1. Intro
This is a short tutorial on how to install and configure the GIRA KNX/IP Router to be able to connect your OpenHab deployment to the KNX Bus over Internet Protocol (IP).
2. Basics
A KNX IP Router connects the KNX/EIB lines via data networks using IP. It uses the KNXnet/IP standard so that KNX/EIB telegrams can be forwarded to the IP network and also give KNX Bus access from a PC or other data processing device. The KNX/IP router can also be used as an IP data interface for the ETS (Engineering Tool Software from KNX Association).
The main differences between a KNX IP Router and a KNX IP Interface are:
- Routers can be also used to create an IP Backbone for the KNX System (for area/line coupling)
- Routers support multiple (4) concurrent connections from a PC/device to the KNX/EIB.
Note: Some modern IP Interfaces allow more than 1 concurrent connection.
3. The GIRA KNX/IP Router
Manufacturerâs Product ID: 2167 00
Product Webpages: Features & Downloads
Retail Price: ~350 EUR
4. Initial Setup
a. Mount and connect the Router to the external power supply, the IP Network as well as the KNX Bus
`- You need a power supply connection 24âŠ30V DC ±10% for the Router (this model does not have PoE support). This can be either the non-choked output of a KNX/EIB power supply unit (PSU) or another external PSU
- You need a KNX Bus connection in order to fully configure the Router Apps. Without a KNX Bus connection, you will receive an error message in ETS when you try to download the application to the device (Error Code: âIncompatible BCU version 091A (required: 07B0)â`
b. Upgrade to the latest firmware (version 3.1.3683.0) on the Router
- Use either the
Gira Update Tool (easier & preferred) or the
Gira Project Assistant and the downloadable
firmware file.
c. Open up ETS, import the Product database file (V3.0) and add the Router
- Add both the "KNX/IP Router V3.0.901B30" as well as the "Router Applications V3.0.901A10" products to your project devices.
d. Configure both of the 2 new devices and program (download) their configs via ETS
`- Assign a line address to each of the 2 new devices (their factory defaults are: Router 15.15.0 & Router Apps 15.15.255). These addresses have to be reprogrammed in order to be able to use the Router.
- To program the Router device, shortly press (<4s) the programming button for the LED to light up red.
- To program the Router Apps, press the programming button for a long time (>4s) for the LED to light up yellow.
- (optional) Change the IP Address settings (factory default: DHCP) of the Router and the NTP settings (factory default: UTC+1 TZ and no time function) of the Apps from their Parameter tabs.`
Important Notes:
- Set the line address of the Router to be of the type: âX.Y.0â (example: 1.1.0) in order for it to act as a line coupler.
- Do not enable âReliable Communicationsâ in the settings of the Router Applications
e. (optional) Check the info on the web page of the device by browsing to http://<ipaddress_of_router>
5. OpenHab 2 Setup
Assuming an apt-get installation
a. Using Paper UI, navigate to Extensions -> Bindings and install KNX Binding
b. Edit /etc/openhab2/services/knx.cfg
file and set: âtype=ROUTERâ (no other setting is mandatory)
c. Monitor /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log for KNXnet/IP Routing messages (example: âEstablished connection to KNX bus on in mode ROUTER.â
Good Luck with the next steps (adding things, items, links, etc) and playing with your KNX devices using OH2 !
For further reading on the KNX Binding, see here:
Ps: I will update this small HowTo with more info in the future. Comments are always welcome!
Ps2: Main source of info: Router Manual