Ok - I’ll take a look at this tomorrow. I’m pretty sure that the ones without dropdown should work so it’s probably an issue with the parameters with the freetext and dropdown…
Right you are - I suspected as much too.
So it works if a parameter has only dropdown options or only freetext input but not if it has both.
Ok - thanks. This widget is reasonably new and presumably not well tested .
I’ll try and sort this tomorrow.
Hi @chris - I have a Aeon Labs Door / Window Sensor 6 (ZW112-B). It seems to be in the database but isn’t recognised by OpenHAB, even though I’m using the nightly binding (updated today). Is it possible the -B is a variant?
The zwave log reports:
No database entry: Aeon Labs [ID:70,Type:202]
Hope you can point me in the right direction.
Which version of OH are you using (OH1 or OH2)? it’s probable that these references aren’t in the database, in which case I can easily add them…
I’ll update the binding tonight.
Awesome thanks. I’ll update the binding and retry once you’re all done.
Hi @chris ,
I have the Vision Shock Sensor ZS5101-5 EU which is shown as Unknown Device in OH2. I couldn’t find it in the database.
The device shows up as: 0109:2003:0306 FW 15.4
I have the generated xml file and the manual. If you like, I can try to add it to the online database. But I don’t have the Add function. My User Name at www.cd-jackson.com/ is “Walther”.
Hi Nico,
I’ve updated your access so you should be able to add this device now…
Any problems, just let me know…
I’ve added the device as ZS5101.
During editing I made a mistake (shame on me): I firstly uploaded the manual to the DSB45 (where I wanted only to check how other configurations loojk like). Then I found out that I can’t withdraw it.
Can you delete the wrongly uploaded manual please? Sorry for that…
The device can now be reviewed. I will test it until it is updated in the binding. But no hurry.
Thanks - I’ve removed the “extra” manual - no problem.
I’ll try and do a review and update the binding tonight - I’ve been busy with work over the past few days (terrible, I know ).
Thanks. I updated the Zwave binding and now it’s perfect:
I need to add a GE z-wave motion sensors: ZW6302
I just don’t feel comfortable creating a device from scratch.
This link has a lot of details about the motion sensor, but the product is not in the current addon. I’m using the 1.9 snapshot. For some reason, I am not getting a node xml created for the device. (I am beginning to think that I am not looking in the correct place… /var/lib/openhab/zwave) Otherwise, I would have provided it for you.
If there’s no XML, then it means the device hasn’t completed initialisation. I guess as this is a motion sensor that it is probably a battery device, and as such will likely need to be woken up a few times to allow this to complete.
It may also be that the initialisation is getting stuck somewhere, but we’d need to get a debug log to confirm that…
That’s correct… battery operated device, but it does have the capability to plug it into a USB charger instead of the batteries.
How would I go about “waking it up”?
I have the trace logs set to see everything… But I don’t know what to look for. Anything that I should find that would clue me in? I can grab the log, but there is a lot of extra stuff… I’m not sure where the point that the log entry would be useful.
I figured out how to wake the device. I now have some information in habmin, but still no node xml.
Oh, and no “green dot”. Still greyed out.
2016-10-31 13:39:39.990 [TRACE] [.z.internal.protocol.ZWaveNode:504 ]- NODE 8: App version requested but version is unknown
2016-10-31 13:39:39.998 [TRACE] [.z.internal.protocol.ZWaveNode:504 ]- NODE 8: App version requested but version is unknown
2016-10-31 13:39:40.001 [DEBUG] [.z.i.config.ZWaveConfiguration:288 ]- NODE 8: No database entry: GE [ID:3133,Type:4953]
2016-10-31 13:39:44.962 [TRACE] [.z.internal.protocol.ZWaveNode:504 ]- NODE 8: App version requested but version is unknown
2016-10-31 13:39:44.971 [TRACE] [.z.internal.protocol.ZWaveNode:504 ]- NODE 8: App version requested but version is unknown
2016-10-31 13:39:44.973 [DEBUG] [.z.i.config.ZWaveConfiguration:288 ]- NODE 8: No database entry: GE [ID:3133,Type:4953]
But you’re not doing that, or are you? You need to be careful here - you can not change the power source once the device is included into the network.
You can use the viewer here. The thing to look for is systematic retries - ie retries of the same message over and over. You should also see messages about initialisation stage advancing. If you don’t see a situation where the same thing is repeating, then I would wake the device up a few more times…
Don’t worry - I use the viewer above myself, and it filters all this out…
I’d recommend to feed the log into the viewer and see what it shows…
I am not using the USB cable. The manual that comes with the device also mentions to NOT switch back and forth. I did try it once, (to see if it would fare any better) but I excluded it and went back to the batteries.
Ok… I imported the log file into the viewer… lots of repeat messages about the stage advancing.
Strange - so the same device is repeating the same stage advancing message?