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:43:02.678 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 72 02 02 DD
07:43:02.700 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 72 02 02 DD
07:43:02.714 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 72 02 02 , callbackid = 0
07:43:02.728 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:43:02.743 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:43:02.754 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:43:02.767 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:43:02.790 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:43:02.802 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:43:02.815 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:43:02.832 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 4: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=4, incoming=255
07:43:02.856 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1601 ] - Receive Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 73 01 02 DF
07:43:02.874 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1244 ] - Receive queue TAKE: Length=0
07:43:02.887 [DEBUG] [eController$ZWaveReceiveThread:1517 ] - Receive queue ADD: Length=0
07:43:02.897 [DEBUG] [o.b.z.i.protocol.SerialMessage:255 ] - Assembled message buffer = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 73 01 02 DF
07:43:02.930 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:1245 ] - Process Message = 01 0B 00 04 00 02 05 5B 03 73 01 02 DF
07:43:02.946 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:200 ] - Message: class = ApplicationCommandHandler (0x04), type = Request (0x00), payload = 00 02 05 5B 03 73 01 02 , callbackid = 0
07:43:02.959 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:43:02.973 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:43:02.986 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:43:02.999 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 1
07:43:03.011 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:43:03.025 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:455 ] - ZwaveIncomingEvent
07:43:03.037 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=1, scene=2}
07:43:03.052 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:122 ] - NODE 4: Transaction not completed: node address inconsistent. lastSent=4, incoming=255

Second Up / Down with grep NODE2:

root@openhab:/etc/openhab# tail -f /var/log/openhab/openhab.log | grep --line-buffered “NODE 2”
07:44:54.104 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:54.118 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:54.131 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:54.144 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:44:54.158 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:54.181 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:44:54.293 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:54.307 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:54.319 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:54.330 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:44:54.347 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:54.391 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:44:54.516 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:54.531 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:54.546 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:54.560 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:44:54.573 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:54.598 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:44:54.710 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:54.724 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:54.737 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:54.750 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:44:54.764 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:54.788 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:44:54.920 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:54.940 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:54.958 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:54.973 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:44:55.049 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:55.087 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:44:55.204 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:55.217 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:55.229 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:55.241 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:44:55.253 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:55.275 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:44:55.459 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:55.472 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:55.488 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:55.507 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 2
07:44:55.519 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:55.547 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=1}
07:44:55.723 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:44:55.744 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:44:55.763 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:44:55.780 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 1 ; key 1
07:44:55.798 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:44:55.829 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=1, scene=1}


07:45:06.848 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:06.879 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:06.890 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:06.904 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:45:06.915 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:06.936 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:45:07.044 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:07.058 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:07.071 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:07.094 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 1
07:45:07.108 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:07.132 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=1, scene=2}
07:45:07.874 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:07.887 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:07.901 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:07.914 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:45:07.926 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:07.950 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:45:08.084 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:08.106 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:08.120 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:08.132 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:45:08.146 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:08.170 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:45:08.287 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:08.301 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:08.314 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:08.327 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:45:08.341 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:08.365 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:45:08.475 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:08.490 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:08.505 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:08.519 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:45:08.532 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:08.558 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:45:08.674 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:08.687 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:08.699 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:08.710 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 2
07:45:08.722 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:08.745 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=2, scene=2}
07:45:08.866 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:41 ] - NODE 2: Application Command Request (ALIVE:DONE)
07:45:08.880 [DEBUG] [ApplicationCommandMessageClass:146 ] - NODE 2: Incoming command class CENTRAL_SCENE (0x5b)
07:45:08.893 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:77 ] - NODE 2: Received central scene command (v1)
07:45:08.906 [DEBUG] [.ZWaveCentralSceneCommandClass:84 ] - NODE 2: Received scene 2 ; key 1
07:45:08.919 [DEBUG] [b.z.i.protocol.ZWaveController:668 ] - NODE 2: Notifying event listeners: ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent
07:45:08.944 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:472 ] - NODE 2: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = CENTRAL_SCENE, value = {key=1, scene=2}

Hmm. Well, it doesn’t look like the dim value gets sent with the CENTRAL_SCENE command. At least, I don’t think it does, based on the raw messages that are being sent.

