I would like to see “compound types” which creates a new type based on several of the types we have today.
Let me give an example: I want to show a card similar to the one homeassistant has for each of my plants.
I can create a plugin for openplantbook which for a given plant (a thing) get an image, a couple of names, min+max temp in air and in soil, humidity, moisture, light. 13 items per type of plant I have.
Then I can write a plugin for my Apollo PLT-1’s, or use the esphome binding. I can read soil and air temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, light, battery - 6 items per plant.
If I want to have a “plant” card, I need 19 item inputs - or I need everybody that uses it to use the same naming convention? If I have 10 plants of 5 different spices, I will have 15 things and 125 items which I have to connect correctly 190 times.
I would instead like to see the “openplantbook binding” provide a “plantinformation” type, and “Apollo binding” provide a “plant” type. Maybe a user editable property on the “plant” could be the “id” of the thing with the plantinformation? I would like to create 10 plant things, 5 plant spices things, maybe connect them together?
Then I would like some “foreach item of type” thing in the page designer. It would let me say “foreach item of type plant: render a plant card”. It would layout as many cards as it was space for and wrap them around.
Maybe there could be a “battery” type, which was made up of “battery type” - again possibly user provided and percentage. Then the same “foreach type” card, maybe with a “sort percentage asc” modifier.
Other compound types could be “song”, “album”, “metered plug”, “time period”