How to display a webpage in Habpanel

Hello, firstly I want to say I love Habpanel so much, one of the most powerful UI for smarthome controlling.
But I have a question, I’ve already created a .html file under static folder and I’m able to display it under the original UI of OH 1.8.3 using Webview object. How can we display that .html file on Habpanel side? I hope someone could help me,please
I’d be very appreciated!

hi there,
try to use Frame widget and enter the URL of ur created html
this should work


as already answered the frame widget is the simple solution.
But if you want to access openhab via myopenhab I experienced that the html page will not be displayed.
The frame widget needs a full URL (like “” or for openhab “http://YourServerIP:8080/static/YourHtmlPage.html”) and don’t want to handle something like “/static/YourHmlPage.html”

Fortunately there is the template widget where you can code your own html in it.
For example:

    <iframe style=" width: 100%;height: 500px;" src="/static/YourHtmlPage.html">      

So the page/widget will also be displayed when you access your system via the cloud service.

Hope this helps

Oh thanks both of you, I’ll do it right away and check ! Again thanks alot

Hello friends, I tried to use it but it did not work. My page isn´t html but htm and Openhab is responding:

Problem accessing /static/MyHtmPage.htm. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://”

I will appreciate your help-

Thanks and best regards,

Dear friends,

About the same issue:

How can I present periodically (ie: every second) a Snapshot like:


Your help will be very appreciated.

thanks and best regards

Try adding …/ at the start of the URL

<iframe style=" width: 100%;height: 500px;" src="../static/YourHtmlPage.html">