Howto add a device to the zwave database

Thanks @Krish. I’ll take a look, but when I looked last night while you were still adding data, it looked good. I’ll add it to the binding tonight…


Thanks @chris!
Much appreciate the help.

On another note, is there maybe a way to clone parameters when editing a device rather than having to create them from scratch for each one? For example with the Swipe, you’ll see a lot of parameters are basically the same but just for different gestures so being able to copy them after the first one would have saved a lot of time.

No - not at the moment at least (but good idea). I’ve only implemented the ability to copy all the configuration from one device to another - not duplicate a parameter…

I’ll have a look at this and see if it’s something I can fit in to the system as I agree it would be a good addition.

Ah OK, yes if you can add the functionality that would be really helpful I think. Anything that makes it easier should help encourage people to add new devices to the database too.

When you’ve updated the binding, how do I update the version I have installed?

Agreed - it’s just a case of time :wink:.

If you’re using the online version, then just uninstall the binding in PaperUI, and re-install it…

Note that there was a change in ESH recently and you need to update the runtime as well…

Hmm I’m using the offline version… How do I update that? Or if it’s worth doing for the future, is there a way to change to the online version without too much hassle?

Download the whole runtime again…

It should be the same update route I think - the only difference is that the online version is smaller, and it obviously downloads the bindings on demand…

I would recommend the online version though - much easier to manage.

I personally use a modified version of the script from @xsnrg which you’ll find here -:

I’ve got openhab running on Windows not Linux so I can’t use that script unfortunately. I haven’t done much in openhab 2 yet so I guess I could fairly easily just start again if just copying the online version over the top doesn’t work.

I’ll try this tomorrow anyway, thanks.

Later in that thread there are the parts for the Windows equivalent to the script

Thanks @xsnrg, didn’t read down the thread as I just went directly to the link from here.

@chris, when I’ve updated the binding do I need to remove and add back the device now that it’s contained in the db, or will it just update itself with the new information?

Given that for this device it wasn’t previously found, you shouldn’t need to remove and re-add it. This should only be required if the channels have been updated…

It seems to be working, when I move swipe past the device it registers the movement and sends the correct scene number to openhab which gets stored in the item I created in habmin.

Now just need to figure out how to get my rule working to actually use the device but that’s for a different thread I think.

Hi @chris, the device is working ok now with the default parameters but I’d like to change some of them. When I try to do this in Habmin, it says saved to my updated value but doesn’t look like it actually does anything.

If I click on a different thing or section in habmin and then back to this one, the parameter shows the default one still.

Nothing shows in the logs either when I try and set any parameter.

Any ideas why?


Is the log in DEBUG? If so, and there’s no entries at all, then I don’t know. Is that for all parameters, or do some work?

OK after further testing (with the log now in deug), it looks like it does try to set the parameter but only if it’s using the drop down box. If I try and set something that way, I get a message saying pending next to the parameter in habmin. In the logs I get:

2016-05-05 20:53:50.755 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 12: Configuration update received
2016-05-05 20:53:50.765 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 12: Configuration update config_2_1 to 0
2016-05-05 20:53:50.766 [DEBUG] [class.ZWaveConfigurationCommandClass] - NODE 12: Creating new message for application command CONFIGURATIONCMD_SET
2016-05-05 20:53:50.766 [DEBUG] [commandclass.ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass] - NODE 12: Message already on the wake-up queue. Removing original.
2016-05-05 20:53:50.766 [DEBUG] [commandclass.ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass] - NODE 12: Putting message SendData in wakeup queue.
2016-05-05 20:53:50.766 [DEBUG] [class.ZWaveConfigurationCommandClass] - NODE 12: Creating new message for application command CONFIGURATIONCMD_GET
2016-05-05 20:53:50.766 [DEBUG] [commandclass.ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass] - NODE 12: Message already on the wake-up queue. Removing original.
2016-05-05 20:53:50.767 [DEBUG] [commandclass.ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass] - NODE 12: Putting message SendData in wakeup queue.
2016-05-05 20:53:50.869 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ThingUpdatedEvent   ] - Thing 'zwave:device:00d10a4d:node12' has been updated.
2016-05-05 20:53:50.875 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ConfigStatusInfoEvent] -

Which looks correct, however the device doesn’t actually change to reflect this (in this case it should stop making beeps when sensing movement but it still makes them anyway). Also the pending status doesn’t seem to be going away at all, even after refreshing the page.

The other case is where I’m trying to update a parameter using free text and I don’t get anything in the log for that at all. It says saved in habmin, then there’s no actual action taken.

You need to wake the device up - I don’t know how to do this with this device, but it won’t send the data until it wakes up.

Strange - maybe there’s a bug crept in to HABmin - I’ll take a look…

To be more specific, the parameter does have some drop down entries as well as having free text enabled. However using either the drop down for this parameter or entering free text does not work for any value I have tried.

Is the device not awake if it’s sending commands to openhab? I can actually use it to control my lights even while the pending status remains…

No. Take a look in the OH1 wiki - there’s a section about the difference between a WAKEUP notification, and just sending data, but it’s not the same thing.[quote=“Krish, post:38, topic:3602”]
I can actually use it to control my lights even while the pending status remains…

Yep - you need to wake the device up…

Thanks, reading that makes sense of it. I restarted the device and it immediately accepted the new parameters.

Just need to get the free text parameters working now. I’ll try one of the other parameters that accepts free text but doesn’t have any drop down options and report back.