Ideas for new openHAB installation experience

I think its JennyNeural voice from Azure? I am not sure as it just works out of the box and sounds very nice and I have no idea how it works, as it just does without any work needed. This is what impressed me the most about HA, that I have a fully setup chromecast that I can type text into and then magically a voice speaks back at me within 20 seconds of turning the system on.

Yes this was my next experience. Camera picture was working much quicker then openHAB, but 45 minutes later I was screaming why it was firing up FFMPEG to create a snapshot from a rtsp feed when my camera was ONVIF and i set it up with ONVIF integration and I know my cameras all support snapshots out of the box via ONVIF. Then I screamed about how hard it was to move a camera around due to lack of documentation.

The recommended addons at this time are only rrd4j, basicUI and jsscripting. We can easily add to that in the setup wizard code. But I don’t think recommending something that requires extra configuration (like setting up an account) without taking the new user there is an improvement. I am less concerned about it for suggested addons.
Therefore, I think we should be more explicit about recommendations with separate steps for each major recommendation and show options and have config flow for each:

  • persistence
  • rules engine
  • weather service
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What about non-preselected suggested addons, with a link to addons store for more, but still a part of the initiall wizard.

BTW What’s the criteria for showing the initial wizard, so I can wipe out my installation and start over?

It will run on initial setup, but you can always force it with: http://yourOHServer:8080/setup-wizard/. At the end of wizard execution, the main UI overview page is created. Once that exists, automatic starting of the setup wizard will not happen anymore.

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Thanks! I’ve just tried it. So all the setup wizard does is suggest addons and create an empty overview page?

Plus the basic regional settings. So, at the moment, yes, that’s what it is. I see a lot of opportunity for improvement here though, to make that initial setup smoother and leading to something which is closer to actually doing something.
Improvements should probably be done in small steps though, not trying to do everything in one go.


I don’t know if it is possible, because I am currently only using the Smart Meter Bindung with an IR head on my Power Meter, but many people have interest in Power consumption / production.
Maybe we could auto disvover some Solar system Information.
But I agree, that most of the starting with smart home has something to do with controlling lights, smart wall plugs and maybe shutters.

To show the user that he can control his lights with openhab in under 10 minutes after the setup should be the prioritized task.

I also think that the idea to show the server host machine information is great for a first experience. Not really helpful, but look at how many advanced users of selfhosting stuff at home are using ‘homepage’ with the current memory usage etc shown.
This should be some easy Information to gather for a first dashboard.

I don’t know if openhab wants to follow the same strategoy, but I think it is cool that HA is adding more and more cities to there gargabe calendar notification feature. I don’t know exactly where I saw it, and maybe it wasn’t HA official, but it is easy for everyone to select there city and street to get these information in a few minutes. Maybe it was in HACS.

And isn’t there a feature to track the app users if they are at home by default?

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