Ideas and Discussion: What Features Do You Want in openHAB 5.0?

I’d say that documentation is not a “feature”, so I see that discussion to be off-topic and that’s why I moved it. Feel free to continue over there.

How about adding drag and drop to the layout pages etc instead of fixed grids?

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X2 for this!

Best I can do is a gauge like this … I mean it works but shun…. WAF is very low…

What do you mean ? Canvas layout does not have fixed grids…

What is canvas layout?
There is noting called that in the UI?

This is meant with Canvas Layouts:

I meant on the overview page.

I have been using openHab for years and didn’t know about these options.

OK now I see there is a canvas drag and drop page which is good and I didn’t know it even existed. I just did a quick test page but it isn’t responsive.

I will change my suggestion to have a drag and drop and responsive page for all layout pages and the overview?

thanks for all the hard work. I am using OH in commercial projects and it is very appreciated by the customers.

These are my wishes:

  • LDAP (as in 2023: openHAB 4.0 wishlist - #249 by rlkoshak) for user management.

  • A two factor authentication example, e.g. with Authelia ( ).

  • Some nicer approach/widgets for time events / triggers. For example rollershutters up/down on different times and different weekdays is quite a lot of code.

  • Keep a text based configuration (items, rules, things etc). Maybe split also the widget code into separate files. Right now all custom widgets go in this file:


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It might…

My focus is mainly, that whatever options possible, the focus should easyness.

I read alot of of medias (facebook groups etc) about smart home. And one thing goes through over and over again. Everytime someone sees a awesome dashboard, the readers goes “wow, I would love to do that”.
And they most often can, if they´re highly experienced, and used to work with html, css, frames etc. This means aprox 97% of the readers will never even get close to the results they actually would like. So either they end up with a (typical) borring design/dashboard, or they simply give up on smarthome.

Thats why I suggested to focusing on how to archive a good looking (modern) dashboard, made easy for the users, with finished designs/templates, just to copi over and configures widgets.
Those with interest in smart home (like openHAB) has lots of things to figure out already. No need they should deal with dahsboards, if it can be made more easily.


Another idea is to have a “Page Template” in the Add-on Marketplace, much like the existing system for Rule Template, Widgets, etc. This will use MainUI infrastructure and will be a lot more flexible than the Sitemap/BasicUI route. Users don’t even need to create the sitemap (which is not easy for a complete beginner). They just click Add Page → Add from Template → Select Template (From the marketplace).

Then the template will ask for whatever it needs to ask, eg. how many rooms, items that control aircon, lights, etc. The template designer will have complete freedom for the design, and adding new templates would be easy.

So (new and existing) users basically just have to:

  • Install bindings
  • Add Things + Items
  • Add Page → Page Template
  • Link the template to their Items
  • Voila, a ready made page!

I wonder why this is always on the wishlist. It has been said many, many times, that nobody is going to remove this.

You might attract developers on this by placing a bounty for it, as a commercial user money should not be the problem :wink:


Have you seen and tried the timeline picker?
Timeline picker to setup heating, light and so on - Tutorials & Examples - openHAB Community

That sounds exactly what I had in mind… It will bring users to a (decent) result very fast.
From there they can fiddle all along, while they grow in experience.

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Yup, great idea! @florian-h05, is this something you can whip up “quickly”? I know nothing is ever “simple”. I have no experience with the template system / page stuff, and I’d rather someone more experienced to tackle it, but if you’re too busy, I can kick start it, but no doubt I will need a lot of help and pointers!

First of all, who is going to define what a good looking (modern) dashboard should look like ?
There is so many information that could be shown, but does it fit for anybody ? No, it does not.

But as I already wrote a couple of times, if somebody will come up with a draft, we can check what can be done.
Like this weekend. The was a wish to have a dashboard in MainUI like an old HABpanel dashboard.
I created this mostly in aprox. one hour with only one marketplace widget and very little styling tweaks.@ohb1138 is absolutely happy now.

So if somebody stumbles across a nice dashboard in an article, why not ask the community for help to create this?
This will be faster to achieve than the needed core and UI changes to have a template editor, which no doubt would be a nice feature.

Edit: For completeness :




Whish for OH5: That the offical Android Client supports Android Auto.

Then I could shutdown, my a couple of days ago established HA installation on a old RPI3,
which supports my shellys, which are used for gardendoor and garagedoor, open and close.

Thanks in advanced

That’s a good idea, but it doesn’t necessarily belong to openHAB itself. It is more related to openHAB-Android, where there is already a feature request for this topic:

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