How to setup DietPi ready for openHAB, Node-RED and Velbus

Which doesnt explain why its default in openhabian :smiley:

I think Markus is better positioned to explain in more detail.

It’s my understanding that Frontail is included in the openhabian installation method, rather than “standard” to openHAB2.

(I’m totally prepared be wrong here)

I believe your right…
I think its a choice of simplicity… Using openhabian is for not knowledged user, where as using other packages are for “nerds”, whom I would assume already know how to install front tail.
Thats the best reason I can think of.

Anyway - I suggest everyone to install/use the front tail logging then :smiley:

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@smarthome-training Thomas has created a fabulous series of videos which follows on perfectly from my simple setup video .

Thanks Thomas, you’ve obviously put an incredible amount of effort and energy into these videos.

Link to Thomas’s YouTube playlist

Hi Stuart,

great that you share your knowledge as well.Even if your video is long, it is great to have all in one and your time line is all you need.
Really great is the thing with the touch screen. I will have to try this.

Stay save, regards

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Like your videos Thomas. Things are not going too fast, which I believe is great for new users.

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Thanks Kim, I heard that from others. Maybe because I am not native english :wink:

Thats often the best one to do these kinds of courses, in my opinion. I bet, If you were using your native language (german I guess?), you would probably be going through these things alot faster, with chances of loosing some of the listeners, even german ones because its technical stuff.

My top rated vidoes are either in english from non native english speaking people, or from native english people, as long as they speak “correct” english, without some annoying accent, (irsh and scottish can be very difficult unless they speak very slow. Even then they can be almost impossible to understand).
Many UK people I´ve heard are rather slow in their expression, having a very clear sound/voice. They´re in absolute no hurry… Its almost like they say… "Hello, let us sit down and have a nice cup of tea before we start the course. After that we´ll see if there´s time left to go through the course. If not, we will try again tomorrow, starting with a nice cup of tea first ofcouse. (sorry Stuart :wink: ). And yet they get their anyway, because of their slow speed, clean and clear voice as well as beeing highly fun sometimes. I just love english humor as its best. (I drink alot of tea as well. Sometimes I wonder if I´ll turn into a UK´ísh person with all that tea I drink every day :rofl: )…

Anyway enough about languages. Keep up the very good work you do Thomas. I´ll look forward to more advance courses coming up :slight_smile:

I have no idea what you’re suggesting…

No suggestion. Just some fun with the uk people. Guess it wasn´t, sorry :frowning_face:

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It was humour.

I totally get what you’re suggesting.

Things here are either rushed through, in order to make time for going to the Theatre.


Slowed right down, in order to accommodate everyone, or breaks for tea, or breaks so that everyone can get some tea.

**** Coffee is optional

***** But biscuits aren’t, there must always be biscuits (dunking is optional)

Yes, indeed it is german.
It is always hard to get the correct speed and depth in teaching a topic when your audience can be anybody.

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Thats why I prefere UK “correct” speaking english, or none native UK english. Most people will find that most comfortable I believe :wink:

Crap, I totally forgot about the biscuits, even though I was actually drinking tea and eating biscuits while writing it… Guess I have a very long way to becoming a true english man :rofl:

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For anyone that has got this far, you might be interested to know that the latest version of DietPi (V8.17) now has an installation option in the dietpi-software menu for OpenHAB

With this in mind, I’ll create another video showing the required steps.

Also showing the adjustments that have had to be made to fit in with the DietPi ecosystems

Such as moving the default secure web port to 8444 and adding the logs to the journaling system.

journalctl -u openhab

Please note

Per default, HTTPS is active ( port 8444 ) and HTTP is inactive (DietPi recommendation).
In cases, that HTTP shall be used, it can be activated in the file /etc/default/openhab by setting OPENHAB_HTTP_PORT= to your desired port.


:thinking: Can’t find openHAB listed on their website and the release notes….

Funny you should say that, I updated a standard machine and couldn’t find it either.

I suspect it’s in the Dev branch right now

Maybe I / we should try this branch?

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Just left a note on their github, as they seem to not follow the Java requirements…

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@MDAR Discussion on github ongoing cause of Java version….

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openHAB is now included in the 8.17 release.

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Or this link

Using the above list to identify the software number, we can simply use the following command to install openHAB

dietpi-software install 206

Node-red is 122
ZeroTier is 201
and so on

Or just use dietpi-software to look at all the other options

Please note

Per default, HTTPS is active on port 8444 and HTTP is inactive (DietPi recommendation).
In cases, that HTTP shall be used, it can be activated in the file /etc/default/openhab by setting OPENHAB_HTTP_PORT= to your desired port.

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