That is a complete fabrication and absolutely not true! The following list is not complete, but it clearly illustrates a pattern of how you and the maintainers have ignored and blocked my contributions. Because of this, I have no PRs merged into OH 3.0.0, even though I had planned for many of them. So much for automation being a big part of OH3! I get it… this not openHAB, but kaiHAB… but when dictators are not benevolent and treat contributors in this way, they doom the entire project.
The original issue requesting direction for adding a Jython add-on was created almost 2 years ago. I had asked many questions in hope of getting some feedback and direction on how to implement an add-on like this. This was completely ignored except for a single comment.
The original Jython and helper library combo PR was submitted with ample time to be included in OH 2.5.0, but it was ignored until there was no time left to include it in the release.
My issue to discuss separating automation from OHC was excruciatingly slow and continuously offtrack. Most of the maintainers ignored the discussion completely, even though it went on for seven months. Removing all of the side discussions, the outcome of the issue itself boiled down to me, compromising in order to move things along, agreeing to separate automation from OHC, with the exception of the rule engine. Seven months later, the repository still has not been created for this to progress.
The Jython helper library add-on sat since March 23 without a single review.
An RFC to simply add OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ and rename the jsr223 directory has been ignored since July 15.
The Jython add-on has been held up waiting for a reply from you since July 18. For the last year, I have done everything I could possibly do to get this and the helper libraries included into a 2.5.x release. The only reason that there is not a Jython add-on in 2.5.9 is that you chose to put no effort into helping, but rather prevented it from being merged by not approving a simple naming convention and repeatedly dragging things out until it was too late. I see this as an intentional act to prevent the Jython add-ons from being included in a 2.5.x release.
@wborn submitted a PR for a Groovy add-on just yesterday. Three hours later, it was approved, even without an agreement on what the namespaces should be or the repository that should be used for these types of add-ons. Hmmm… three hours vs one year… would that be ignored or rejected? It is great that someone else is looking into this sort of thing, especially someone like Wouter, but I have communicated several times that I have been waiting for the Jython add-on to be merged before I submitted add-ons for Groovy, jRuby, and Kotlin. Ignored or rejected?
it is unfortunate that you would wait until now to offer your assistance. Why wouldn’t you have helped over the last two years, while I struggled to move this along? Or the last year, to get the PRs into 2.5.x? Something has obviously changed to make you want to help now. After all of this time, I can’t possibly believe that your newfound enthusiasm and willingness to help get the Jython add-ons merged is truly genuine.
My time is currently committed to another project that also has an upcoming release. However, I will continue to do everything I can to advance automation and get add-ons for scripting languages and helper libraries into the hands of the community.