I have a T6 Pro. TH6220WF2006 is the model number.
I usually still ssh in to the machine it’s running on and tail the logs for debugging, but it’s really convenient to be able to modify the logging levels through MainUI. And now (OH 4.3 M4) we have a log viewer in MainUI but I’ll probably still do what I’m doing because I like to have openhab.log and events.log up at the same time but in separate panels so I can correspond between the events.
I just diabled and reenabled the Thing after changing the logging level to TRACE. That seems to be sufficient.
2024-12-12 16:09:45.533 [DEBUG] [ell.internal.HoneywellOauth20Handler] - Starting schedule with refresh of 100 seconds
2024-12-12 16:10:23.114 [WARN ] [ore.internal.thing.ThingTypeResource] - Cannot find channel group type: honeywell:controls
2024-12-12 16:10:28.927 [WARN ] [ore.internal.thing.ThingTypeResource] - Cannot find channel group type: honeywell:controls
2024-12-12 16:11:25.535 [TRACE] [ell.internal.HoneywellOauth20Handler] - Sending to 'https://api.honeywell.com/v2/devices/thermostats/LCC-B82CA07C9CB5?apikey=36ATGA2PG6bUxr6AjWPTLDSQyunbLXED&locationId=2100216': Method = {GET}, Headers = {Accept-Encoding: gzip, User-Agent: Jetty/9.4.54.v20240208, Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, Authorization: Bearer K5KAHEgPGABz3RCXv7wQCZs1OX6A, Accept: application/json}, Content = {null}
2024-12-12 16:11:25.898 [TRACE] [ell.internal.HoneywellOauth20Handler] - Receiving from 'https://api.honeywell.com/v2/devices/thermostats/LCC-B82CA07C9CB5?apikey=36ATGA2PG6bUxr6AjWPTLDSQyunbLXED&locationId=2100216': 'HttpContentResponse[HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 2135 bytes]'
2024-12-12 16:11:25.898 [TRACE] [.internal.data.HoneywellAbstractData] - Raw DeviceData: '{
"displayedOutdoorHumidity": 21,
"vacationHold": {
"enabled": false
"currentSchedulePeriod": {
"day": "Monday",
"period": "Away"
"scheduleCapabilities": {
"availableScheduleTypes": [
"schedulableFan": false
"scheduleType": {
"scheduleType": "Timed",
"scheduleSubType": "NA"
"changeSource": {
"by": "partner",
"name": "Amazon Alexa"
"scheduleStatus": "Resume",
"allowedTimeIncrements": 15,
"settings": {
"hardwareSettings": {
"brightness": 1,
"maxBrightness": 5
"fan": {
"allowedModes": [
"changeableValues": {
"mode": "On"
"temperatureMode": {
"air": true
"specialMode": {
"autoChangeoverActive": false
"devicePairingEnabled": true
"deviceOsVersion": "TH6220WF2006",
"deviceClass": "Thermostat",
"deviceType": "Thermostat",
"deviceID": "LCC-B82CA07C9CB5",
"deviceInternalID": 2350782,
"userDefinedDeviceName": "Thermostat",
"name": "Thermostat",
"isAlive": true,
"isUpgrading": false,
"isProvisioned": true,
"macID": "B82CA07C9CB5",
"deviceSettings": {},
"service": {
"mode": "Up"
"deviceRegistrationDate": "2020-07-31T22:37:43.1066667",
"dataSyncStatus": "Completed",
"deviceSerialNo": "1949LBJ58399",
"units": "Fahrenheit",
"indoorTemperature": 65,
"outdoorTemperature": 46.9,
"allowedModes": [
"deadband": 0,
"hasDualSetpointStatus": false,
"minHeatSetpoint": 50,
"maxHeatSetpoint": 90,
"minCoolSetpoint": 50,
"maxCoolSetpoint": 90,
"changeableValues": {
"mode": "Heat",
"autoChangeoverActive": false,
"heatSetpoint": 65,
"coolSetpoint": 70,
"thermostatSetpointStatus": "NoHold",
"nextPeriodTime": "18:00:00",
"heatCoolMode": "Heat"
"operationStatus": {
"mode": "EquipmentOff",
"fanRequest": false,
"circulationFanRequest": false
"deviceModel": "T5-T6"
2024-12-12 16:11:25.899 [DEBUG] [ywell.internal.data.HoneywellContent] - Content is a JSON Object.
2024-12-12 16:11:25.900 [TRACE] [ell.internal.HoneywellOauth20Handler] - Dynamic scheduler stableTimer, optimized, connected, refresh: (1000, false, true, 100)
2024-12-12 16:11:25.901 [DEBUG] [ell.internal.HoneywellOauth20Handler] - Starting schedule with refresh of 100 seconds