Hydrawise Binding - Bridge Error „unauthorized“

Hi all,
since a few days the Hydrawise Bridge (account thing) goes offline „configuration_error unauthorized“ every few hours. Disabling the thing in the UI and enabling it again solves the problem - but as I said it goes offline again after several hours.

Any hints appreciated :slight_smile:

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I don’t use this binding but if there is an error there is almost certainly something printed to the log. If not or if there isn’t enough useful info in the log, change the logging level for the binding to DEBUG or TRACE and see if you can gather useful information.

Yeah, i can see this happening as well, i’ll check it out.

Interestingly enough, Hydrawise has made the GraphQL API that i’m using publicly available for its customers, and provides a way for customers to get an API key for authentication in the App which is really awesome of them (unlike the MyQ guys, uhg) . I will look at using this vs a username/password, this may alleviate the errors we are seeing since using the username and password was probably not how they designed the API to work in our use case ( i had to reverse engineer it at the time)


Thanks so far for checking it!!

Thank you for looking into this and great to hear Hydrawise is doing this. Just wanted to say that I am a happy user of the Hydrawise Binding.

(with the wettest year in history and the winter season the sprinklers are all on idle now anyways…)

@wettest year: yes indeed :joy:
Merry Christmas everybody!

Same here - I can confirm that Bridge (“account thing”) goes offline after certain time:

changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE (CONFIGURATION_ERROR): Unauthorized

Thanks in advance Dan, for checking this.
I am enjoying your binding as well! :slight_smile:

Same behaviour here. :slight_smile:

Here is an updated version, if it gets this unauthorized error, it will wait 60 seconds, then try to refresh the API token. This seems to work nicely, i have had this running for a few days and things look good. The latest jar can be found at:

You can either drop this in your addons folder (remove the old binding first) , or you can upgrade the existing binding in place directly from github with the cli which is what i do:

bundle:update org.openhab.binding.hydrawise https://github.com/digitaldan/openhab-addons/releases/download/hydrawise-auth-fix-tag/org.openhab.binding.hydrawise-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

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thanks for your work, Dan.
I removed binding, installed the new jar-file to addons folder, rebooted many many times (including deletion of cache- and tmp-folders) but I am unable to get the new binding online:

2024-01-05 18:47:58.113 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'hydrawise:account:93b1aa87de' changed from UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_MISSING_ERROR): Handler factory not found to UNINITIALIZED (NOT_YET_READY)
2024-01-05 18:47:58.117 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'hydrawise:controller:ff257852:312233' changed from UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_MISSING_ERROR): Handler factory not found to UNINITIALIZED (NOT_YET_READY)
	at org.openhab.binding.hydrawise.internal.handler.HydrawiseAccountHandler.getServices(HydrawiseAccountHandler.java:129) ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openhab.core.config.discovery.AbstractThingHandlerDiscoveryService cannot be found by org.openhab.binding.hydrawise_4.2.0.202401051647

Any ideas? :slight_smile:

yes, i have the same problem :slightly_smiling_face:

This is probably due to 4.2 changes, let me see if i can back port to 4.0

I‘m on 4.1 - will there be a OH 4.2 release soon?
If so I would wait for this instead of using the snapshot.

No, according to our release cycles, 4.2 is expected for June 2024.

ok, i replaced it with a 4.1 version which should work better

bundle:update org.openhab.binding.hydrawise https://github.com/digitaldan/openhab-addons/releases/download/hydrawise-auth-fix-tag/org.openhab.binding.hydrawise-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


Thanks Dan - it‘s working :+1:

Thanks Dank - this one is working with OH4.1 :slight_smile: :ok_hand:
Thank you again!

Hi Dan,
after clean cache the binding switched back to 4.1.0.
How can I fix this?

Hi Welf,
easy workaround:

  • uninstall the binding,
  • reboot,
  • download the jar-file and copy it to /openhab/addons folder

This will survive future reboots or clean cache tasks.
best, Kai