At least we have the start of something, though.

You should be able to define two items, one for the dim up command and one for the dim down command. These will allow you to trigger a rule that then updates the value of the dimmer.

According to this page, however, you can’t do this in OH1, only in OH2.

@chris (Jackson), is this the case? I.e., is it true that the only way to catch the state of the dimmer after the CENTRAL_SCENE command is received is to use the OH2-only “refresh.REFRESH” command?

@Python, the workaround in OH1 is probably to set a polling interval of something like 5s so that after you get one of these updates, you can pause for 5s (to allow it to update via the poll) and then set the other dimmer appropriately. I have two dimmers which don’t support instant update and I have to use something like this to make it work for me.


…though as @Chris has pointed out elsewhere, scripting isn’t necessary to make this happen because these two devices support associations.

That leaves unanswered the question of how to get the state of the unit after a scene command is received, though, which is useful beyond the linking discussion which started this topic.

(Don’t ask me how to use associations. I don’t have any units which support association (yet). :slight_smile:)

Yes - if you want to manually read back data from a device, this is the only way to do it.

I recall this device now - I’m still surprised that they don’t send the multilevel reports directly, but it seems that’s the case. Unfortunately the SCENE classes aren’t designed to be sent directly to devices so it needs to be managed in the controller…

Good info as always.

(I discovered the problem with my devices—they aren’t in the current database, so apparently OH doesn’t know how to handle associations—at least, I assume that’s the case. They’re Linear (14f) ID:3331 Type:4457. I’ll ask in a new post to have them included, please.)


I’m going to post this in my thread as well… we will have instant status updates for dimming coming our way in the next public OTA release :slight_smile:

Very cool!

Now we need to figure out how to do the OTA update without HomeSeer 3 ($249).

Something makes me think that won’t be quite as easy to convince them to supply. :slight_smile:

I’ll ask! Looks like we make it past one hurdle and onto another… is HS3 the only way to do an OTA?

It’s really a just a guess on my part that it is—I have no idea for sure. But asking would be the best way to find out, and it’s really cool that (a) they were responsive and (b) they responded with the best answer!


I agree! I fired off an email asking them if theres an way to do OTA without HS3.
I also gave them huge props for being responsive to my email and the follow ups. Nice to see improvements being added to their devices… i just hope we can install them somehow now :slight_smile:

Ill let everyone know what they say about performing OTA without HS3

I wonder if HS3 demo download will work for OTA :joy:

That’s what I do, basically have a VM that I boot just to install the demo fresh and then kill it. I would pay $20 or so for tool to do this.

Hey Chris did you ever hear anything else on this? Can I ask what version the firmware they gave you is? My switches report as firmware version 5.15 in Habmin but the latest version of the firmware on Homeseer’s website is 5.14.

The latest firmware is 5.16. New switches shipped from homeseer are coming with 5.16 already installed. Please see your inbox for more info.

@Python Do you know whether HomeSeer is planning to release 5.16 as a download? They still only list 5.14 on their website, although the dimmer is up to 5.19. I’ve already applied the 5.19 upgrade to all my dimmers, but still have some switches on firmware below 5.16.

The Z-way software appears to be able to do OTA firmware updates. See this, for example:

There’s not a lot of documentation it. But you’ll have to buy the Z-way license or a RAZ card for the RPI, so it’s not free.

The problem with OTA isn’t the implementation of the protocol - it’s getting hold of the firmware to load. Most manufacturers won’t provide it - I’ve had personal discussions with both Aeon and Fibaro and they will only support firmware uploads via their own products.

Maybe this attitude will change one day, but it’s a ways off I think.